
Mechanics Of Magic

A compilation of different stories about magic in modern society

ToastyQuail · Fantasy
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55 Chs

Uranium Bender

I remember the year 1945 like it was yesterday.

Once you hit 5th grade, that's when you officially learn what your elemental bending ability is. The teacher is finally able to show you the the tactic that's needed. Everyone finds out at the same time on the same day. We all gather in the gymnasium and show off our skill, and that's when we learn what our ability is.

I remember our fifth grade teacher Mrs. Williams going to each student, showing them how to awaken their power, and all of the kids either bending helium or hydrogen. There were a couple of others, most notably oxygen bending and neon bending, but when Mrs. Williams looked at me, and showed me what to do, I conjured out of midair something that no other student had done. Something I had never seen an experienced adult do.

In front of the circle formed by the palms of my hands, a glowing light that seared your eyes like the sun floated at the center.

I remember Mrs. Williams' jaw dropping as her eyes widened and she stumbled backwards.

Part of me regrets that moment from ever happening. Later that day I went back home after Mrs. Williams told me I had to stay after school and have my parents pick me up. Even as I'm writing this at 53 years old I can still remember the conversation my dad and her had when he picked me up.

"I'm sorry Mr. Moore, I'm really sorry but I had to tell the authorities. It's my job. I didn't want to do it, but it's my obligation as a teacher."

"Are you sure he did what you saw? That sounds impossible," my dad said.

"Bradley. Show your father what you did earlier today."

I remember trembling, shaking, and sweating, but I conjured 'the light' just as I had before.

Two suits came to my house. My mom was screaming as she had her arms wrapped around me. Both my father and the two men yanked me away.

"I'm sorry, Margaret, but Bradley can't live with us," my father turned to me and said. "Bradley, you may hate me for a long time, but I'm sure one day you'll understand," he muttered through a swarm of tears. "I'm sorry. This wasn't supposed to happen."

Ray and Saul. FBI agents. They were the two men that were my new parents, and even though I hated the situation, they did a pretty good job raising me looking back on things. They understood my turmoil and frustration. It was my requirement that every meeting with every scientist and government official, I had to have Ray and Saul by my side, because they treated me like an adult. They gave me a respect.

I was just a kid. 10 years old. The government asked me to develop the most heinous and destructive weapon that had ever existed. They tried to disguise the conversation, but I understood what was being asked of me. Kids aren't dumb. They may lack a certain awareness, but I knew what they wanted from me and I knew the damages it would cause.

All I had to do was show off my elemental bending skill, and I would be set for life, I would have so much money that my generations to come would be well to do. At 10 years old I had to make a decision. Become a puppet in a nuclear warfare show? Or try an escape backstage?

I'm not a killer. I can't kill. Time to escape with the plan devised by Ray and Saul.