
23 March, Friday

Dear diary,

WORST DAYYYYY EVERRRR !!! Today was my school trip and guess what...I missed it!! I am so sad right now that I can hardly write... My sister Ellie did not woke me up... I hate her😭 I am so gonna complain to mommy about it. Ughhh😖

Okay when Ellie came back from or school trip, she had a smirk on her face. It was so annoying and confusing. What was she trying to show me! After she came in the kitchen(she always goes there when she comes from school) I was waiting for her, and in the next second, I began shouting on her, which seemed like forever... But I don't think she cared. At last when I stopped for a sec to breathe, she looked at me, sighed and left...like...she was not guilty !!!

At dinner, as I decided, I was ready to tell her but her mood wasn't good. So I decided not to tell her. What if she starts shouting on me? Ellie will laugh at me then 😞 Okayyyy, don't tell mom... I think Ellie understood what I was thinking and whispered to me, 'I am so sor—-, wait, sorry for YOU....loser. Hahaha'

I hate her evil laugh.

Oh how she would have enjoyed it😞

I hope tomorrow be a good day😖