
Mechanical Nightmares

[Mature Themes Will Appear Throughout] Sage was a college student that was an aspiring singer, she got the love from it from her mother who would take a part time out of her full time job to sing at resturaunts and diners for extra cash due to being a single mother. But due to an unsolved murder case, nightmares about an unfamiliar being of metal and demonic origins, and a dark history that traces back to her father. She can't get a break from her life, at least she has her online friend to help her through this.....she hopes.

SalemWritings · Sci-fi
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2 Chs

Chapter 1: Re-Run Nightmares, I Didn’t Ask for a Stalker

The nightmare always started the same, Sage in an open area of the city with the sky forever a bluish grey coloring. Clouded to shroud the area in a mistified darkness and the way the winds would always pick up after a certain hour, causing chills to run along her arms, legs, any portion of her skin the wind could kiss. Her eyes scanning her surroundings wondering why she was always brought here, this spot, this...area. None of it made sense the more she tried to figure it out, the more it felt like something was blocking her from seeing the truth of it all.

The sounds of growls behind a group of trees from behind signalled that she was about to be attacked and ambushed, and so she immediately booked it from her spot. The sounds of hounds barking and snarling at her, as if starved for months for this exact moment. Always running, always scared for her life, nothing ever felt different from the last nightmare prior but why?! Why was it always like a re-shoot of the same scene?!

And yet her body suddenly collided into a tall figure, as her body jerked backwards from the harsh impact bracing for the ground but it never came. Which brought her purple eyes to flicker up in a surprised yet nervous energy wondering who or what had caught her, her lips pursing a bit at the sight before her.

It was a nine foot, three inches humanoid of metal, that watched her with a blank sheen silver plating, dressed in a ragged red cloak with a hood over it's helm. Neither moved except the acutely aware feeling of it's fingers slightly digging into her waistline, before she was thrusted up against it's body to hide her view. Before she could ask what was happening however, the growling and barking got ever so closer causing her whole body to become rigid with fear. 

"Cover your ears little flower."

Despite the surprise that froze her in place, she does so, hindering the sounds of death or the yelps of the creatures that were previously trying to kill her. A silence was the only thing left, before a soft nudge to her hands caused her to shakily move her hands away. Looking up at the figure, who was watching her back. As much as she tried to speak however, her voice couldn't come out causing the mysterious figure to seem amused as it leans down. Something felt wrong though about this figure...as it traced its metallic fingers across her cheek down to her neck, causing a shiver to run down her body. 

Sage however suddenly found herself being pinned up against a tree, struggling to breathe from the inhuman strength as it's hands wrapped around her neck squeezing tightly. Chokes and gasps left her lips as she tried to wiggle and force it to let go, but as her vision blurs, the sight of black feathered wings started to spread out from it's back. 

Thankfully however she woke up with a start due to her alarm clock, sweat running down her face as her body shook. Her body moved on it's own as it ran off to the bathroom, as if she didn't realize the camera on her laptop turned off once she left her bed. So as her hand forced the light switch to turn the light on and she checked her neck, two noticeable hand prints were along her neck like a sadistic choker necklace. The imprints causing purplish black bruising, no doubt from how hard the figure grabbed her neck while her mind reeled with so many thoughts and emotions of what could it be or how it could have happened. 

Nothing made sense, and yet the proof was staring right in front of her! Tears running down her fair skin while she gripped onto the sink choking back a sob while her body slowly lowered down, her body viciously shaking at the fear surrounding her whole being. It took a while for her to calm down enough to realize she forgot she had her laptop on, and so she went back with a bit of a stumble considering she felt very light headed. Her body and blood felt ice cold seeing the posted note on her desktop, her notepad app open. 

Sage knew she didn't type this out, she was asleep when it was opened.....who the actual fu-

"Hey Sage, you okay in there? Noticed the bathroom light was on, but the door opened and figured it was you-"

One of her roomate's voice rang through the door causing her to snap back into the reality of things, as she tried to compose herself enough to sound decently sane, 

"Yeah...yeah I'm fine sorry....just a bad dream is all..." 

There was silence before the person spoke out, 

"Alright well, school should be starting up soon so....just...nevermind, as long as your good-" 

And so they left without another moment, causing Sage to watch the door still tensed up due to the situation but calmer knowing the fact that one of her roomates decided to check up on her. She decided to close down her laptop for now and go ready for her firs period class, which was english, something she knew she could just...try to relax in. Maybe it was all some nightmare like usual, but nothing could explain the marks on her neck...and if anyone saw? A student or staff could think she was some delirium suicidal or something....not that she was. 

Sage figured a scarf could do the trick, it was cold due to it being the autumn season anyways which felt...oddly fitting for how many scary nightmares she has been getting. But it was also getting closer to the anniversary of her mother's demise.....another year of not having the answers she so desperately needs. A hand came up to touch her on the shoulder as she was heading to first period, it was one of her classmates, he was slightly taller than her and a bit lean for his age. She had to admit, she did have a bit of a crush on him since the start of the new year as she smiles at the guy, 

"Hey Lucien what's up?"

Lucien watches her with a worried expression etched into his face before asking, 

"I know we don't talk a lot but I noticed while heading to first period you looked spaced out....is everything okay?"

A blush crept on her cheeks as she listens to him before nodding softly, 

"I am fine I promise....thanks for checking up on me...it...actually means a lot." 

The two classmates chuckled together as they walked side by side, they were making small talk heading to their first period together finding some common peace between each other. Until as she went to grab her phone to silence it, it caused a shocking sensation against her hand, accidentally burning the palm slightly. Sage winces quickly moving her hand away and looks at him, 

"Hey could you tell the teacher I will be running a bit late? I need to see if my hand is fine-" 

Lucien nods giving her a smile as he went inside the classroom and she started to walk back, but the next time she grabbed her phone and checked it to see if anything was wrong. Nothing happened which....kinda freaked her out a bit, why did it happen when Lucien was around her? And that was not the only weird thing, anytime she was around a guy even if she wasn't talking to them, caused a shock to her hand. 

Sage having enough and glad it was second lunch period went to a secluded spot, to look at her phone, feeling a bit idiotic for trying this, but needing answers as to why it kept happening, 

"Do you not want me around any men is that it? You know that's kinda hard considering it is a public college, so your gonna have to just deal with it." Though as if some sick fate was toying with her, nothing happened which made her feel even more annoyed and confused. 

"Fine...can you pretty please stop shocking me everytime I talk to a fellow college student that is a male then?"

She didn't know why she thought that would work considering nothing was happening, before a message appeared across her screen, 


She totally didn't just panic and nearly screamed before slapping her mouth shut with a hand, what was she, an idiot?....Okay maybe she did, while staring at her phone thinking it was some sentient life force which honestly is far from the case but hey that's her adrenaline talking.