
MCU: as an alchemist

a soul was reincarnated into the body of an out-of-lucky man, in a world full of heroes, villains, and aliens, surviving isn't exactly easy, thankfully he has alchemist system to help, turning him into an abomination that no one saw coming. --------------- WARNING: This fanfic takes place in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, including TV shows, movies, animated movies, and TV shows. However, it will primarily focus on TV shows like "Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." and "Daredevil." The story revolves around a self-centered man who views the world as insignificant and prioritizes only himself and his goals. The main character (MC) leans more toward the evil side of the spectrum, so he won't save anyone unless it benefits him. This story is all about benefits and growing stronger. He will not join the Avengers or other hero organizations; in fact, he might do the opposite. He will kill and commit other acts of evil, but don't expect a completely diabolical MC who slaughters everything in sight. Although he is evil, he won't always interfere with heroes if it doesn't benefit him, or if a villain achieving their goals would jeopardize his. Keep in mind that I am not evil; in fact, I am a softy, so I won't be able to write a completely diabolical character but trust me, I will try. I have a great reference, which is reverend insanity, so I might have him do diabolical things like getting the homeless and college kids high to test his new drug. To make it clear, this is about benefits. He will seek benefits and won't think with his "little brother" (but I can't promise anything). Also, he isn't a smartass. I will try not to make him dumb, but he will make mistakes. english isn't my first or second nor do i have an editor, so i will use tools to help EDIT, not write, so go easy on me. NO HAREM, i cant write that type of shit, but for a female lead, i was thinking of morgan le fay.

Bulale_Abali · Movies
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38 Chs

Bifrost-Ring Stone(chapter 15)

previously in chapter 14

"Wait," that was when an idea popped into his mind. "This is perfect. With this skill, mutating plants should be easier now. I can slowly turn normal plants into elemental plants like fire-type plants or ice-type plants," liking the idea even more, Henry continued to brainstorm, only to realize something. "Wait, is this how I break from the low-grade potions into medium ones?" In his mind, he had already classified potions into three different categories: low-grade potions ranged from 1-3, medium-grade potions ranged from 4-6, and higher-grade potions ranged from 7-10. "It must be. I already have the best plants that the mundane world has to offer. The only thing remaining is special plants." The more he pondered, the more he thought he was right.

Until suddenly, he saw storm clouds form at a visible speed not far from him. "What?" Confused, Henry watched as a tornado formed before an actual rainbow light hit the ground and the cloud disappeared. "Huh, I am either high or something just hit Earth," and despite being a drug dealer, Henry never tried his own product. After all, with the secrets he held, having something impair his mind was not a good idea. "Well, hopefully, it's a meteorite. I really wanted to use that." There were a lot of materials he still hadn't received in the mundane world, and special materials such as meteorites were ones he still wanted to get his hands on. Having one fall from the sky for him was a godsend, literally. So, he went there, but the moment he arrived, he saw a van driving away, which at first disappointed him. But then he saw something written on the ground, no, rather it was safe to say something was imprinted on the ground, and if the large grin on his face was anything to go by, it was not ordinary.


Chapter 15

In the same site where the imprint was, Henry could be seen with the same mad grin on his face as when he first found the Hulk's blood sample, and he had every right to be happy with what he just found. "Thor is real, Odin is real, Asgard is real, so does that mean that the Olympians are real? Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, are all of them real?" The reason why he was asking these questions was simple and related to the imprints he was collecting.

[ Name: Bifrost-Infused Stones ]

[ Grade: 5th ]

[ Description: A stone that was once part of the ground where the site where Thor, the Prince of Asgard, was banished to Midgard, was imbued with powerful Asgardian runes upon being struck by the Bifrost. The very ground, tainted with the essence of this celestial transportation, imbues the stone with mystical properties. ]

[ Effects: +150% resistance to space-related attacks, +150% protection against magical interference, +150% augmentation of spatial awareness while holding the stone, +150% resistance to dimensional interference, 150% chance of teleporting the user to a location the user has been to before upon breaking the stone. ]

[ Deterioration-Rate: 0% ]

This was the reason why he was happy. "Nineteen chunks of 5th-grade stone." Just the thought of it alone excited him to no end, and he was holding them. "I need to go, I need to leave right now with this." He already knew what was going to happen; S.H.I.E.L.D would definitely already be on their way here. He thought, "I need to erase all traces of me and take every single stone." With his mind racing, he erased as much of the trace as he could before riding his bike and booking it. Of course, he read the effects of the stone. He knew what would happen if he broke the stone, but that would be a waste, so much of a waste that he decided to book it back to his base without looking back.

