
Medeana Asperse: Pseudo Athena

Even as the daughter of Athena, she lacks what the goddess possessed. High intellect and outstanding craftsmanship, the things Medeana couldn't experience sent her into seclusion in fear of the judgemental eyes of the world. For years, she tried to escape reality until the point that she must escape the very world she had gotten used to and dwelled in the real world in order to survive the people that were chasing her. **************************************************** Hello, this is Yaj Imagination. This is just one of the written novels I have in webnovel. You can follow me on my twitter and IG account. Twitter: https://twitter.com/YajImagination IG: https://www.instagram.com/yajimagination/

YajImagination · Fantasy
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20 Chs

Farewell I didn't imagined

I ascended from the depths...

Oh, wait! Let me correct that phrase. I got spitted out by the ocean!

Let me tell you. Awakening the blood of Poseidon within doesn't mean the waters gonna start liking you back!

Like a geyser shooting up, the ocean expelled my body in a forceful intent that sent me flying, then Bam! Slammed into the hard raging sea, not even sinking at all. I was basically sitting above the water, with my butt stinging, and the experience was like falling into a pit of sand, but a bit harder and painful.

"You know... I hate you too" I replied to the ocean waters. Yeah, I could understand her angry and pouty thoughts as if I've done something terrible to her!

She even sprayed seawater on me, and the force behind it made it feel like being pelted with hard grains of sand. "What's wrong with you!?"

I was soaked... Or was I? My undershirt and pants were literally wet but the water that doused the hoodie slides off, unable to sipped into the mantle.

"We'll talk later, seawater" I grumbled.

The sun behind me had already risen, creating the shadow that reached Athe and caused him to turn his gaze towards mine. His form was changed, a bulkier and more powerful than his earlier form. By absorbing mom's physical form, he was also changing it.

Both Daryl and Sylvia were barely handling him off for it seemed fatigue had already built within them. Especially Sylvia, a daughter of Artemis who borrows strength and energy from the moon. All the light arrows from her bow started to look like glow sticks that barely show light, and too weak to even wound Athe.

"It's too late, my little niece! No mortal nor a god could stop me now" He laughed. Even his voice changed into a deeper and scary tone. A voice capable of scaring the heck out of you.

From a great distance, he was preparing to throw the spear then I felt a vibrating sensation within my heart.

"Pull me" it whispered with a voice of a young girl, then as Athe threw the spear of Athena in such great force that split the surface water, instinctively triggering my hands to block.

The strength of the throw should be capable of piercing through many layers of stone in that power. Yet before it could reach for my heart, some kind of large transparent shield form, capable of stopping his attack.

As he realised that his attack failed, he pulled the extending chains that were connected to the spear, calling it back to his grasp. While the shield on the other hand became visible as it shrinks in the size of an arm, placing itself within my left hand. A bronze round shield, with the face of a snake-haired girl yet a much younger version of my mom's shield. And less scary if I should say.

"The Gorgoneon shield!?" He gasped. "That's is not a child toy, Dea. Give it back!"

"Yours? Says who? Got your name in it?" I questioned.

Again, he threw the spear with a stronger force that I had no choice but to evade. "I'm in no mood to play your game, my little niece"

"Good. Let's have an adult-to-adult conversation instead" I replied.

Beneath my feet, the water started vibrating, and like a spring that was being compressed, it catapulted me at such speed that sent me flying towards Athe. The rapier I had followed, allowing me to catch it mid-air but as I landed, our weapons clashed, and the rapier broke in half for the spear was no ordinary weapon.

"Ahaha, you dare to try and fight me!? Me, in such a flimsy flesh and weak blade of yours!?" He mocked, then swung his fist.

The shield was indeed durable, but his strength exceeds mine that I was still pushed few meters away. Also, the strain within my arms is no joking matter that it became red from the pain.

"Dea, are you okay!?" Sylvia worried upon her approach, but my instincts didn't welcome her. I instinctively swung what was left within the blade, and leap twice away with the burning sensation starting to engulf my eyes.

It cut her hand deep that made me tremble while I watch her cry, but that scene started vaporizing into thin air, revealing the true world. The sun has passed dawn, and the crowd within the street next to the beach grew, observing the commotion that was happening yet there was still no sight of the army Athe was mentioning. Not even the Olympian midgets.

"Why are you here!? Leave!" I yelled to the crowd, but their curiosity made them stubborn. There was even a reporter that was broadcasting the whole situation.

"Now, my little niece. Don't be too upset about them. They're here because they want to see the show..." Athe spoked, then pointed the spear towards them "... So let's give them some"

A scream, then the whole crowd went into a state of panic as one after another turned into an abomination. Those who were left unmutated run away with frenzy faces as the mutated ones wreaked havoc. It was a sight only Athe were the ones laughing.

I wanted to save those people but to do that, I had to leave the two. Although weakened and fatigued, Sylvia and Daryl simultaneously battle from afar with their range weapons, taking turns to distract Athe. Yet I doubt that they could hold on any further.

All these situations bring pain to my head for I can't decide at all. Because no matter what choice I make, there was always going to be death.

On the verge of confusion, swift whistles sounded, then heavy bodies fell into the ground. A lot of mutated people lie static, and from the left side of the road, a black drifts, forming a barricade that became a shield to people from flying debris.

More cars followed to park, then an irritating yet at the same time, relieving voice called out. "How long are you gonna dawdle there, Dea!? Your teammates getting beaten into a pulp!"

"You know you could have arrived earlier. Malorie!" I replied sarcastically as I turned my gaze upon her. "And what's with the men in black!?"

