
chapter 2

For the rest of their lives, Kate and DJ Freeze raised their baby in the warehouse, staying hidden from the police.

While they were doing that, DJ Freeze called a friend who brought them some money, so they could be able to buy food and he also is used as another form of teleportation.

DJ Freeze took a job at a restaurant with the help of his friend because this exact friend got shot by the police since he was selling illegal drugs.

Kate would teach her baby who to walk, trying to teach her to talk, and dance.

Soon, at age 3, her baby was able to walk and talk like a normal girl.

Kate named her baby Kanisha.

Kate and Kanisha had fun together, until DJ Freeze came back.

DJ Freeze would bring them some food after work.

Since the police finally got off their back.

Kate and DJ Freeze decide to move into the city, once DJ Freeze gets enough money.

In December, DJ Freeze finally has the money, so the whole family gets into the car, and goes to their new house.

On that exact day, they unpack the stuff that was in the warehouse, which wasn't much, just clothes.

Also, on that day Kanisha turned 4, so she went to preschool.

That day is the first day Kanisha is on her own and she was happy at first, but the problem was she was shy.

An adult noticed that Kanisha was all alone, so she gave her a book.

This book is about a girl who is lonely as well.

Kanisha thanks the adult and runs to a chair.

This adult has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing a yellow dress, and heels.

This adult's name is Ms. Bethany.

Ms. Bethany watched happily as Kanisha was reading the book she gave her.

"So, what did you do this time?" another adult asked Ms.Bethany.

This other adult has long brown long hair with green highlights, wearing a red shirt with yellow stripes, blue jeans, and teal shoes.

This adult's name is Ivanna.

Ivanna sees Kanisha reading a book and she recognizes the book.

"Bethany, you were supposed to throw that book away because the council told you that was a bad influence", Ivanna reminded Bethany.

"I know, but look at her", said Ms. Bethany.

Ivanna sees Kanisha smiling, while reading.

"I guess she is looking happy", said Ivanna.

But, that happiness stopped, when somebody took the book out of Kanisha's hand.

Kanisha tries to get her book back, but the adult that took it, threw the book away.

Ms. Bethany runs to Kanisha who started crying.

"Bethany, we told you that book was supposed to be thrown away, so I'm going to do that", said The adult.

The adult has short blonde hair with a mix of brown hair, some of her face is covered, white skin, wearing a red dress, and heels.

Her name is Isabella.

Isabella takes the trash can that has the book, Kanisha was reading.

"Are you okay?" Ms. Bethany asks Kanisha.

"I'm fine, uh, Ms", said Kanisha, whipping her tears.

"Ms. Bethany", said Ms. Bethany.

"Can I make friends like in that book?" Kanisha asks Ms. Bethany.

"You mean imaginary friends?" Ms. Bethany asks Kanisha.

"Yes", said Kanisha, looking kind of happy.

"Sure, it's normal for kids your age", Ms. Bethany told Kanisha.

"Hold it, can I borrow Ms. Bethany?" said Ivanna.

"Sure, but please don't take too long", said Kanisha.

Ivanna leads Ms. Bethany away.

"Girl, we're supposed to lead kids to make real friends, not imaginary friends", Ivanna whispered.

"But, look at her, she is shy and nervous, she can't immediately make friends; plus she is already interested. So, let her have fun", Ms. Bethany whispered back.

"Sure", Ivanna whispered.

Ms. Bethany goes back to Kanisha.

"So, you want to make imaginary friends?" Ms. Bethany asks Kanisha.

"Yeah, but I need to know how to do that because I only read the part of the book which explains what imaginary friends are", Kanisha admitted.

"Well, that's easy", said Ms. Bethany.

Ms. Bethany leads Kanisha to the coloring zone.

At the coloring zone, there are crayons, colored pencils, paper, and notebooks.

Ms. Bethany grabs some materials and gives it to Kanisha.

"All you have to do is draw the friend you want to make and then use your imagination to bring it to life", Ms. Bethany helped Kanisha.

"But, I don't know how to draw", Kanisha blushed from embarrassment.

"It's okay, I can help you, just tell me what you want it to look like", Ms. Bethany insisted.

"Are you sure?" Kanisha asks Ms. Bethany.

"Absolutely, I will be right by my side", Ms. Bethany smiled.

