
Meant for me

Mia Edwin's life was planned all through her years of existence. Everything she did was according to how her parents wanted it or planned it. she was the perfect daughter in the face of all who cared to look. Everything seem to be in order when it comes to her. She never experienced what life really was all about and she was turning 19. Lorenzo Mendez, one of the richest man in the city, if not the richest. He gets what he wants no matter what it takes. They call him "Lord Of the underworld". He was like the daredevil, the devil himself. What he wants, he takes. what will happen when Lorenzo Mendez's eye fall on a certain red hair girl that screams of perfection? What he wants, he always gets. but what will happen to this red girl he wants but can't seem to get? Will the daredevil for the first time in history, break his deal just so he can have her? What was it about this girl that drive him insane? ********************************************** "Boss....." one of his loyal men called out to him, drawing him away from his day dream about a certain red hair girl. "what?" he snapped with his firm cold voice sending shivers to the body of the man that dared disturb his day dream about his soon to be Queen. "Sir, we've got info about her" the man said while lowering his gaze as a sign of submission and respect. "so....? why isn't she here!?" he asked impatiently. he could not take it anymore. He has not been able to get her off his mind. He needs her and he needs her now!!. "Sir, she's...... She's Edwin's Daughter.........' Every other thing his men were saying no longer made sense to him. His mind focused on who's daughter his Queen is. Is this some kind of joke or something? His anger rose to a very dangerous level as he looked at his loyal men in their eye and said "I need her and I need her now!" with that said he stood up and left his office to an unknown destination no one knew about. WARNING: MATURED CONTENT.

Queen_Nessa · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 2 - commotion

Mia and Leo got to the shopping mall in about 30 minutes. Everything felt and seemed okay. Everyone went about their normal business of the day not Caring what the opposite person did or wanted. Mia looked around and to her dismay, Ava was not yet there.

"Let's go to the cafe store across the streets, Ava should be here soon." She said walking across the street without waiting for Leo's reply. However, he was already used to this attitude of hers so, he just went with her making a mental note to teach her how to behave once they were married.

Just before they could make it to the coffee shop, an unexpected figure hovered over Mia ad she stared back at the figure not showing any atom of fear what so ever.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't the perfect Mia Edwin". The unexpected figure spoke staring the lean lady right in front of her with her eyes.

" Move Natasha! " Mia replied her impatiently. She didn't want to run into any one most especially this daughter of the devil.

" is that any way to talk to an old friend? " Natasha replied her giving her a fake sad smile. Natasha and mia go way back. They were first classmates, play mate and now enemies. Mia didn't like Natasha one bit and the feeling was mutual. No one did know what happened between the two friends; no one apart form Ava of course. Mean while Leo on the other hand stared at the two ladies in front of him with lost of words. He had nothing to say, he didn't know what to say. Everyone knows how much this two hated each other but no one knew why. The tension in the air could not go unnoticed even from a mile away so, Leo did the only reasonable thing one can do when he saw two lions fighting. He stayed away from the matter and gave them their space.

"Get lose Natasha" she replied her trying her best to keep her anger under control since there were in the open. She took a step but Natasha tall figure stopped her from moving further. "What do you want" her angry voice snapped. She was reaching her limit and it was becoming hard for her to keep her anger under lock and key.

" Did I happen to tell you that I'm one of Emily corporations choice?" Natasha replied her while smiling like the devil.

" what?" Her angry voice asked impatiently.

"You heard me right, Mia. You're going down" Natasha replied her, smirking like the devil who's plan was about to be faithful.

Mia let out a heavy laughter like Natasha just said something funny. She laughed and Natasha was left staring at her like she has lost her mind. Her laughter irritated Natasha so much that she really did want to give her a hard blow so she could stop laughing. When she was done laughing, her face automatic changed to that of the daredevil when trying to play games with his favorite prey.

"God wanted to spice the earth with joke, and he made you. What a pity" she said giving her one of her fake smiles as Natasha's face turned red with anger as she noticed the people around her burst out laughing at Mia's comment.

"Oh you wait and see Mia. I'll put you in your place". She said as she crunched her hands together in pure anger and hate for Mia.

" It is better to shut your mouth and let people think you're stupid than open them and clear all doubt". She replied her smiling like the devil herself.

"You Bitch....." She stretched out her hands to grab Mia but Leo moved in immediately and held her hands "I wouldn't do that if I were you?"

"Why? Your little pet dog finally fighting your battles I see" she said directly her statement to Mia, obviously referring to Leo. With that said, Leo twist her hands a little that she screamed due to the pain it caused her. She snatched her hands away from Leo and turned to him.

"How dare you....." She began but was cut short by Mia's angry voice.

"Ain't you tired of disgracing yourself, Natasha?" Mia asked her. Obviously fed up with the scene Natasha was creating. Natasha looked around and saw that a huge crowd of people were staring at her already. Gosh she couldn't let Mia disgrace her like this and get away with it, she thought to herself.

" wow!! I never thought mummy's pet had the mouth to defend herself. Nice development, Mia" She said smiling victoriously cause she knew she did hit a nerve with what she just said. Mia's anger grew to an unexplainable level. She was beyond angry. She so wanted to hit this girl on the face so badly. She was so consumed with her anger that she didn't say anything. She just stared back at Natasha.

"It would be a great day if you used a glue stick, instead of a lipstick, Natasha." A familiar voice said behind them. Ava smiled inwardly knowing just who her saving grace was, not that she needed one but she was grateful she came along.

"And who invited you into this conversation, Ava Chris,?" Natasha asked feeling irritated. She was already dealing with Mia so from where did this Ava of the devil came from? She couldn't help but ask her self.

"Ma?" One of the mall's manager greeted Ava with his head bowed low.

"Get her out of here" Ava ordered the man who immediately answered with a "yes ma" and walked towards Natasha.

"Ma, you're creating commotions and I'm asking you kindly to leave now or else we will push you out by force" the man said to Natasha with all the seriousness in the world.

"But I'm not even inside your mall or cafe you dummy!!" Natasha shouted frustratingly.

"Security!!!" The man called out and suddenly, 4 heavy body built men came towards the scene and carried away and angry and embarrassed screaming Natasha.

"I'm sorry ma for that misunderstanding". The man apologized to Mia before leaving the scene. Everyone that were watching were shocked and amused. They knew that the ladies were all from rich and influential family including the young man with Mia. But, how could they treat the great Natasha Scott In such matter? Yes, Ava dad was the owner of the mall and the cafe built around it but Natasha and Mia's dad had shared too. Could it be that the Chris family were more powerful than the mighty Scott family? Everyone watching had many questions but none dared voice it out. They all just went back to what they were doing like nothing happened.

" you're late" Mia's cold voice told Ava. Her anger for Ava's lateness was not hidden. It was clear in her face that she was mad.

"Had a stalker to deal with" Ava's sweet tired voice replied her while she tried fixing her bracelet. Mia knew nothing was wrong with her bracelet, she was just acting up to avoid Mia's angry stare.

"Ladies, shall we?" Leo asked keeping in mind that Mia had to return for her Italian class.

"Yes please" Ava said as she moved in union with her best friend and Leo as they walked majestically into the shopping mall.

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