
Mcu in Aiverse

Throughout the novel, Aether faces many challenges and obstacles, both internal and external. He must balance his desire to help others with the need to keep his identity a secret. He also struggles with the emotions that come with his new life, including fear, uncertainty, and doubt. However, he ultimately learns to embrace his powers and become the hero he always wanted to be. NOTICE: I do not own Marvel or any of it's elements only the MC and my fanfic elements P.S. I wrote it with help of an Ai and i want your opinion and what you want to me to write i will be writing not only based on your opinion but i will try to use element that you suggest. And if you like the story give me ideas what other novels would you wanna see for example story with mc in pokemon in modern world with dark theme and other things. I'd appreciate some feedback to how I can make it better

Kokiel · Movies
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The Secret Hero

Aiden "Aether" Mitchell stood alone atop an abandoned building, the wind tousling his short, messy brown hair. His blue eyes scanned the city below – a concrete jungle teeming with possibilities and danger. He was determined to use his newfound power to help people while keeping his true identity hidden from the world. Aiden's heart pounded in his chest as he knew that tonight was the beginning of something monumental.

"Remember," he whispered to himself, "I'm doing this for the greater good." He spent six arduous months practicing and honing his powers through physical and mental training, experimenting with different ways to use his abilities. The electromagnetic energy coursed through his veins, filling him with a sense of strength and purpose.

"Hey Aether," a voice crackled in his earpiece, snapping Aiden back to reality. It was his best friend, Charlie, who had become his confidant and mentor in all things supernatural.

"Hey Charlie," he replied, trying to sound more confident than he felt. "I'm ready to start my patrol."

"Good," Charlie said, his voice filled with encouragement. "Just remember everything we've practiced, and trust your instincts. You got this."

Aiden took a deep breath, feeling the weight of responsibility on his shoulders. He knew that he had to keep his identity a secret, not just to protect himself, but also his loved ones. And so, donning a mask that obscured half of his face and a dark, hooded jacket, Aether was born.

As he leaped from rooftop to rooftop, Aiden couldn't help but feel exhilarated by the freedom his powers granted him. He could manipulate the electromagnetic fields around him, allowing him to defy gravity and move at incredible speeds. This once ordinary 17-year-old boy had been transformed into a force to be reckoned with.

"Alright Aether," Charlie's voice came through the earpiece again, "I've got a report of a mugging in progress two blocks from your current location. Time to put those powers to good use."

"Copy that," Aiden responded, his heart racing with anticipation. He focused his mind on the electromagnetic fields around him, propelling himself towards the scene.

As he arrived at the scene of the crime, Aiden fought to keep his emotions in check. The fear and uncertainty he felt threatened to overwhelm him, but he knew he couldn't allow that to happen. He had spent too long preparing for this moment to let it slip away.

"Alright, Aether," he whispered to himself as he prepared to intervene. "This is what I've been training for. Let's do this."

Emboldened by his determination, Aiden stepped out of the shadows, his powers at the ready. The city below may have been filled with darkness and danger, but Aether was prepared to be its beacon of hope and justice. And so, with every fiber of his being, Aiden Mitchell committed himself to the path of heroism, knowing that there would be no turning back.

Aiden "Aether" Mitchell, his heart pounding in his chest, peered around the corner of the dark alley, taking in the scene unfolding before him. The crime-ridden neighborhood was eerily quiet, except for the sounds of violence and struggle emanating from within.

"Please...stop," the victim, a middle-aged man with disheveled hair and torn clothes, gasped as he tried to fend off his attackers. Blood dripped from his swollen nose, staining the cracked pavement beneath him. His eyes were wide with terror, pleading for mercy that would never come.

"Shut up!" one of the thugs snarled, raising a crowbar menacingly above the victim's head. The metallic clang echoed through the narrow alley, accompanied by the sickening sound of flesh and bone giving way under the force of the blow. Aiden winced, feeling the weight of what he was witnessing.

"Hey, boss," another thug chimed in, twirling a switchblade in his hand with practiced ease, "what should we do with this loser now? Finish him off?"

"Let me think," the apparent leader of the group replied, a malicious grin spreading across his face. He brandished a handgun, the cold metal glinting in the dim light. "Yeah, let's put him out of his misery."

As Aiden watched, a mix of fury and fear roiled within him. He knew that intervening could expose his identity and put his loved ones at risk, but standing by and doing nothing felt like a betrayal of everything he had trained for.

"Damn it," he muttered under his breath, his thoughts racing. The internal struggle between his desire to help and his need to protect himself was tearing him apart. But as he heard the cocking of the gun, Aiden made his decision. He couldn't stand idly by while an innocent life was snuffed out.

"Hey!" he shouted, stepping into the alley and focusing his electromagnetic powers. "Leave him alone!"

