

Year 2004, Gotham City, United States Of America.

(MC's POV)

Taking in a deep breath, my new body awoke from it's slumber. One minute ago I was speaking to a ROB about my reincarnation process and if the memories my brain is trying to process are correct, I am now the bastard son of Carmine Falcone.

My lovely mother, a beautiful African American woman named Jessica Pearson who is also the personal advocate of my father Carmine. I know weird. I don't want to know how they ended up with dashing little me on the 13th of September 1992. Yep I'm a gorgeous chap. I still haven't met my father though but we have spoken on the phone, not that I'm looking forward to it, as I might just end up killing the man for making demands of me. Yep not looking forward to that.

I'm feel calm about all this knowledge because it seemed the memories came with the feelings my body held. It feels more like I have been living here for 12 years and I'm only just learning about my past life instead of the other way around. Maybe that's exactly what has actually happened, not that it matters anyway.

My background seems to have been chopped off from a tv show I watched in my past life. The people my mom has introduced me when she hosts her annual christmas party in our home and her colleagues from the firm she owned part of seem very familiar to me now. And yes the fact that my mother own shares in a large law firm and my father is Carmine Falcone also means that I Raymond Pearson is a rich second generation child. It will help in future endeavors and plans. But for now, I have school to attend and I better be up before mum comes to check. That woman has issues.

I attend a private school, as apparently old man Carmine and mom thought it best his son didn't mix up with the dregs of Gotham's society. Most people do not know about me being a Falcone bastard, but those in the know were aware of it. This is also the reason my mother and I live in a secluded manor with dozens of guards watching over us.

Ok that's enough thinking. Time to prepare for school, I can think of the abilities I was granted in the car.


(30 minutes later)

"Ok mom I'm leaving for school, bye!" I shout into the house from the front door and promptly walk out towards the waiting car with tinted windows.

Once I'm in and the car starts moving, I start the thinking and planning based on abilities like all fanfiction inserted characters do.

So taskmaster's knowledge and abilities are pretty easy to understand. I can replicate any skill performed by anyone and I also have knowledge of all the fighting styles he knew. So no need to learn martial arts, cool.

Green goblin is a little bit more complicated, his abilities will slowly grow with my body. For instance I think I should be able to lift about fifteen tons right now, but at my peak I should be able to lift up to forty. Next is knowledge on how to create any gadgets or suits used by the green goblin from bombs to gliders to brooms. No knowledge on how to make the serum though.

Lastly is how to make the ark reactor following the same laws of physics of the DC universe. It seems all multiverse have different laws so the same metals or materials or process used to make the reactor in marvel will not work here.

The methods to make it here are extremely complicated so it will take a long time for me to get my hands on them. In fact the best material according to my knowledge will be kryptonite, which doesn't grow on trees. Well all that is for the future let's focus on the present and go through middle school as a BAMF.


Chester Middle School, Gotham City.

(General POV)

It being a monday morning meant children went about the school drowsily, the sight of friends being the silver lining in their otherwise cloudy morning.

As it is a private school, they were dressed in uniformity and all of their backgrounds ranged from somewhat rich families to prominent families. You could tell the difference if you looked properly. The ones with prominent backgrounds were always surrounded by those with lesser image.

Our handsome MC has a mother known to be managing partner of one of the three biggest law firms in Gotham. And so before his past life knowledge and the awakening of his meta gene, he already had followers of his own.

The moment he stepped down from the car that if sold would pay all their school fees, meant he was quickly surrounded by them, much to his dismay. They spoke to Ray about different things, from matters concerning the school or other students, to what the batman did last night.

Raymond simply chose to pretend that he was listening while thinking about his future. He still didn't know what he would use all his abilities for, be a hero? meh, be a villain? meh. If he didn't like any of those options then what's left.

As they began nearing the entrance to the school's main building, Raymond looked up from the ground and caught sight of a man wearing a clown mask walking briskly towards a particular direction, while concealing something within his coat. However, Ray didn't think much of it as he simply believed it to be a psycho that worshipped the joker. He has seen many of them in his 12 years of life in this universe. Continuing towards the main building, Ray turned towards Carl Lockhart a childhood friend of his to ask about something his memories told him they had been talking about when... 'BANG!'

A gunshot rang not far off from Ray, as he watched a fellow student drop dead to the ground, and holding a smoking revolver over the dead body was the Joker mask wearing psycho he had dismissed a few seconds ago. Screams of children was what followed as everyone ran for cover.

Ray simply stood still and watched as blood poured out the hole in the middle of the dead boy's forehead. To say he was shocked would be an understatement. He had not thought deeply on where he was currently living. This is Gotham city, you could die at any freaking time here if you piss off the wrong dude.

This universe still had the crime families alive and numerous psycho villains. The Falcones, the Maronis, the Sullivans, the Ibanescus, the Dimitrovs, Black mask, the Joker, Two face(who was unsuccessful in killing the roman and now had a blood feud with the Falcones), the Riddler, Poison Ivy, Clay face and so many more villains, crime families, organisations, gangs and factions. You couldn't even forget the court of owls either, quite simply the Gotham he has been dropped into is at the worst it could be. And he was thinking of being a fucking hero?, Fuck No!, he'll take care of himself and his own first. Then he could think of what to do with his abilities.

So till then it's sleep, train, eat, learn, eat, train and sleep again until he is feared much more than the terminator himself.

Next chapter