
May it Rain Blood: Apocalypse

Just your regular apocalypse with vampires, demons, zombies, beastmen, and every other fantasy race. Max is your regular human survivor that just so happens to be so hungry he eats something weird and changes his race! Becoming a special Vampire allows many things to become easier for him with the exception of food! Now he needs tons of blood to survive after becoming this special type of vampire and must get it from somewhere! Where do you get good food now that you are a vampire? Humans! What is the best humans? Females! Now that food is sorted tons of his food is turning into vampire subordinates... and it just so happens that everything is pushing him to control everyone through his new race. Let's hope things work out...

ObsidianWolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs


"We have been searching this place for six hours!"

"I think we will have to find someone outside at this rate."

"We don't even have anywhere to stay, I don't have food to eat and I am afraid you will go crazy as you have already done once."

"Please don't say that. Although I am hungry right now I don't think I will lose control like I did that night."

"Don't say that night like it wasn't last night. Anyway, we should search a little more until night hits. I think we can just leave to find somewhere to stay then." The pair could only search the floors they searched several times before hoping for a different outcome.

Just as night hit and the pair were about to get moving a loud voice came from inside a nearby room. "Get out here you Bitch!"

The pair stopped outside the door before looking at each other for a moment and nodding. Just as they were about to knock the yelling came again, "You Bitch! You need to learn your place! Just wait until I break down this door!"

Concern flashed in Willow's eyes as she quickly knocked on the door. *knock knock* A disheveled man quickly opened up the door, he blocked the entrance with his body as he looked at the pair with embarrassment, "I'm sorry, did my yelling disturb you? You don't have to worry, I just got into an argument with my girlfriend."

Strangly as the door opened a soft sweet smell of cinnimin and other sweet spices seemed to flow out the room. Drake could feel his hunger surge as his entire body seemed to scream at him to enter the room and get the source of the smell to satisfy his hunger.

Just as Willow got ready to yell at the man who was clearly lying Drake stepped in and spoke first, "Well if it is an argument, then we can come in and talk to both of you acting as a mediator. After all in times like these we need united people."

The man seemed almost charmed by his words and almost got out of the way before he quickly stopped and fully blocked the door again. "I'm sorry this is between us and I couldn't possibly let someone I don't know get in the middle of this small couple's spat."

Willow didn't have enough patience and seeing the conversation going nowhere she quickly yelled, "Are you OK? We will come and help you!"

Her yelling quickly got a response, "Help!"

"Shit." The man quickly tried to close the door but Drake quickly stopped him slamming his hand to block it from completely closing. The man saw he had smashed Drake's hand and quickly tried to smash it again, but quickly realized that no matter how hard he pushed the door only kept opening slowly.

"I think we will check the situation ourselves if you don't mind." Drake spoke with a small smile as he walked in without seeming to care about the man who was desperately trying to close the door. As the door fully opened the man fell on his butt before raising his hands to cover his face.

"Wait wait, I just freaked out because she is a lying bitch. You have to believe me! I didn't do anything, but she always tries to get me in trouble even if she is at fault! Please listen to me! You know how guys are never listened to when they defend themselves! At least give me a chance!"

"Then let us see quickly in what state your supposed 'girlfriend' is and take both sides of your stories." Drake had a calm voice that seemed impartial to everything.

Willow on the other hand seemed to not care at all about the man who had fallen on his ass and focused on a door that seemed partially broken down. *knock knock* "Hey are you OK in there? You are safe now. You can come out."

Very slowly a click was heard as a shaky girl peaked out the crack of the door. "H-Hello..." She quickly looked around the room several times before stopping at the man who was sitting on the ground. Her eyes were filled with fear as she seemed ready to close the door the moment anyone made a sudden movement.

Seeing how she was acting Drake bent over and picked up the man by his collar and started dragging him to another room that could be assumed to be a bedroom. The girl watched all this from the slightly opened door.

Just as Drake was about to pass he stopped and spoke to Willow, "I shall question him over there where the girl can feel safer not having him here." Then he smiled a soft sweet smile at the girl that made her shaking stop for a moment as he passed. Unfortunately, the shaking started again as the man who was being dragged by the collar gave her a death glare as if sending her a message.

She quickly shut the door and locked it again. Willow didn't notice anything and knocked again trying to coax the girl out the room. It was only after Drake slammed the door to the bedroom closed did the girl peek out the room again.

"Hello, the two of them are gone, you can come out now. Even if that bastard isn't tied up he can't hurt you. Drake is incredibley strong!..." The girl looked at Willow with great hesitation as she slowly opened the door slowly. "Hey, can you tell me what your name is?"

As she noded her head, her shaking calmed down as she spoke softly, "My name is Arora."