The thugs turned to face him, surprise and anger flashing in their eyes. Aiden knew that he had just made himself a target, but there was no turning back now. He had chosen his path, and he would see it through to the end – whatever the cost.

Aiden's heart pounded in his chest as he hesitated, pressed against the cold brick wall at the mouth of the alley. The stench of blood and fear filled his nostrils, a nauseating reminder of the brutality unfolding before him. He knew that every second he wavered was another second the victim suffered.

"Please," the man on the ground whimpered, desperation lacing his voice. "I... I have a family."

"Should've thought of that before you got in our way," one of the thugs sneered, kicking him hard in the ribs and eliciting a cry of pain.

"Damn it," Aiden muttered to himself. His hands shook with a mix of anxiety and anger, his powers humming just beneath the surface. He'd spent months preparing for something like this, but now that the moment was here, the weight of his decision threatened to crush him.

"Come on, Aether," he whispered to himself, using the heroic persona he'd crafted as a way to distance himself from fear. "You can do this." He took a deep breath, steeling himself.

"Hey!" he shouted, stepping out from the shadows and catching the attention of the thugs. "How about you pick on someone your own size?"

"Who the hell are you?" snarled the leader, his grip tightening around the gun.

"Doesn't matter," Aiden replied, doing his best to mimic the confidence of a superhero. "What does matter is you're not hurting him anymore."

"Big talk from a kid," the thug taunted, raising the gun towards Aiden. "Let's see if you can back it up."

"Trust me," Aiden said, his voice steady despite the fear twisting in his gut. "You don't want to find out."

With a flick of his wrist, Aiden unleashed his electromagnetic powers, hurling a trash can lid at the gunman like a discus. The makeshift projectile slammed into the thug's hand, knocking the gun from his grasp and sending it skittering across the pavement.

"Get him!" shouted another attacker, brandishing a knife as he lunged towards Aiden.

Without missing a beat, Aiden sidestepped, using his powers to yank a metal pipe from a nearby pile of debris and swinging it at the oncoming thug. It connected with a sickening crunch, sending the man sprawling to the ground.

"Stay down," Aiden warned, his heart racing. Despite the adrenaline, fear still gnawed at him – fear that he'd be discovered, that his loved ones would pay the price for his heroism. But as he stood between the attackers and their victim, he knew there was no other choice. He had to act – no matter the cost.

The metallic taste of fear in his mouth, Aiden sent a wave of electromagnetic energy crashing into the remaining thugs. One by one, they were thrown backward, their weapons slipping from their grasp as they struggled to regain their footing. The victim, now freed from his tormentors, gasped for breath while taking in the sight of his unexpected savior.

"Who are you?" he stammered, staring at Aiden with wide eyes.

"Someone who wants to help," Aiden replied, barely managing to keep the tremor out of his voice. "Now get out of here!"

"Thank you," the man said before scrambling to his feet and disappearing into the night.

Aiden's heart pounded relentlessly in his chest, each beat echoing through his body like a thunderclap. He had done it. He had saved someone using his powers. But there was no time to dwell on that fact; sirens wailed in the distance, signaling the approach of law enforcement.

"Get up!" Aiden commanded the dazed criminals, using his telekinesis to yank them to their feet. "You're going to answer for what you've done."

As the police cars screeched to a halt nearby, officers leaped out, guns drawn, and quickly took control of the scene. They handcuffed the attackers and began questioning witnesses, including Aiden. A crowd had gathered, drawn by the commotion, and several members clutched their phones, no doubt recording every detail – a fact that set Aiden's nerves on edge.

"Son, can you tell us what happened here?" asked one of the officers.

"Uh, I just saw these guys attacking that man," Aiden said, doing his best to sound casual. "I managed to disarm them, and then I called for help."

"Disarmed them? How'd you do that?" the officer pressed, clearly skeptical.

"Uh, I just... grabbed their weapons. It all happened so fast," Aiden mumbled, praying they didn't press him further on the matter.

"Alright, we'll need your name and contact information for our report."

"Of course," Aiden said, providing his details before slipping away from the scene as quickly as possible.

As he retreated into the shadows, Aiden's thoughts raced alongside him. He had used his powers and saved a life – an incredible feat that filled him with pride and purpose. But at what cost? Those who witnessed the incident tonight would no doubt spread word of his abilities, drawing unwanted attention – from both the media and those who sought to exploit or eliminate him.

"Is this really what I want?" he asked himself, his conscience warring with his newfound sense of duty. "Can I really handle what comes next?"

But even as doubts plagued him, Aiden knew deep down that he couldn't turn his back on those in need. He had a responsibility to use his powers for good, regardless of the risks. The road ahead would be fraught with uncertainty and danger, but it was a path he had chosen – and one he would walk with unwavering determination.

"Bring it on," he whispered to the night, steeling himself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

Aiden's heart pounded as he watched the police disperse the growing crowd, his hands trembling in the cold night air. The energy that had surged through him moments before was now replaced with a mixture of relief and terror. He'd done it – he'd saved the victim from certain death.