Kanisha tells Ms. Bethany for her first friend, she wanted her to the same size as her, she also told her to give her fluffy brown hair, brown skin, wearing goggles on her head, blue dress, a belt that has test tubes attached to it, white shoes with test tubes on it, bracelets with tiny test tubes on it.

Ms. Bethany was surprised by Kanisha's request, but still followed Kanisha's directions.

Kanisha also tells Ms. Bethany that she wants the name 'Sciencia' on top of the picture.

Ms. Bethany shows Kanisha the results.

Kanisha smiles and hugs Ms. Bethany.

Ms. Bethany hugged Kanisha back.

"Do you want to make more friends?" Ms. Bethany asked Kanisha.

"Is there a limit?" Kanisha asks Ms. Bethany.

Ivanna watches Ms. Bethany and Kanisha get along, then walk to them.

"Hey, what are you two up to?" Ivanna asks Kanisha and Ms. Bethany.

"Ms. Bethany is drawing my new friends, do you want to join us?" Kanisha explained.

"Sure, what is the next friend, you want to make?" Ivanna asks Kanisha.

Kanisha tells that she wants you to draw two people, the first one of the people is a girl who has long blonde hair, white skin, wearing a pink dress, earrings, and heels. The second one is a girl who has long black hair, brown skin, wearing a purple hoodie, blue jeans, and white shoes.

"You have names for them?" Ivanna asks Kanisha.

Kanisha gives the first girl the name 'Kisa' and the second girl is named Dumbra.

"So, are you ready?" Ms. Bethany asks Kanisha.

"Not yet, I want to make some more", said Kanisha.

"How many more?" Ivanna asks Kanisha curiously.

"Three", Kanisha answered Ivanna's question.

"I guess three more wouldn't hurt", Ivanna decided.

Ms. Bethany and Ivanna help Kanisha.

Ms. Bethany draws next, the person she draws is a boy who has wolf ears, long silver hair, white skin, wolf tail, wearing a green shirt, blue jeans, and white shoes

Kanisha gives the name 'Wolfie' to the person.

Ivanna draws a girl who has long blond hair in a ponytail, wearing a black dress, and heels.

Kanisha gives the name 'Alex' to the girl.

The last person that is drawn is a girl who has long silver/brown hair, wearing a white dress with pink ribbons, ribbon on her head, and white heels holding an umbrella.

That person's name is Aki.

Kanisha thanks Ms. Bethany and Ivanna and give both of them a hug.

Ms. Bethany and Ivanna smile and love how happy Kanisha is.

"I know what to do next, I'm going to give my friends powers", said Kanisha.

"Powers?" Ivanna questioned.

"Yeah, I thought it would be cool to give them cool powers, is that okay?" Kanisha explains thoroughly.

"Of course, they are your imaginary friends, so have fun", said Ms. Bethany.

"Yeah, it's totally fine", said Ivanna.

"Great, then I'll start", said Kanisha.

Kanisha starts writing the character's powers, which got other kids attention because she would explain the character's backstories to Ms. Bethany and Ivanna.

"What can the other characters do?" a random kid asked.

Kanisha explains more about the other characters she thought of, while explaining this, the kids ask her a bunch of questions.

Kanisha and the kids start to get along.

With the kid's enthusiasm, Kanisha brought her imaginary friends to life.

The kids play with Kanisha and her imaginary friends.

Some of the kids get bored and stop playing with Kanisha and play amongst each other.

Soon, Kanisha just kept playing with her imaginary friends, and didn't really care about the other kids.

Ivanna and Ms. Bethany gives each other a high five.

After five minutes, Kanisha got tired, so Ms. Bethany gave her a sandwich and an orange juice.

Ivanna and Ms. Bethany sits down and drinks some tea.

"Okay, maybe you were right, maybe this wasn't a bad idea", Ivanna admitted.

"I'm glad, you feel that way, look", said Ms. Bethany.

Ivanna sees Kanisha talking to her imaginary friends with a smile, when somebody taps on her shoulder.

It's a girl who has long red hair, white skin, wearing a red hoodie, blue jeans, and white shoes. She is the same age as Kanisha.

"Hi, my name is Kaumu, do you want to be friends, if it's okay with your other friends", said The girl.

"It's okay, I would love to be your friends", said Kanisha.

Kanisha and Kaumu shake hands.

This is the start of a beautiful friendship.