"Arora then, can you tell me what happened?"


"You can take off your masks here. There is nothing in this air that should affect you unless it has already affected everyone already. So, tell me do any of you know anything of that fog or when everything started becomeing stranger?"

The middle aged man nodded and took off his gas mask before replying, "My family and I were doomsday prepers, so we had worn these masks from day 1. It turned out to be a good idea since the fog showed up on day 2 after the breakout. We were originally a group of twenty who had all took shelter on the top floor.

Almost everyone looked at my family like we were crazy, but then when the moss began to grow and let out that red mist. The ones who had thought they were safe soon realized how wrong they were when they started having moss grow out thier bodies.

By day 3 they had all turned into nutrients for the moss. Only my family, who wore masks and were very careful when eating and drinking, were able to live without being turned into nutrients. The only thing we had to be careful of was the moss reaching our food and if it was already contaminated. In the end we made sure to keep everything sealed except for water bottles that were opened and finished that same minute.

To be honest we all thought about how we were going to escape many times, but we just couldn't find the right way to do so. In the end you found us when we were all exsausted and hungry. We wanted to leave within the week if help didn't arive. So truly, thank you all for saving my family."

"Alright we have gotten your information. We have an appartment building that is completely safe that you will be staying in for the upcoming future. As you have seen by the wall that has almost completely grown back, there are several strange things that we are trying to understand or control. But! As long as you stay at the apartment complex you should be safe from anything and get some relief food. If you want more you can work on the designated jobs."

"Alright thank you." Bowing to the soldier, the middle aged man quickly left under the lead of another.

"Damn Wall of Flesh. You produce fog that will kill us. Block our path. Even contaminate the recources. At least we are not drinking from the pipes. What is next the power will finaly fail?"

Just as he spoke a soldier quickly shouted from outside, "Sir! The power has failed!"



"So let us get to this. I will listen to you to make a case for yourself. You just need to explain everything and then be told your verdict."

"Y-Yes... Ummm it started yesterday. My girlfriend Arora and I had just moved in. We were part of the last group to move here, and she wanted to celebrate how things were going back to a more normal life. We didn't have much and couldn't figure out how to celebrate until she decided to 'do it' for the first time.

And umm... well... She and I started out and my big thing hurt her. As she was a virgin I pushed a little too much and hurt her too fast. She blamed me and was angry for the entire day... when I came back today after work I wanted to get her to talk to me and hopefully do it properly.

Unfortunately, she was still fuming and slammed the bathroom door on me. At that point I was so tired that I just got mad and started yelling and that was when you entered."

Thinking about how he mentioned the girl losing her virginity, Drake thought about that sweet spice smell that stirred up his hunger. Taking a moment to smell the room again he soon realized that none of the smell was inside the bedroom where the deed should have beed done. Just as Drake was about to ask more questions a loud laughter came from outisde.

"Seriously! What a sissy! I didn't know they could be that small!"

"Ignore them for now. Tell me where did you have sex."

"Uggh here? Why is that important?"

"Hmmm... Alright that is all for now unless you have more to add to your story."


"Perfect wait one moment."

Standing up he opened the door as he looked at the pair that were sitting in the living room. One was laughing loudly, while the other was looking at her in shock.

"Are you two done so we can listen to both stories and make a final judgement."

"Yes! I think I know everything we need."

Nodding his head he grabbed the man and started pulling him by the collar while making sure to keep him a safe distance from Arora. He was also smelling the room all around to see where the sweet spicy smell was coming from. Eventually he noticed everything coming from the girl alone and nothing else smelled anywhere as good.

"Drake Drake get this! That idiot tried to rape Arora over here and guess what!" As Willow was doing her best to not burst out laughing, Drake only looked at the pair with passive complextion. Still his eyes betrayed the hunger that he felt deep inside.

"Just say it."

"Weeelll~ She just asked me if all penis' were that small! She said he is this small!" Willow burst out laughing as she showed a distance that was less than an inch in between her fingers.

"Well I guess that explains a lot and even invalidates your story if true."

The man quickly put on a disgusted expression as he quickly defended himself, "What do you mean! I Fark Crane have an average sized member!"

"Oh? Now I am getting curious if it is true." Dragging the man back to the bedroom, Drake cassually threw the man to the ground. Stepping on his stomach, Drake quickly pulled the man's pants down revealing the state of his genital to the world, or only him since he made sure the girls didn't see anything.

"Huh? Is there anything even here?"


Drake could now clearly seen the place where the genitals should be were only wrinkles of the man's fat. Nothing else.

"You claimed you hurt her due to your first sexual experience and now I think you could have done better if you used a toothpick."


"You are right, even a fourth a toothpick would work better."