
May it Rain Blood: Apocalypse

Just your regular apocalypse with vampires, demons, zombies, beastmen, and every other fantasy race. Max is your regular human survivor that just so happens to be so hungry he eats something weird and changes his race! Becoming a special Vampire allows many things to become easier for him with the exception of food! Now he needs tons of blood to survive after becoming this special type of vampire and must get it from somewhere! Where do you get good food now that you are a vampire? Humans! What is the best humans? Females! Now that food is sorted tons of his food is turning into vampire subordinates... and it just so happens that everything is pushing him to control everyone through his new race. Let's hope things work out...

ObsidianWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


Max slowly made his way through the dark as he slowly searched the area killing one zombie at a time. Cold, thirsty, hungry, and afraid. He slowly looked for anything that could help him in his time of need. Unfortunately, there was nothing but the growls of the beasts who used to be human.


During the changing world, another large change was happening invisible to the eyes of all humans and beasts. A new type of energy that had been slowly flowing into the world started to speed up its' flow turning from a small stream to a powerful ocean tide.

Like a crack in a dam that lets a little water out until one day that small crack becomes a terrifying flood as all the water pressure releases letting tons and tons of water through. That fast-flowing water quickly making the gap wider and allowing more to pass through. Only stabilizing slightly as the pressure on both ends allows a smooth current to pass through.

The only difference being this stream of energy focuses on several spots around the world to flow the massive amount of energy through before stabilizing all around enveloping the entire planet. Instead of causing destruction while carving out the land, this energy quickly nourished everything it touched.


On the third day of the apocalypse, Max woke up after sleeping in an uncomfortable closet. Strangely the pains that had been overpowering him now were almost completely dulled. Even as his arm was a mangled mess, nothing seemed to hurt as much as it only felt numb.

Still, all he could find is a small water bottle and no food anywhere. So without much choice and under the urge of his rumbling stomach, he started exploring the houses.


"First tell us how the safe zone in the city working?"

"After one yesterday's progress slowed, we were able to still completely clear a small apartment complex. The real problem is that now the ammo saving message put into place, it is getting harder to quickly clear the buildings. It is fine when the Z's are running out the buildings, but now we have to check every room individually on every floor which is making the situation take nearly four times longer."

"I guess there is nothing we can do. What about our 'volunteers' in the quarantine?"

"They are doing fine and seem to have nothing wrong with them. I think we can start the plan to start boiling and bottling river water as they didn't change within the day. Although we should not focus on it and instead focus on the reclaiming of supplies from the cities."

"Alright, what of the plan to put people to work building their own houses?"

"Surprisingly well! Most people are cooperating to get an actual roof over their heads. The small amount of people who aren't willing to help will be forced to live in bad condition tents as asked. We expect to make a slum of all those who refuse to work. If things get too bad we can just force them to work or threaten to stop feeding them."

Patrick looked very satisfied at how most things were going, "What about the small close combat group?"

"No one wants to join it. Only two survivors agreed to join the close combat group. Out of our own men, we didn't get anyone."

*sigh* "I guess that should be expected. No one wants to deal with the possibility of dying so easily from going in a dangerous position."

"Let us get moving. We can't spend all day making decisions. So long as we join in and help the common people we should have far more control over them."

Everyone nodded before leaving quickly ending their meeting.


Max soon found his only source of nearby food. A vending machine unfortunately he no longer had much strength which forced him to spend nearly an hour to find a suitable one-handed metal pipe.

With his new weapon, he quickly swung it at the glass without waiting any longer. Just as he was celebrating real food for the first time in days, the glass broke... And the still powered alarm sounded loud...


As he hadn't broken a clear hole to get the snacks inside, he was sure to cut his only good hand trying to get something while running, so without hesitation, he dropped the metal pipe and ran! Well... more of a fast limp...

As he ran he could clearly see nearly twenty zombies that he hadn't seen before running in the direction of the vending machine. Despite his grumbling stomach Max could only keep moving in the direction he knew he killed many zombies before.

After nearly half an hour of struggle, Max finally made it to the edge of the city again. Looking as if he was out of shape he was breathing heavily while laying against a wall. The only good news was that in his desperation for food, Max had basically cleaned out the area of zombies.


Letting out another deep sigh he gave up the vending machine and moved on to searching the area once again.


Close to where Max was exploring, a group of three was making their way through the city.

"These damn zombies! I can't believe this had to happen after I graduated."

"Alex, don't shout you will attract them!"

"Please, I will just kill them all the same just as I was doing before." Allex casually waved his hand in annoyance.

"Yeah Willow, Alex is the strongest! I mean just look how easily he kills the zombies!"

"Just follow me and shut up Willow."

The girl named Willow could only look down in shame. These two were her only friends before all this started with Alex being her boyfriend and the other girl being her best friend.

"Alex, Ellena, I understand." Putting her head down she nearly bowed to her friends.

Alex only sneered and kept walking, "Let's explore those buildings over there. I have a good feeling."

Entering the building they quickly saw a limping 'zombie' checking the area. On the ground was a possibly dead zombie. Alex didn't care much and as soon as the walking 'zombie' turned in his direction, he attacked!