-scene change-

Back in a familiar forest, Henry, who was still wearing his plague doctor's outfit, could be seen inspecting a hole in the ground as well as the surrounding area. He thought, "Well, looks like nobody has been here aside from me," happy about the fact. Henry then went back down to his first hideout. "I am home," he said to himself as the first thing he did was check on his plants, which had nicely grown, and some were already flowering. "Nice, most of them are ready to be harvested. Hopefully, they give me 4th-grade potions." However, the thought of getting 4th grade didn't excite him as much as it used to. After all, he was currently holding 5th-grade stones and a 6th-grade sample. After he checked on his plants, he looked around and then remembered his 2nd hideout. "I need to rework the whole cave, at least to not look like a cave," he sighed as he then checked on his storage.

"As I thought, a lot of material has deteriorated completely," he sighed as he then took out the deteriorated materials before recognizing everything. After that, he took out the Hulk sample. "I need to preserve it so that it doesn't deteriorate even a little bit, and I already know how." He already had an idea of how to preserve it, which he did by taking scraps of metal, using his alchemical weapon skill and turning them into a cube with a hollow inside, which he then filled with water. Afterward, he placed the Hulk sample inside before trying to freeze it solid. However, the 50% chance of him failing seemed to want to make an appearance, so he failed, again and again, until his fourth trial where he was already getting frustrated. "Fuck this shit," he would have kicked the weird bucket if it wasn't frozen solid. After that, he poured more until the thing was full before he froze the rest of the water solid.

With much to his relief, he did, otherwise he would have been in a lot worse mood. "Thank the lord," after he finished securing the Hulk's sample. "This isn't enough, I need to do something else to make sure this thing is fully secured." He still wasn't satisfied, so he dug a hole in the cave before placing the cube inside and turning the rubble he got from digging the hole into liquid. He poured it back into the hole and froze it solid again, which then gave him an idea. "Wait, there is a better skill to rework the whole cave than this. I can dig out a hole, turn the rubble into cement, and smoothen out the whole. I can even try adding a bit of design." Liking the idea even more, Henry took a short break to recover his mana by doing things that don't require mana, such as working on deconstructing the hammer droid. "With all of the knowledge I have accumulated, I have a lot of things to do," so he got into that.

[ Two days later ]

Inside the first hideout, which somewhat changed, it now looked like it was inhabited. In the workshop, the mad laughter of Henry could be heard as he just wore boxers. He was currently surrounded by the Bifrost-infused stones; some of them were broken. He was currently holding a stone ring. "Finally, finally, I fucking have a trump card," Henry was beyond happy again as he finally was able to actually turn the Bifrost-infused stones into a ring. And very much to his delight, the stone ring now had something else, something that excited him so much: a trump, something that he was very, very much glad to make. "I finally don't have to die like a dog if I meet the Hulk or be chased like a deer if S.H.I.E.L.D sees me again." If happy was personified, it would be Henry now, all because of one stone ring.

[ Name: Bifrost Stone Ring ]

[ Grade: 5th ]

[ Description: Crafted from a single stone Bifrost-Infused Stone, scattered across the site where Thor, the Prince of Asgard, was banished to Midgard, this ring holds a trace of power. Imbued with Asgardian runes and the essence of the Bifrost, it enhances the wearer's abilities and grants access to otherworldly energies. ]

[ Effects: +150% resistance to space-related attacks, +150% protection against magical interference, +150% augmentation of spatial awareness while holding the ring, +150% resistance to dimensional interference, the ability to teleport to previously visited locations using Bifrost energy (requires energy supply). ]

[ Deterioration-Rate: 3% ]

This stone ring could allow him to teleport to a location he has been to before. "Finally," putting on the ring, Henry continued to inspect the ring, and finally, when his excitement stopped sending him over the moon, he noticed the condition for teleporting. "Energy, like electricity?" he thought as he pondered. "I don't have to carry a battery with me, would I?" he asked himself wearily before he remembered something. "Wait, it said any energy source, any. Don't I have an energy source which limitless regenerates?" he thought to himself as he smiled, activating his MP and willing the ring to teleport him by envisioning the small island in the middle of the pond, only for him to suddenly feel like he was being dragged by something before he felt like the sensation of when the car stops. Opening his eyes, Henry looked around as he saw where he was.

He was currently standing on the small island, the excitement he felt when he first created the ring returning. "I was right, my mana is of course an energy source," happy with himself, Henry then continued to check the ring like a new girl who was just proposed to.


A/N well, this one of the rare cases where an item or a potion can exhibit a skill.