"Hey, kid," a gruff voice sounded beside him. Aiden turned to see a middle-aged man with a scruffy beard, one of the witnesses to the crime. "You're pretty brave, stepping in like that."

"Uh, thanks," Aiden replied hesitantly, his mind racing as he considered the implications of his actions.

"Seriously though," the man continued, pulling out a cigarette and lighting it, "you gotta be careful. People around here don't take kindly to heroes."

"Is that supposed to be a warning?" Aiden asked, trying to hide the fear creeping into his voice.

"More like advice," the man said with a shrug. "It's dangerous out there for people like us." He glanced at the police officers as they took statements from other witnesses, then leaned in closer to Aiden. "Just remember, you never know who might be watching."

Aiden swallowed hard, a chill running down his spine as the man walked away. His thoughts spiraled, weighed down by the responsibility of wielding such power. What if his actions tonight put his family in danger? He could already envision headlines about his parents, or worse, his younger sister being targeted by criminals seeking revenge.

"Focus, Aiden," he muttered to himself, struggling to maintain control over his powers as they threatened to betray his emotions. "You can't protect anyone if you lose control."

But the moral dilemma gnawed at him. Was it right to continue using his powers to help others, even if it meant potentially endangering those closest to him? Was this the life he truly wanted?

"Hey, Aether!" someone called out, using the name he'd given himself during his months of training. Aiden flinched, cursing inwardly as a group of teenagers approached him, their eyes filled with awe.

"Can you show us some more of your cool powers?" one of them asked eagerly, while another pulled out a smartphone and started recording.

"Uh, maybe not right now," Aiden said, trying to appear casual as he glanced nervously at the police officers nearby. "It's not really the best time."

"Aw, come on! Just one little demonstration?" they pleaded, but Aiden shook his head firmly.

"Sorry, guys. I've got to go. Stay safe, alright?"

As he slipped away from the scene, Aiden couldn't shake the feeling that his life had changed irrevocably. With each step he took, the weight of his decision pressed down on him. But even amidst the uncertainty and fear, a tiny spark of determination flickered within him. He would find a way to balance his duty to others with the safety of those he loved – no matter what it took.

"Bring it on," he whispered to the night, steeling himself for whatever challenges lay ahead.

The following day, Aiden found himself standing outside an abandoned warehouse on the outskirts of town. He had chosen this location as a makeshift training ground to hone his abilities away from prying eyes. The sun was setting, casting long shadows over the crumbling brick walls and broken windows. The wind carried the scent of rust and decay, but it did nothing to dampen Aiden's resolve.

"Alright, let's do this," he muttered, rolling his shoulders and stretching his arms in preparation. He closed his eyes, focusing on the electromagnetic currents that flowed around him like invisible rivers.

"Remember, Aether," he said to himself, adopting the name he had given his alter ego. "This is about helping people, not showing off."

With a deep breath, he concentrated on generating an electromagnetic field around his body. He felt the familiar tingling sensation cascade through his limbs as his power surged, and, with a surge of determination, he propelled himself into the air.

"Nice!" he exclaimed, grinning as he soared above the warehouse. However, his triumph was short-lived as he realized there was still much to learn about controlling his flight. "Okay, focus on balance… control… precision…"

As he practiced maneuvering through the air, he considered ways to protect his identity. It wouldn't be enough to simply keep his face hidden; he needed a plan, a strategy for staying one step ahead of anyone who might want to expose or hurt him.

"Maybe I should try disguising my voice," he mused, experimenting with different pitches and accents as he hovered above the ground. "Or come up with a code phrase for emergencies…"

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps. Tensing, Aiden quickly descended and hid behind a stack of rotting crates, peering out cautiously.

"Hey, man, you okay?" a voice called out, sounding genuinely concerned. Aiden recognized the speaker as an older homeless man he'd seen around town, one who'd never caused any trouble.

"Uh, yeah," Aiden replied, trying to keep his voice steady. "Just, uh, practicing some… parkour."

"Parkour, huh?" the man said with a chuckle. "Well, be careful out here. This place isn't exactly safe."

"Thanks, I will," Aiden promised, grateful for the man's understanding. Watching him walk away, he added under his breath, "And I'll do my best to make it safer."

As the sun dipped below the horizon and darkness enveloped the warehouse, Aiden continued to train, pushing himself harder than ever before. He was determined to master his powers, not for personal gain or glory, but to make a difference in the world - no matter the risks.

Leaning against a graffiti-covered wall, Aiden wiped sweat from his brow and looked up at the first stars appearing in the night sky. In that moment, he made a silent vow to protect those in need, whatever challenges lay ahead, even if it meant facing his deepest fears.

"Let them come," he whispered, a steely resolve shining in his eyes. "I'm ready."