The 'zombie' on the other hand saw this and quickly fell over screaming "WHAT THE FUCK!" It was then after missing the zombie did Alex see the man had an arm in a sling that he fell onto, not only that he wasn't even wearing a shirt and only a loose sweater. All zombies that had changed usually wore normal clothes since that is what they were wearing as they transformed. Clearly, something was wrong.

"Huh? A zombie can talk?"

The zombie on the other hand simply cursed, "Fuck you! I am not a zombie! Fuck! This arm had finally stopped hurting and had become completely numb."

Having fallen on his arm that was in a sling the 'zombie' was clearly in a great deal of pain.

"How the fuck are you not a zombie!"

"I haven't gotten bit that's how! Now Fuck! ARRGGHH! What kind of idiot charges a zombie?"

"Who are you calling idiot!"

"You! Fuck, we need to stop yelling... ugghh... I haven't completely checked the place out yet."

"You were looting while not having checked the place clearly? Who's the idiot now?"

"The one who knows he won't be snuck up and killed even if there are others around."

"Yeah yeah, whatever."

"Can you help me up now?"

"And what if you try and bite my hand as soon as it comes close?"

"Why would I do something so stupid?"

"Because you are infected and are prone to biting?"

"Never mind..."

Max slowly got off the floor on his own. As the group of three stared at him. It was also at that point Max could see the two beautiful girls behind Alex standing at the open door.

"You two might want to get inside in case our shouting attracted something from the outside."

"Ahh- Y-Yes."

The two quickly closed the door behind them as Alex rejoined them.

"Seriously Willow you need to be more aware of your surroundings."

"Yeah Willow you sure are an airhead."


"Just shut up and help me search this place."


Watching this was Max who found this whole situation cliche. 'Isn't this the moment when the completely powerful main character helps the shy girl escape her cruel captor?' Looking down at his mangled arm he felt like an idiot.

"You know there should get moving to the military camp. I hear they set up base over there. you will probably be put under the same laws as before and they have guns so you should be safe if you want to go there."

Alex stopped his conversation and turned to Max with a frown. "If you heard about it then why don't you head there?"

"See I was there, but some people I knew before didn't like me much and claimed I did something I didn't, then," He pointed at his arm, "Destroyed my arm and took my clothes leaving me for dead."

He let out a sad sigh as he thought about his wrongful mistreatment, "I doubt you even know a military man so you can probably get by without anything going wrong.

Alex looked at the girls with questioning looks before nodding to Max, "Fine. Say I believe you. Where exactly is the camp being set up?"

"It should be about 6 hours from here by walking. In that direction." He pointed in the distance. "It isn't in the city but should be about an hour's walk from the city. You will probably see military vehicles if you just start walking along the road at the city's edge."

Alex looked deep in thought before nodding, "Alright we will check it out. First, let us search this place."

Everyone nodded and followed his lead to search the area. Although the building they were in was a clothing shop, they were mostly hoping to find something that employees would have used as their food for their lunch break. More specifically the snacks that last longer.

After half an hour of searching Max finally found the first safe piece of food! A bag of sunflower seeds. Although these people didn't seem like the best people, he chalked it up to his brain giving him wrong signals due to him almost dying to them. So despite his cautiousness, he oped the bag right there in front of them.

"Hey! We will be taking that."


"Give it before you get even more hurt."

"You can have some sure?"

"No the whole bag!"

"What I found it!" The deep growl of his stomach that hadn't eaten in days quickly alerted Max he couldn't let this bag go. Just as he pulled the bag away from Alex another hand from behind snatched the bag directly from his hands.

"Good work Ellena. Let's go, this place has nothing for us now."

Willow quickly tried to stop this situation. "Hey, Alex why not give him some? He is injured and needs the energy to heal."

Alex gave a pondering look then smiled evilly, "Alright alright." Grabbing the bag he pulled out a single sunflower seed from the bag and dropped it on the ground. "Here."

"Alex that's not what I meant and you know it!"

"Willow just shut up. If you want to die you can leave right now."

"Fine! Then I will stay with this man!"

"Willow that was a joke you can't leave." Alex suddenly put on a serious face as he glared at Willow.

Willow also put on a serious face as she walked closer to Max doing her best to show her stance. Alex watched this and picked up his weapon and swung it at Max! Max having prepared a fight simply used his left hand to support himself on a desk as he used his leg to kick Alex directly in the gut!

"What the fuck!"

Max, having trained most of his life knew how to fight more than the idiot that waves a metal club around. "Kid you should just go. You can injure me, but that is all. You would die before being able to seriously injure me."

"Who are you calling kid?! You look younger than me! I bet your dick doesn't even reach an inch!"

Max was suddenly stunned, "Who said anything about dicks?" *sigh* "Just... Just leave." He turned to Willow who was next to him, "You too should leave. Going to that camp should protect you enough from this idiot if he tries to harm you."

Willow looked hesitant but still nodded and walked back to Alex. Alex instead had all his focus on Max while glaring him down wondering how to kill the man. Max on the other hand didn't care and simply told them to leave the seeds. "Leave the food."

Alex's expression suddenly improved as he smiled happily, "Like you can even touch me!" He held the bag at head height as he mocked Max. It was clear as day Max was too injured and wouldn't catch up even if he ran so he only coldly looked at the trio as they left.

He could only relax after they left. Letting out a deep sigh he bent down and picked up the sunflower seed they had dropped... and ate it.