
Mechanics Of Magic

A compilation of different stories about magic in modern society

ToastyQuail · Fantasy
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55 Chs

An American Hogwarts V

"Rollie, that's not the way to Hogwarts. Join up with Hagrid. He'll take you there," a young woman said with a cloth over her face but dressed in a tight suit, perfect for spying and making the most of one's agility. She emerged from the shadows, pointing to the opposite direction of where I was heading.

"Okay," I spun around with my jaw dropped while scratching my head, quickening my pace to a jog. Then when I realized I didn't say thank you, I whirled back around and said, "Thank—" but she was gone. There was no one there. I felt the color drain from my face and a shiver punch up my back. What happened to me back there? I started losing control of my body and my mind, thank goodness for that woman, but where did she go?

Jogging back to the other end of the platform, there were still a handful of students making their way. I heard Bran, Edna, and Daphne calling out my name still as the three of them were spread out among the platform .

"Hey! I'm right here, sorry about that," I said as the three of them circled me.

"Hey, what happened? Where did you go?" Daphne asked.

"I'm not really sure, I guess I got lost there for minute."

"We were looking all over for you, and we talked to Hagrid, he said that you were supposed to come with him and the other first years. They already started walking but I can show you where they went," Daphne said, leading me down a path that was steep, narrow, and dark. "Just run up ahead, I see the end of the line. Hagrid said he'd wait for you. He's a really great guy."

"Okay," I nodded.

"Oh, and a quick suggestion. I recommend taking off the jacket and wearing your robes over it. It will help you fit in much better, not that I dislike your band jacket, it's so cool, but, it's not really part of the dress code and I'd hate to see you in trouble," Daphne smiled and my heart skipped a beat.

I did as she said, much to my chagrin, but I didn't want to look even more out of place on my first day. The green mohawk was enough.

I followed the trail until I came across a few tinier students in robes, and then I lost my breath when the path opened up. In front of me was a great black lake but on the other side nested a vast castle on top of a mountain. The windows glowed amber and looked as beautiful as the stars in the sky. There was a line of students getting in the boats with the help of an enormous fellow with long hair and a scraggly beard.

"I believe tha's all o' the firs' years, are we missing anyone? I was told ter wait fer a much taller older fellow but I don' reckon I see 'im anywhere," the giant said, standing at the end of a boat.

I waved my hands in the air as if I was trying to be seen by a helicopter on a stranded island. "I'm right here! I am the older student who's a first year here! That would be me, Rollie Magpie!"

"Oh very good, come righ' this way then, yeh'll have a boat all ter yourself. 's a little smaller, but 's righ' there at the end. Hop aboard an' we'll be on our way."

I scrambled into the tiny boat. Sitting down with my legs crossed, my knees touched the 2 foot walls that kept me contained. The fleet of small boats took off together, gliding along the smooth waters of the lake. Everyone was silent, but I got a couple of side stares from the younger students in front of me. I thought about waving, but I worried that with the darkness if I waved, they might mistake it for an obscene gesture. I was glad I didn't since they snickered at me, surely it was my green hair and being closer to Hagrid's height than theirs.

We made our way to a cliff, through a wall of ivy, and then through a dark tunnel which appeared to be underneath the castle until we stopped at an underground harbor.

Hagrid made sure that we were all still together and then he shepherded us to an oak door where he knocked with his gigantic fist and the door flew open. A tall, older witch in emerald green robes appeared with an intimidating face and black hair.

"The firs' years, Professor McGonagall," Hagrid said.

"Thank you, come with me, everyone."

We walked through a massive entrance hall. The stone walls had torches breathing light into the castle, and a marble staircase faced us as we stepped forward, following Professor McGonagall.

I heard hundreds of people talking from a doorway on the right side but Professor McGonagall led us to an empty chamber in the opposite direction. Again a few students stole glances just to sneak a few laughs at me. I lowered my head and gazed at the ground as we walked. All of us crowded in the chamber, but I stood in the back where I towered over the rest of the students.

The professor started going over the rules at Hogwarts which my grandpa had already told me all about. It was like hearing the speech for the second time. She paused after her spiel and held her hand out in front of everyone.

"Are you Rollie Magpie?" she asked, staring directly in my eye.

"Uh, yes, that's me," I said.

The faintest grin appeared. "Yes, judging by your accent, you are indeed. I was given special instruction to let you go in last. Please, wait right here while the rest of the first years go in. You'll be the last one to join the Sorting Ceremony."

All of the students turned around and observed me for a moment as if I was a piece in a museum. After a few minutes went by, Professor McGonagall took all of the students and had me wait. Time felt like it was moving at a snail's pace. I twiddled with my thumbs as muffled cheering, yells, and the sound of celebration came from the wall. My heart rate was rising as time dragged on and I started tapping at my thigh. I took a few deep breaths, but it didn't help me calm down much.

The door flew open and Professor McGonagall said, "It's your turn," she pivoted to reveal the Great Hall and pointed towards the stool with the an old beat up hat sitting on top of it, she whispered, "you will sit on that stool, and place the hat on your head. Any questions?"

I shook my head.

"Very good, go ahead and take a seat," Professor McGonagall walked away and joined the much larger table sitting behind the stool where all of the other professors were sitting.

I crept in and received wide eyed stairs from nearly every student in the Great Hall. Whispering broke out among them but then an old frail woman in violet robes stood up at the center of the professor's table and cleared her throat.

"Please, let's welcome our special guest. This is a rare moment in Hogwarts history where a wizard from the United States transfers to our school. Everyone, please give a warm Hogwarts welcome to Rollie Magpie," Zita announced with an impressively booming voice for such a wiry and slender person.

The crowd of students clapped, cheered, and even whistled. My lips curved into a smile as I sat on the stool and shoved the cap on my head, squishing my mohawk down. A small voice spoke in my ear.

"Impressive… The most challenging student I've received today. Perhaps most challenging in a great while. My goodness yes you're talented, yes, and a special breed of talent at that. Hmm, you exhibit traits of all the houses, though you behave defiant and tough on the outside with thick calloused skin, (rightfully so with a painful past such as yours) something exists that's a little more prominent. Yes, deep down, through the mental walls, down to your core, I see a heart of pure gold with a fierce dedication to loyalty. Something you haven't had much luck with from others. You deserve some friends who will return the same to you… Well, I think you'll make Helga very proud. Your devoted home will be HUFFLEPUFF!"