
Ch. 28 - Dressrosa

2 months has passed by and it's been a year since Doflamingo left Garfield in the forest.

Thanks to him saving Howard's life, the Shield's agents withdraw from their surveillance mission and was transferred to another mission.

Meanwhile, since Howard discovered about Hydra, instead of announcing it throughout the Shield, he decided to pretend as if he still didn't know that Hydra has penetrated in Shield.

He's confident that the Hydra didn't know that he already knew about them since, he only encountered Bucky Barnes and the Hydra must've thought that he has no idea that Bucky was working for Hydra.

However, the only person that Howard could trust for now is Peggy Carter as she is the former Director of Shield, so he told her about this and suggested that they shouldn't poke the snake first, they must wait for a good opportunity. The only thing they could do now is to gather evidence and seek more information about Hydra and how deep have they penetrated.

Meanwhile, putting the Shield matters aside, Doflamingo has successfully built his own Amusement Park, and with the help of Howard Stark, he not only bought him a land but also provided all the necessary stuff like a Ferris Wheel and such.

The only thing that Doflamingo has to pay is the electrical bills and such, but this wouldn't be a problem for him since he's confident that his Amusement Park would become the most popular and the most visited Park in the whole world.

After all, he has the advantage of having the ability to communicate with animals and almost all living things on earth, and his last advantage is his future knowledge about entertainment and such.

He could create pokemon, after all, Pokemon was first invented in 1996 by Satoshi Tajiri with assistance from Ken Sugimori.

Since it was still in the early 1992's, he could overtake them and invent them first before they could.

However, he isn't that knowledgeable when it comes to Pokemon, back then, he doesn't prefer cartoonic pets and such, he's more into some badass characters like Kratos, Goku and etc.

So, instead of inventing it himself which he might risk ruining the entirety of Pokemon, he decided to wait for them or approached the duo themself and invest in their Pokemon thingy.

So, when it grows into a $99 billion net worth franchise, he could swim in money andwhat's more, if he invest in other future companies like Google, and such. He could make Tony Stark's wealth look like a $1 dollar bill in front of him.

Just imagining it makes Doflamingo drool, which was caught by Matilda who was busy moving her stuff to a truck.

Last month, Doflamingo has decided to move to another house and what's more better than the abandoned warehouse that they secretly bought.

They just needed time before they could make that place into their super secret base where they could conduct their secret operations.

Doflamingo has already started working on the Warehouse by cleaning it, fixing some holes on the walls and ceilings, and changing the floor into tiles.

Thankfully, Doflamingo managed to master the technique called Black Knight, so he created a clone to help him on his cause.

However, since he just recently mastered it, it's still not strong enough to contend with the likes of Captain America, so Doflamingo needed to practice a bit more.

Getting back on the Warehouse topic, since it was too small for Doflamingo's taste, he decided to make the real secret base, underground.

In short terms, the ground floor will be their not-so-secret base while the underground floor will be their a real-super-secret base.

As long as Doflamingo works hard, he could probably build the secret base on his own, though it might take 5 years or more but patience is the key.

And he has none of that, Doflamingo can't waste 5 years of his time just building the secret base, so he gotta do something about it, and that is, looking for a potential builder or something.

He tried to rack his mind on movies that is related on building or something, but the only thing he could think of is telekinesis.

Why telekinesis, you may ask. He has seen some characters using telekinesis to either build or create a structure or something similar to that.

He asked Matilda about this and her reply was she can't lift something heavier than her. At most, she could lift something on her size.

She guessed that her powers grows along with her age. At first, she was thinking of staying idle, but her thoughts was disagreed by Doflamingo, since he believed that by training her powers, she would surpass her limits and become more stronger.

Doflamingo didn't stay idle either, his mastery over his abilities is much more stronger than he is previously.

Although there weren't any major changes on his Haki, but the range of his Observation Haki has expanded and he could now passively sense from 1 km to 3 km while 8 km from 5 km if he activated it himself.

