
Get to know me.

Once upon a time, there was a woman named Jane John. She was born in 1985 with a different name somewhere in a small corrupted country called Txxxxxxx. She was living there until the year 1997 when her family designed that it will be safer to live somewhere else, especially after her father made some comments about the government.

So, the family moved to America. It was hard at first because Jane had trouble adjusting with the new environment. But after a few years of self-whitewashing, she fit in like pineapple on pizza.

After that, she finished school with good grades and got a scholarship to a medical school which made her parents very happy because doctor was on the Asian career option. Then she got a job at a hospital not far away from home, worked there for a few years, got hit by a car, and die.

And that was me.

Now, I'm a 9 years old wizard girl who has to drink some weird medicine every 3 hours and receive a healing spell or something before going to bed every night.

Anyway, after going through the new memory for a few days, I finally know and understand more about me and the world I live in.

This world is identical with the world I used to be in, except for the fact that this world doesn't have The famous J.K. Rowling and her books but instead has the secret wizard world for real and "I" was even born in August 2006, the same year that Albus Severus Potter was born in, which mean that I will be going to Hogwarts with him and other main characters in 2017. That might sound fun and exciting for someone else, but definitely not for me.


Because I read all the books, ok?

I know what going to happen, it might be safer than the Harry Potter's ara when Voldemort and his death eater army were wreaking havoc everywhere, but it still has some risks.

Think about it again, maybe it will be even more dangerous because they will be playing with time and space! In theory, time is a very delicate thing. What if I get erase and don't exist after they mess with the timeline. I wouldn't like it, would I?

Anyway, I will try to think of a way to assure my existence later, since I still have quite a few years to prepare.

Now, let talk a bit more about Shellsea, cause turns out Shellsea know more about magic than her father thought. Well, of course, she didn't know everything or else she wouldn't steal her father's bloom to play with.

She even read some of her father's books.

In the beginning, she thought they were some of her father's weird "materials" and she didn't find anything strange about them since her father is a writer.

Not until one of those books tried to bit her hands off, anyway.


P.S. Did I use "anyway" to many times?

P.S.2 Sorry about my grammar.