
MCU: God of Mischief

Born on Asgard with knowledge of the MCU, our protagonist, learns to live like a prince of Asgard. (Loki) Disclaimer: Nothing is owned by me.

Hyperma · Movies
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4 Chs

Well that was Gross...

A.N. There will probs be a lot of time skips again, Asgardians are known to live very long lives and so they're kind of necessary unless you want about 10,000 chapters to this fucking fanfic.

(Statement of the bloody obvious, if you can't tell I'm kinda pissed off while writing this)

On with the story...

What a bastard. Didn't even let me say goodbye, not that I really wanted to anyways. I think with an imaginary pout on my face.

For the first time since my original body died, I am now in complete darkness. I can't feel my limbs or body at all and I despaired. 'Oh come on, wasn't I promised reincarnation? Isn't this what happened when you died?'

Expecting to have somehow died before I've been born, I groaned in annoyance.

But hold on, I was meant to be a main character of the MCU, how the fuck would that work... unless that bastard didn't follow through on his end of the deal. A cascade of mental swearing ensues, something about pulling that bloody tree out of the ground by its roots and shaking it off every drop of water and watching it die. Or something like that...

But something interrupted my ranting, something akin to flowing water. Finally, I could feel myself rubbing along the walls of something wet and spongy, I was getting it on me as well.

I shook around trying to shake whatever was getting on me off. But all my body would do is just limply wobble or occasionally spasm.

(A.N. You Lil' shits probs know what's going to happen now, this is my revenge on the world, mwahahaha, prepare for images you will suffer from in your dreams. NO MERCY)

Great, I was almost entirely incapable of moving, but as I rubbed against the walls as whatever I was in moved.

I could also hear muffled yelling, panic and yells of pain, which led me to a truth that I never wanted to realise. EVER.

I was about to be born and my mother, whom I was pretty sure was Frigga, had just had her water broken.

I knew that it would all go somewhat smoothly but that still didn't prepare me for being born. The only thing that really gave me comfort was the fact that Frigga was the goddess of childbirth.

A few hours later of screams and lots of apparent fussing from the maids or midwife, I finally saw something akin to a light at the end of the tunnel ;).

Lots and lots of contracting walls later, I'm feeling so sick. My adult mind was rejecting this and making me feel extremely ill. I had never heard of a baby being sick while being born.

Thankfully I pulled through. But when I made it out of that hell hole, I was crying and covered in god knows what.

I didn't want to think about it in any way, shape or form. Nada, nope, noooooo.

I opened my eyes and I saw multiple women looking down at my crying form, if it hadn't been quite so creepy, it would've been a touching moment for me. As it was, I was rather hasty to get to the blankets where these women would be able to clean my naked form thoroughly and with much haste.

I was crying so much, I couldn't stop. My body wouldn't let me and my lungs were starting to hurt.

Such a damnable existence being a baby really.

Once I was finally in some lovely sheets I started to doze off, but not before seeing my mother holding me in her arms with a loving expression on her face.

Wow, I was fucked up when writing the first half of this chapter, but I'm not rewriting it, that would be work. I don't like work. To make up for the short chapter today I'm going to get another one out sooner than I otherwise would.

I'm still busy with school and everything so there isn't really going to be a regular schedule, just writing when I'm free.

Also I would love it if you could help me out by voting or whatever really.

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