
Meant To Be - The Vigilante Series

Kara_Sullivan · Fantasy
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She's Back and She's Bold

"Have a wonderful first day, Sweetheart!" Johnson Foster, Juniper's dad, yells as he rushes out the door. Today is his first day at his old work, Harrison Law Firm, and he's already running late. As always. 

Two years ago, Johnson got an offer to work in China. With much consideration and a lot of convincing his family, he moved everyone to Beijing, China. He took the job to learn and help any way he could. That is why he is the best lawyer in the world. 

Juniper's mom, Kinana, was all for moving. She loves traveling and she knew they would move back home to Weaverville, North Carolina. 

Juniper, on the other hand, was not thrilled at all. She didn't feel like uprooting her life, all of her hard work, everything. She was just starting to fit in. The rumors and whispers had stopped, the looks and stares had died down, the mean girls around every corner found a jock to fawn over. It was getting better. But then she had to go to a new school where everyone hated her for being American. 

But it was nowhere as bad as her old school. 

Now, two years later, she is going back to her old school where the rumors will start again, the looks will intensify, and the pain will hit her ten times harder. 

But she can't stay away forever. She has no say in this. Besides, it's only one more year until she graduates. Then she'll be off to college where she'll be expanding her expertise in her most favorite thing in the world. Art. 

So, with her goal in mind, she quickly finishes her breakfast. Once finished with her Fruity Pebble cereal, she puts her bowl in the sink then she grabs her bag, phone, and keys. Juniper walks out the door then she locks it. Turning away from her home, she heads to her car and gets in. 

They just got back two weeks ago. Her parents knew how her time in China was and they felt terrible for making her go through it. So, they got her a car. A 2021 Hyundai Elantra Hybrid. 

While she appreciated the expensive gift, money can't buy forgiveness. 

She would have declined it had it not been very rude to do so. If it were clothes or shoes, she would have told them to get their money back. But a car? That would be too challenging and they probably wouldn't be able to get all of their money back. And they were so happy when they gave it to her. She can't be so heartless. 

So, she starts her fifteen minute drive to Jupiter High School.

Please don't suck. Please don't suck!

As Juniper pulls up to the school, her nerves hit her harder than ever. But she's changed since she left. She lost the bulky glasses, the pigtails, the braces. Now, her dark brown eyes shine, her long blonde natural curls bouncy freely, her skin glows, her confidence is spiked.

Juniper Foster is back and she is bold.

With a few more encouraging thoughts to herself, Juniper sighs and turns off the car before gathering her things. She gets out of the car and she looks around. Many students are hanging out in the parking lot with their friends. They always do this, not yet wanting to go into the building. But Juniper was never one to stand outside. She was always the first in her seat. It's not like she had anyone to talk to anyway.

The sound of her closing her car door gathers the attention of mostly all the students in the parking lot. Gasps travel through the crowds and the whispers start up. Juniper tries to ignore them, but she can't help but listen to a few of them.

"Who is she?"

"New hot chick alert."

"She's so pretty."

"Where did she come from?"

Juniper has never gotten this kind of attention before. She doesn't hate it. But she doesn't like it either.

Not when these were the same people who bullied her whenever they felt like it.