Meanwhile, his Armament Haki already improved greatly, he could now cover half of his body, and also cover those he touched with Armament Haki.

The Voice of All Things stays the same as usual, without any noticable improvements.

His string powers also improved greatly, like he stated earlier, he could now make a clone of himself that manifests a clone of himself but with an average height.

Right now, his height can still be called normal but sooner or later, he'd surpassed even the tallest man in the world since he's already 6.5 ft and if this goes any longer, then he'd reach the same height as the original Doflamingo, which is 10 ft tall. Now that he think about it, Doflamingo is actually taller than Kizaru.

Thankfully, his clone is not like those clones in Naruto, like the Shadow Clone Jutsu.

Instead of a clone that could respond to him, his own clone is like an extension of himself.

He could see what the clones sees, smells, and hears, he could control the clone like his own body. The thing he liked about this clone is that it doesn't have the sense of touch, so it is basically immune to pains and such.

Though the only problem about it is that, he has to be closer to the clone, since it was connected to him, through strings. This connection would be detached once the clone is 5 km away from him.

The good news is, there's still some space to improve, he could improve the distance problem on the clone, as long as he practiced his control over the strings and the length that he could produce.

In short terms, this clone is like an extra limb with a few benefits.


"So, you're telling me, that these things, are the Super Soldier Serum that was injected to Captain America?"

After finally moving from the apartment to their secret base, Matilda finally has the time to analyze the Serums more carefully.

"Yes, and probably more stronger than the one injected to Captain America. What do you, do you think we could inject it to ourselves?" Doflamingo has no knowledge about biology, so he asked the most smartest person the know.

"It's impossible. There's some procedures that we have to take on and the risks are also high." Matilda shrugged her shoulders.

"What do you mean? I think Howard already perfected the serum without mistakes, right?"

"You're right, but there's also a chance of failure if we just casually inject it or consume. There's gotta be some kind of machine or a 'bridge' that would safely allow the Serum to enter our body without any risks." Matilda said as she pinched one of the Serum packs.

"So, we can't use it yet?" Doflamingo slightly grumbled, he was excited to use the Serum to further improve his body but it turns out, he might not even be able to use it.

"Don't be saddened, you're friends with that Howard Stark, right? Why not ask him to make you an instrument to safely inject to your body without any harm?"

"We're not friends, he just owe me one for saving his life." Doflamingo said to her. And besides, the favour has been paid, Howard not only bought him a land but even constructed the entire Amusement Park, including the zoo. He's not that shameless to ask him for more.

"Then, save his life again. I'm sure that assassination won't be the last." Matilda said as Doflamingo contemplated and seemed to have agreed on what she said.

Hydra surely won't let Howard go, especially since he has the recipe on Super Soldier Serum.

"Alright, that's a good plan. Now, we could just wait on whether he would be assassinated next. Although it would be hard, but I believe that we would meet Howard again when he needed me the most." Doflamingo said as he put the Super Soldier Serum packs inside the freezer before continuing.

"For now, let's focus on the Grand Opening of our Amusement Park, which would be opened next month. We could use that time to go back to Garfield and fetch him, along with the other animals that he made friends with. I'm sure that he did his job done, I trust him." Doflamingo said as he started reminiscing about Garfield and their little adventure when he was still training in that little forest.

"That's a good plan. But, we haven't made a name on our Amusement Park yet, right? What do you think should we name it? Donquixote Amusement Park or something?" Matilda replied and asked.

"No, no. Not that, it sounds too lame." Doflamingo disagreed before falling into thinking.

He wanted a name that sounds very catchy and lively, something that would become a classic in people's lives. A name that would surely pop on people's minds the moment they heard the word 'Vacation' or 'Amusement Park'.

Suddenly, Doflamingo blurted out a word.

"Dressrosa. From now on, our Amusement Park's name will be Dressrosa!"


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