
Ah!!! I transmigrated into a cultivation world

In a small Asian country on earth a teenage boy is enjoying his life without any care. His favourite job is to read web-novels and manga and watching anime. He is not completely shut in person though. He likes to enjoy his life with his hobby but he doesn't avoid social life.

He is called Dimitri Paul and he is currently reading a web novel in his room. His favourite genre is those transmigration novels with a cool system. Like everyones who likes this genre he also dreams about being transmigrated into a cool cultivation world and becomes a superhuman.

His daydreaming suddenly came to halt, because he felt something was amiss behind him.

"What the hell!! What is behind me? It's making my hair stand. Whatever, I have to take a look." Just when he tried to turn his head around his vision blurred and he was sucked into something that looked like a mini wormhole.

Dimitri's consciousness gradually awakened.

What's going on? Did he die? But he was not feeling any kind of discomfort though.

Dimitri suddenly opened his eyes and found himself laying under a huge tree.

What the hell! How trees can be so big. He quickly stands up and looks around to get the idea where he is.

Dimitri thought, what a huge tree and behind it is a forest. It is unlike earth. Earth shouldn't have trees this big. Maybe he is dreaming or transmigrated into another world. He looked behind himself and found that close to 1 or 2 miles away there was a tall city gate standing proudly. It's height should be close to 30 metres.

At this time a sudden voice spoke in his mind " Hay host, it's your supernanny universal system which will guide you to become super awesome in future"

"Wow! I got such a energetic system. It's not bad. He he, I can fully gonna enjoy my life with this system." So getting a system after trans migrating is true. From the name of his system it seems powerful.

"System what can you do for me? Like can I become strong by cultivating? Oh! I forget to ask, is it a cultivation world?"

System" Slow down host, I am not going anywhere. Yeah it's a cultivation world and you can get strong by killing. You will get experience points by killing human cultivators or beasts. How many experience points you will get will depend on their strength. And there are many functions in the system which can help you in many sectors, you will find out later."

Dimitri frowned after hearing that. Because he doesn't like killing. Any option without killing?

Ding. Yes, system has them but host needs to unlock them later. Now, system wants to train host a bit. Because without learning how to kill, it will be hard for host to survive.

That's great. Okay, I will think about it later. Now he should get into this city otherwise who knows which type of danger he will have to face at night time.

First Dimitri needs to find a place to live and get some information about this world. He is too weak now. He needs to be careful now. Otherwise, he won't even know how he died.

So, he started walking towards the city wall. Hay system, "won't you give me some starting reward? At least I should get something and show my status window. Don't say I don't have one."

Yes, you do have a Starting reward package. Check the status windows and you will find it in your gift package.

Okay, open status windows for me.

A light curtain opened in front of him which is only visible to him.

Name: Dimitri Paul

Level: 1

Next level: Experience needed (00/100)

Realm: Mortal

Universal points: 10000

Bounds to Universal System

Next realm at level 6 (Body evolving realm)

System gift: Starting packages.

Body evolving realm is divided into 5 stages. Every 5 levels up will increase 1 small realm.

So, normal mortals are at level 1-5. Damn, he is too weak now. Okay, system open the gift package for this daddy..


Host got 1500 experience points and level upgraded to 6.

And a map of this Xuanxuan spiritual world.

Host, should The system upgrade your level?

Dimirti said, what are you waiting for, do it now.

Ding, upgrade complete.

Host current status,

Name: Dimitri Paul

Level: 6

Next level: 7 Experience needed (00/1000)

Realm: Boly evolving stage 1

Universal points: 10000

Bounds to Universal System

Damn! He really got something good and his level increased to body evolving realm stage 1. he is a lot stronger than before.

By that time he was already close to the city gate. There were guards in front of the city gate. They are putting a bit of pressure on him. It was not intentional and he is not bothered by it. He read countless novels when he was on earth. So, he has a general idea how this works.

Dimitri called the map inside his mind and found out that he is now in the outer region of 3 continent (it has 3 region and they are the outer region, Saint region and Imperial region) of this world and this city is located close to the border of outer and Imperial regions. This world is a massive planet which is 1000 times bigger than earth. The 3 continent actually is a massive island. There are countless small islands in the outer sea. This massive island itself is huge comparing to earth but comparing it with the sea area it only took one out of a hundredth space of Xuanxuan world. The massive outer area of this 3 continent is outer region, this outer area has less spirit energy because of lack of spirit vein. Then comes the imperial region which has a smaller area compared to the outer region.

And the center area of this 3 continent is the Saint region. Which is the smallest region but has lot of spirit vein.

Dimitri didn't want to probe further and concentrate around him.

The city inside the massive wall is called "Farol", one of the most outstanding cities of the outer continent. The junction point between outer and imperial region. Farol city that's why better developed than other outer region cities. Even pretty good compared with other imperial cities.

Dimitri took a look at those guards and was thinking "Hope they won't stop him from entering the city."

System, "Can you check on their cultivation?"

Ding. They are internal energy gathering realm stage 1 to 3.

So, they are a lot stronger than him. Doesn't matter, with his system he can get a lot stronger soon. He directly passed the city gate and those guards didn't stop him. A lot of people are going in and out continuously, so it's a normal matter for new people to visit the city.

As people are coming from other places so his modern style dress doesn't bring too much attention. Another fact is that he can understand their language. Dimitri was not surprised about it. It was on his expectations list.

