
Mech Designing Alchemist

A wish fulfilment fanfiction so don't expect anything by the way the MC looks like the cover

WhiteRoseAngel · Sci-fi
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3 Chs

Chapter 2:My Path

My new appearance is completely different from my previous life because it was different from what I expected but at least I am not naked wearing a cheongsam dress

It was a dark-skinned half-Chinese girl with blue twintails

She is most beautiful girl I could ever see she is totally my type but thinking about it the pros outweigh the cons plus at least I have cheats

I have graduated from the Rittersberg University of Technology, an average institution from the Bright Republic thanks to the advantages provided by my request but I didn't neglect learning and collecting knowledge

Well despite being backwards I have fulfilled my objective of getting my license and get a real identity Mingyu Chao as a promising mech designer

Knowledge wasn't free. Knowledge didn't come from nowhere. Knowledge needed to be valued. But for someone like me it's something natural to have some sort of advantage considering the synergy between my request

 Choosing and developing a specialization or design philosophy will help me maximize my advantages but I must not neglect other aspects of mech design to create a solid foundation using the class card I gain knowledge of the weapons throughout human history and mythology inside unlimited blade works sorting knowledge about their creation discarding the dross combining the advantages 

Manadynamics and class card is my best bet for creating a foundation of the formation of my design seed if I want to become successful honestly I'm just a baseline human if I want to be first rater in the future using manadynamics and the concept of Magecraft and Science from fate through my class card

Magecraft is that "which governs the skills of past humans that Science cannot explain" and Science is that "which gathers the technology of future humanity that Magecraft cannot reach." The two disciplines are absolutely incompatible with each other, but they are similar in a single respect. The pursuers of each practice seek continued prosperity, protecting the future of Humanity

In this world using those two concepts is my best bet for creating the theoretical framework and basis of my design philosophy although my domain revolves around Fundamental Natural Law <Manadynamics >

If somebody asked me about how to use ability or any kind of power, I would instantly answer in two words which I had always adored and respected: Total Mastery.

Speaking from a logical point of view, living beings would always be affected by their environment, causing them to improve or adopt far from that of their own original skills or abilities.

If you want to be skilled then you need to learn how to do it; your life is your own, you can't rely on others to improve it for you and be there with you all the way.

In a sense I already have all that I need but I still haven't completely make the knowledge and skills truly mine sublimating them to form my design seed breaking through Journeyman while may seem impressive it isn't that big of a deal what is a big deal is that I did so while I'm young plus my design philosophy isn't something they would expect from a third-rater as it involves unique concepts 

Nevertheless I will work to create my own path not because I am reincarnated here but because I want to create my own future 

I am officially a mech designer but what exactly is a mech. Mechs when you here about it it would probably something along the lines of Mechquest, BattleTech, Gundam, Zoids or something like that if I want to be a first rater joining the MTA is a good choice and tempting if I'm being honest but something tells me it would be bad if I do so in my own initiative as it would paint a huge target behind my back as opposed if they did after all this is a real world and its civilization progressed far enough from my previous life honestly the gap between knowledge is a bit overwhelming which is further magnified by the gap between classes

(first, second and third rater) 

Joining Living Mech Corporation is actually my safest bet and option if I want to maximize my advantages plus there is also the fact I'm in Bright Republic and later join the Larkinson Clan to be in touch with the protagonist Ves Larkinson while stealing the Mech Designer System sounds a good idea and tempting but personally It isn't in my cup of tea plus there's also the fact it's stealing while I won't call myself a good person with strong morals and principles I have my pride Alchemy is something I will need in the Red Ocean especially in the age of dawn now is the age of mechs

She already narrowed her goals. If she couldn't pilot a mech, then she'd be the one to make them.

In the Age of Mechs, a mech designer led the development of mechs. Just as crucial as mech pilots, they came up with innovative designs of mechs and shaped them into reality. Some of these designers were just as famous as the aces who achieved incredible feats with their mechs

The act of designing mechs was an intricate discipline that required years of study in the fields of mechanics, physics, material science and more. Even after graduating from college, you merely got your foot through the door.

It took more than experience and brilliance for a mech designer to achieve true success. Just the thought of this actually further highlights how advance this world is compared to my previous life sure I have a head start to forming a design philosophy and becoming a Journeyman mech designer but designing mechs is not something easy especially considering it did not exist in my previous life having something related to that makes my life easier GUND technology combining it with this world's technology is a bit of a pain considering it come from a different world it's actually part of the reason I become a mech designer sure my request form synergy but they just cover the specialization having GUND actually cover my bases as a mech designer

Mobile suits that incorporated the GUND FORMAT and gained cross-disciplinary fighting abilities were collectively called GUND-ARMs, and people across the world soon came to call them GUNDAMs 

For one the it gives me access to tech and license to work with for mech designs using something straight out an anime is actually a dream come true designing Mechs or in my case Gundam while it may questions on how I get this knowledge/ technology it is also the only way for me to stand out as a mech designer besides my specialization

I already made my choice their is no turning back

Nevertheless I will work to create my own path not because I am reincarnated here but because I want to create my own future as a member of this world