
officially secret

Daniel {David's dad}: so that's your request

maze and david: yep

mike {maze's father}: why do you want it to be a secret.

maze: well you know I'm your secret daughter nobody knows me and he's uncle's secret son so it will be better if we keep it a secret

david: and so that we can live a normal life

Daniel: if you put it that way what do you say mike.

mike: ok but whats gonna happen to the "will be heir"

Daniel: yeah

maze: heir? {david (whisper)}

david: umm can the heir wait cause maze is just 18 y/o can we wait till she's 25y/o

daniel: 7 years can we move it on 23y/o so five years seven years is quite long

david: maze is that ok

maze: huh ummm ok i can do that

daniel: ok now its settled right mike...mike?

mike: oh yeah its ok. maze can we talk

maze: yes dad?

mike: will you excuse us

daniel: its ok

maze: what is it dad

mike: why do you look so nervous

maze: well i dont really plan to get married or have a child

mike: maze this is a traditional event to our family and you cant break it

maze: even if I'm not part of the "family"

mike: you are part of the family not because we adopt you but because we welcome you to our family.


mike: you can do it. cause you never know that's really what you want you are just scared

maze: yeah maybe.. ok dad I'll try for our "family"

mike: that's my girl

(at the same time)

Daniel: Dave did you do something to her

david: what?! no why?

daniel: well she just look nervous

david: maybe she's scared

daniel: scared of what is there something to be scared of except you

david: maybe she's just scared on having a baby and dad why don't you trust me (it should be her that you don't trust) I'm your son.

daniel: yeah maybe that's the reason. i trust you but... ahhhh never mind. but be gentle when doing it.

david: what the.. dad don't!!

daniel: hahahaha just kidding but really slow.

david: alas... ok

mike: we're back

daniel: maze do you like the house

maze: yes uncle the garden us so nice.

daniel: I'm glad you like it cause i heard you like flower and color blue so lots of them are blue

maze: thanks uncle. i really wish that there's a blue rose but the violet there is fine.

mike: maze are you fine here without a maid

maze: of course I'm fine with that

mike: how about you david

david: its fine too uncle

daniel: we should leave now so the two of you can have a break from all that packing and that you can prepare for tomorrow's.. wait do we have to do it cause its secret

david: we can just invite the ones who know about us.

daniel: ok well get some rest now

maze: yes uncle

david: yes dad

daniel: mike lets go

mike: ok maze remember what i said ok

maze: ok dad bye.