
Meant to be forever

How would you feel after seeing your childhood crush after he disappeared for a long time? Wang Peng looked at the boy who was in her arms, she had saved him while swimming at the surface. This wasn't the first time she had seen him, she was already in love with him, she left him at the shore and slipped back into the ocean. Lu Thassakpa remembered that weird creature whom he saw save him, had he hallucinated? Having been not allowed to step out of the palace, Wang Peng grew curious about what was in the outside world for which she wasn't allowed to go. At the age of five, she went against her father and sneaked out of the palace, for which she encountered the handsome guy. She always went there in the hope to meet him but never saw him, her father had found out about her sneaking and kept a strict eye on her. She gazed at him lovingly and he had tears in his eyes, this was the first time she saw him cry, holding onto his face, she murmured in a low voice" Thassakpu, live forr me, continue our love, I want..you to..continue on withoutme.." her voice started to fade. "Shhh..I can't..." he tried to assure her "Promise me" she interrupted him "I...I promise" he said unwillingly He stared at her lifeless body. Volume two. Having lived for more than a thousand years, he was reborn again but as the same person with his memories, Lu Thassakpu had tried to end his life for years but never succeeded. ... He stared at the young girl before him, she looked somewhat familiar although he couldn't remember where.

Dessy_Success · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Dagger eyes

Lao Lie immediately sat between Lu Thassakpu and Li Sheng. He was doing all this to see who would actually react first.

Li Sheng stared at him with dagger eyes as if, if she could, she would chew him at any moment. Lao Lie immediately looked away, was this girl a devil or a human?

Lu Thassakpu looked at Lao Lie as well" Pal did you really have to sit between us?"

"I just love sitting in the middle, anything wrong with that?"

"No", Lu Thassakpu replied

Li Sheng didn't feel like answering such a question, what kind of friends did Thassakpu have? trying to get between them.

She looked at the boy beside her, she was just a 14-year-old girl, it was normal to have a crush on a guy but she wasn't sure if hers was crush or love? She felt like she loved him too much, it's just that she managed to control herself when she was with him.

"Li Sheng, what are you thinking about?"

Li Sheng snapped out of her thoughts when she heard a voice call her name, it was Yuan Ta.

"What did you say?", she didn't hear what he said, just heard her name.

"I asked what you were thinking about, you weren't paying attention to anything I said"

"Nothing just some personal matter"

"Personal matter? I see"

"Guys, have you realised we have been sitting here for some time without ordering anything yet?", Lao Lie who seemed to be hungry asked as his stomach grumbled.

"What would you like to eat?" Lu Thassakpu asked facing Li Sheng.

"I want dumplings", Lao Lie answered immediately without noticing the question wasn't directed at him.

"I wasn't talking to you", Lu Thassakpu stared at him with his eyes glowing red.

"Oh", Lao Lie exclaimed disappointedly.

"I want dumplings" Li Sheng replied in a shy voice.

"Oh Li Sheng is so kind" Lao Lie exclaimed excitedly.

Lu Thassakpu rolled his eyes and ordered the meal.

Li Sheng ate slowly like a lady, looking at her eating in such a way Lao Lie and Yuan Ta felt disgusted. They just didn't like this girl. She seemed to be way too ladylike, her vibe didn't match with Lu Thassakpu's. A phone started ringing, it was Lu Thassakpu's phone, excusing himself he went to answer the phone call.

Thank you all for still supporting me, sorry for such a short chapter though.

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