Wow, this Farol city is really big. Those knowledge from my previous life won't be in vain. Even this outer area of the city is looking grand with these ancient looking buildings.

Whatever, there are stalls everywhere at the footpath. Let's get information from that kind looking middle aged lady.

So, Dimitri stopped Infront of a shop. A kind looking lady is selling street food.

Dimitri smiled and asked "Mam, I am new here. Can you tell me a few things about this city?"

That kind hearted lady at first thought she was going to get a foreign customer but it seems she thought too much. The disappointment on her looks clearly visible. But she quickly composed herself.

"Young man you seem new here. I guess you already know our city is called Farol, one of the best city in outer region. Our city governor is a Soul reborn realm cultivator. His name is Huang Fu. Those guards you can see are also strong cultivators. So, be careful not to mess around. Otherwise you will be punished severely by the law enforcer. There are also few martial arts school which have a strong influence in this city. There are two of them which are particularly strong. One is "Extreme martial art school" and another one is "Ultimates battle school".

At this moment System Notification ang inside his head.

System mission:

Get a job offer from this lady and fulfill it.

Mission difficulty: Unknown

Mission reward: Level up 5 times, 5000 Universal points, two lucky draw opportunities.

Dimitri was blanked out from the sudden notification. It took him a minute to digest it. It seems he needs to get a mission from this lady. It's kinda like getting a quest from a NPC. He needs to be proactive here to get the quest.

Because of this sudden mission alert Dimitri missed quite a lot of information about what the middle aged lady was saying.

Dimitri suddenly realized the middle aged lady was waving her hands in front of his face and asked, "Young man, are you feeling okay?"

Dimitri felt a bit embarrassed because of this sudden event and apologized to her.

"Umm, mam can you also tell me how can I earn a little money quickly? I was robbed at the time of coming here. So totally broke now. I don't even have money to fill my belly." He said these words with a sad face.

The middle aged lady thought for a moment and looked at Dimitri's eye. "Are you a cultivator or a mortal?"

Dimtiri told her he cultivated a bit.

Then it will be easy for you to earn money. You can hunt beasts to earn money. Just go to the mercenary association to get a quest and complete them. The rewards are very generous. You will earn a lot.

"Damn, I really want to do that but I don't even have any information about the beast of this world." he mumbled to himself.

Uh, is there any other way now? I am too weak to hunt those beasts. I am only at body evolving realm.

The middle aged lady was thinking to herself," This boy is looking good and also cultivated a bit. He doesn't look dangerous. So, he can help my neighbor to find that medicinal herb. Ah, that poor child is really suffering these days because of her father's illness. We mortals don't have much say in the word of cultivators. Strength regains supreme here. That medicinal herb is nothing much towards cultivators but as a mortal is a nightmare to afford them. I really wish to help her. Maybe this boy can help her. He doesn't have money and he seems like came from villages. I should try to hook him with the little money I have."

Ahem!. "Maybe I can help you get a job. You can earn a few silver coins. What do you think? Will you take it?"

At this time in Dimitri's mind, " Jackpot! The quest is coming. Time to get rich."

Mam can you tell me which type of job you are offering? Dimitri was looking at her with an expectant eye

"Not too hard for you. You just have to be a bodyguard for someone. She needs to find a medicinal herb from outside of the city wall. You don't have to go far. It's a bit hard for us normal humans but with a cultivator like you it won't be a problem. Although the chances of meeting a beast is not high, being careful is better than being sorry later." The middle aged lady said

Oh, the job is not that hard it seems Dimitri was thinking to himself.. When he was coming towards the city he didn't see a single beast. Maybe those city guards and mercenaries kill those beasts close to the city wall regularly. He should take this job. He will be able to get more information from the person he will escort. From the information so far it seems he has to guard a lady and she needs to find a medicinal herb.

He didn't hesitate and accepted the job.

It's related to the system mission. No way he is gonna turn it down.

Dimitri was clearly excited from inside but he hurriedly clamed himself down. Otherwise he may have seemed suspicious to the lady.

"When can we go to that person?" Dimitri asked her with a humbled attitude.

"Give me two hours. I will close the shop by that time and take you there." The middle aged lady said with a smile on her face. She clearly looks relieved.

"Okay mam I will wait here then." After saying that he grabbed a tool and sat down beside the shop. He started observing the crowds. The city is full of vitality. All kinds of people can be seen on the streets. The size of the street here is many times wider than earth. Body evolving cultivators like him can be seen everywhere, their numbers don't lack behind normal humans.

This city is close to the middle continent so low level cultivators filled almost half of the population.

System bro, can you give me an explanation of the cultivation realm?

Ding. Good question host, you don't seem like an idiot.

"Hehe, I will take that as a compliment." Dimitri chuckled

The system continued that the cultivation realm of this Xuanxuan world can be divided into 7 realms and every realm has five minor realms..

Body evolving realm

Internal energy gathering realm

Internal energy condensation realm

Internal energy solidifying realm

Soul reborn realm

Half-step immortal realm

Immortal ascension realm

System, there should be more cultivation stages after this 7 realm. Shouldn't there?

Ding. Host, there are more cultivation realms, but they are out of the Xuanxuan world.You will know about those later. Stop thinking about these before reaching the immortal ascension realm.

Got it. He just needs to get stronger and that information will come eventually to him.

Okay, it should be time now. The middle aged lady was already closing her shop.