
Saw a tail

Lu Thassakpu reached the surface a little weak, he almost drowned, he forgot about his own life and was trying to find the mysterious woman. Hah! what a fool he was.

His friends looked worried when they saw him wet and cold," Thassakpu, are you out of your senses? how could you stay down there for that long?" Lao Lie scolded him

Yuan Ta brought over a blanket and handed it over to Lu Thassakpu.

Wang Peng swam to the surface and watched them, she was very excited, after five years her childhood sweetheart had finally returned.

"Wang Peng",she heard a familiar voice behind, she turned and saw Wang Xinyi, Yuan Ta shifted his eyed from his friends and looked at the sea, he suddenly saw two huge tails floating, he shook his friends and pointed at the tail.

Yuan Ta who seemed strong was actually scared today.

"Could that be a mermaid?",asked Lao Lie who didn't see anything

Lu Thassakpu was a person who didn't believe in such stuff, hearing was Lao Lie said he chuckled," Do you actually believe that?" he asked his friend in disbelief.

When they checked again, the pair of tails had disappeared and some fishes showed their heads.

"Maybe you were hallucinating " Lu Thassakpu assured Lao Lie.

Seeing that it was just fishes he assumed he was exaggerating.

Lu Thassakpu and his friends packed up their stuff and left there immediately. They were already hungry and couldn't wait any longer.

A few minutes after they left, two mermaids emerged from underneath the water and stared in their direction.

"Are you happy now?" Wang Xinyi looked at her cousin whose face was full of smiles.

"Hmm", Wang Peng hadn't taken her eyes off the direction from which he disappeared.

She had never been this excited, seeing him here brought back old memories of how she saved hum, she would never forget that day.

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