Probably a couple of hundred, men wearing black suit and tie stands behind her, carrying swords and auto crossbows. Even Malorie herself is wearing a black office uniform, with a hilt sticking out from her back "Excuse me!? Who came with the idea of not harming experimented people!? You know I had to abandon my beauty rest just to gather paralyzing herbs to satisfy that pacifistic idea of yours!"

"They're not dead!?" I asked.

"Of course not! But the effects of the herb only last for an hour so they have to shoot them regularly." She replied as she descends to the beach while tying up her loosened violet-tinted hair. "So, got any ideas on dealing with this guy?"

"... it appears I can stop his illusions but... "

"Good! Because I haven't paid him back for bringing up my trauma" Without hesitation, she rushed towards Athe after pulling a mace from her back.

"Malorie, Stop!" I tried warning her, I was too late. She was already attacking Athe without knowing that mortal weapon could no longer harm him.

Somehow, Malorie was able to parry and avoid all of his attacks, but no matter how I see it, she couldn't land a hit.

"Another fool. Let me show you the might of the destined ruler of Olympus!" He claimed.

"Shut up!" She yelled, then made a spinning back strike that forced him into his knees. Yet it left her an opening where Athe thrust the spear to her side and shove her to the side.

"Malorie!" I screamed, stretching out my hands towards her as if I was trying to reach her but she was too far away. She was about to get pierced by the Athe once more with the intent of killing, with the spear point directly at her.

"Say your goodbyes, my little niece," he said.

The guilt for being too weak to help save everyone, became exploding anger that made the sea feel my rage. As our eyes met, the ground shook in large magnitude, making the trees and buildings dance, and eventually collapsing the nearby infrastructures.

My mind wanted him to be devoured, and the sea had taken it as a command, dragging him helplessly out of the land.

I walked closer, and closer to the water, intending to shove him as far as possible from the land, and towards the domain of my so-called father. Every time he tries to rise, I commanded the sea to eats him until all that was left was my mother's spear, floating above the surface. But all of that took too much of my energy that the water could no longer hold me from sinking.

The calming water envelops me, soothing every part of my body while taking away all the pain I've been feeling yet the exhaustion wasn't lifting away. And the sea began pulling me off to somewhere again, without even giving me time to rest.

Popping out of the water, I crawl within the sandy shore of a familiar beach. The traces of used stones, remaining ashes of burnt wood, that annoyingly familiar log, and that forest path, no matter how I think of it, it's similar to where I had stranded a few days ago. The spear of Athena was resting within my right hand, and suddenly I was wearing a gauntlet place with a round and smaller version of the medallion at my left hand.

It was weird how these things got into my hand but I shoved that thought away and ran towards the direction of the white mansion, thus entering the thick forest with an uneven terrain like what I had expected. The crystal clear lake, and the bountiful forestry, I couldn't be mistaken by this place.

"I'm back..." I exhaled, all worn out that I collapsed within the very spot I was standing. I really wanted to see her again, to talk to my big sister about what had recently happened, and to let her know I missed her. But the scream I heard wasn't really thrilling, and I saw Calypso running out of the mansion. "Calypso!"

"Run! Get away as far as possible!" she screamed, then from inside, a long-haired giant broke through the mansion, and destroying the whole mountain.

"It's all that brat's fault! I have been stripped away from my power!" he roared. His voice was stronger and louder but I knew it was Athe. He was larger than a three-story house, and his eyes increased by one as his forehead opened.

He continued to rampage, wrecking every part Calypso worked hard on decorating for her entire life. The crystal clear pool became muddy, the forest unrooted, and the mountain got crushed.

"Why are you here!? Why did you come back!?" She grunted as we had collided. There was no I miss you nor are you okay! She just grabbed my hand and dragged me towards the coast. "Leave!"

"B-but what about you!? You're not safe if Athe is here." Athe was there and it was my fault. I wasn't him to be devoured by the ocean, and disappeared within Gaiaterra, but ended up sending him into Ogygia. "Let's leave!"

"No! I can't leave. I am trapped in this island and the only thing I can do is send you away." she reasoned that I can't accept. She was the very first friend I had, yet she wanted me to abandon her. And worst of all, she requested something I could never do. "And before you go, take my life."

"What!?!? Do you think I'll even do that to you!? You're my... you're my..." the tears in my eyes overflowed, and my chest tightened. "No! I won't! I'll never do that!"

"You have to! Somehow, Athe had lost his godship and couldn't leave the island. But that won't be for too long." She said. "I am the only way out in this place and once I'm gone, he will be trapped in this place forever."

"THERE YOU ARE, MY LITTLE NIECE!!! I'LL PLAY WITH YOU ONCE MORE!" Athe called out, then ran towards us. Every step he takes creates tremors and leaves large footprints on the ground.

"Hurry, Dea! Do what you have to do!" Calypso ordered, but I ignored her and ran to meet Athe with every bit of my strength. Once more, the bronze shield appeared again from the gauntlet I was wearing and shielded me from a heavy blow of Athe's fist.

I was thrown afar, landing on the surface of the ocean with my left hand once again swollen. "N-no more! I had enough of this!"

The ocean once again threw me off towards Athe, but this time, he was too late to evade that I already injured his third eye. He screamed violently and became more angered. Before I even get splatted like a mosquito by this large hand, I removed the spear and made a freefall with an acrobatic landing.

"Curse you, daughter of Athena!" He yelled, then swing his large arm at me and because it was too sudden, I couldn't react fast. But instead of me, Calypso took the hit as she shoves me off and got herself flying away towards the ocean.

She was lifeless the moment I reached her, and out of anger, I cursed out and made the whole ocean sunk the island along with Athe. Tidal waves after Tidal waves, the never-ending loop of thrashing the whole island started and only ended as what was left in my strength escape.