
Me and The Football Player

cailinsims2020 · Teen
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5 Chs

Chapter 5

"Does anyone want to volunteer? If no one volunteers then I'll have no choice but to call on someone and I really don't wanna do that, so please someone volunteer." She said, her eyes scanned the room and fell on me.

"I'll do it, I'll volunteer. What was the question again?" I asked, I heard snickers coming from the back of the room and someone coughed saying loser. Mrs. Hampshire looked up, away from me and looked at Jennifer.

"Jennifer, you may be excused. Go to the principals office and until then don't come to this class. What you just did is not acceptable. And if any of you don't wanna join her, I would keep your mouths shut. Is that clear?"She says in a stern but soft voice. Jennifer picks up all her things and heads out of the classroom but not before she sends a glare my way. I ignore the glare she gives me and turn my attention back to Mrs.Hampshire.

"I'm ready now, so what was the question you asked? I asked her.

"What type of relationship do Mama Elena and Tita have and whatever response you give I want you to add evidence or give an instance where it's true." She says.

"Mama Elena and Tita's relationship is very toxic. Throughout these two chapters we see how Mama Elena tries to ruin Tita's life by forcing her sister Rosaura to marry Pedro, her true love." I say.

"Thank you Allison for volunteering, is there anyone else?" She asks. No one raises their hand and there's just an awkward silence in the room. Can someone just please raise their hand? I ask to myself.

"I volunteer." A boy said from the back of the class.

"Great, thanks Jordan for volunteering." Mrs. Hampshire said.

"The relationship between Mama Elena and Tita is abuse. So far in the chapters I have seen that Mama Elena does whatever she can to put Tita down." Jordan said. I look behind me to see a guy with dark brown hair and light brown eyes, he looks over at me and grins. He mouths the words meet me outside new girl. I immediately blush and turn my attention back to the teacher.

"For homework you will read chapters March and April plus reading notes. And on Wednesday you have a paragraph analysis due. That will be all. You guys can be excused." She walked over to her desk and sat down pulling a sheet of paper out of a binder. I get all my things packed up and start walking out but I feel a hand grab my arm.

"What are you doing?" I ask looking back at the person who grabbed my arm.

"Come with me." Jordan said.

"Where?" I asked

"Just come with me." He said again. I sighed and walked with him, he stopped when we reached a bench, there were many different people there, and they were staring at me.

"So these are my friends. This is Adeline, Nicole, Nicholas, Jonah, Spencer, Natalie, David, and Shelby. Guys this is the new girl Allison. Please make her feel welcome." He said.

"We meet again." David says coming up to me and giving me a hug. I look over at Jordan and see that he doesn't look so happy. To make him more annoyed I wrap my arms more securely around David's neck. I swear I hear a low growl come from Jordan. I smirk and he mouths, not cool Allison. Soon I let go of David and see him blushing from the contact.