
Maxed Out in Another World

This is not your ordinary 'Hero Summoned' to another world type novel. This novel follows our MC Mikax after he is summoned to the world of Bedel. This is much like any typical medieval magical fantasy world except our MC refuses to follow the social norms or structure of the denizens who live here. Follow him as an unstoppable force meets a world full of very movable objects.

Zerosum89 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Demon Lord Eura

When the light around them had disappeared Arlyne and Rotnam both withdrew their weapons and took a fighting stance. They were inside a building that was similar to a castle only the stones were black. They didn't see any demons or monsters but they were definitely on high alert.

Mikax ignored the other two and began walking down the hallway they had appeared in. What they didn't know was that Mikax had come here earlier in the day just scouting out the layout of the castle and positions of the guards so he could teleport as close as possible to the throne room.

As the three rounded the corner it was time for everyone but Mikax to be surprised again. Arlyne and Rotnam were shocked to see huge blood-red doors guarded on each side by imp-looking demons. They both guessed that this was to the demon lord's throne room.

The imps on the other hand had never seen humans before and for three to be waltzing directly up to them was completely unheard of. They took battle stances and prepared to call for reinforcements when something even weirder happened. One of the humans was waving at them as if they were old friends. It stunned them momentarily.

"Hey, you two I'm Mikax, just here to have a discussion with your lord can you please announce our presence so that we may enter."

The humans had stopped walking and waited as if it was the most natural thing in the world for them to be here. The imps looked at each other with complete confusion about what to do.

It was at that moment the doors opened from the inside. A dignified-looking demi-human walked out. His skin was as pale as snow and he had long pointy ears with red eyes. He stopped a few feet in front of the humans before saying "Who should I announce?"

Giving a slight bow "I am Mikax, along with the Knight Commander of the Azran Kingdom Rotnam, and the Noble lady Arlyne."

In response, the Demi-human returned the bow before he walked back into the throne room repeating the introductions Mikax had given.

After the announcement was made Mikax made his way into the throne room. The two by his side were shaking, they did their best to hide it but the majority of the beings inside of the room were above level 100 and easily could see that only 1 person who entered was of true note. Once they had reached the middle Mikax came to a stop.

They all three faced the throne that had a the Demon Lord sitting upon it. Unlike the throne inside of Mythden, this one looked uncomfortable and hard. It seemed to be made of a warped tree and not cushions and gold. The being on it seemed more like a devil than anything Rotnam and Arlyne had ever seen. The only exception was he wore clothing similar to them.

Mikax made a deep bow to the Demon Lord before he pulled the bottle he took from the bar out of his pouch. "I've brought a gift. Truly some of the best alcohol I've ever had. Hopefully we can toast to a cooperative discussion." The vampire like Demi-human casually walked over to retrieve the bottle before handing it to the demon lord.

After examining the bottle the demon lord spoke, "you are interesting human, I am Eura Valtas, the demon lord. What discussion do you wish to have and what makes you believe I'll let you leave here after it? No human has ever stood inside this castles walls of their own free will and yet here you are."

Smiling Mikax took a few casual steps in a circle examining the room. He had always liked more gothic type architecture so he was happy to take a moment to enjoy it. "This discussion is more of me offering you advice. You don't have to take it but you would be foolish to ignore me." Pointing at Rotnam he continued, "this man would like to defend the human race from your invasion, ironically enough he would like my help to get the strength to do that."

The demons in the room began to laugh. They could feel Rotnam's ability was strong but not nearly strong enough, they felt no threat from Mikax at all, the girl was barely a warm up to them as well. The only one who didn't laugh was Eura.

"Will you continue please." Eura knew that wasn't all of it and at level 124 he could sense something was off about Mikax. As he spoke these words the laughter died abruptly.

Mikax clapped a few times slowly to applaud the demon lords keen sight. "I have no qualms with you or your kind. I don't care for the Azran Kingdom or it's people. I have taken a liking to this man and a certain town." While Mikax spoke he put his arm over Rotnam's shoulder as if they were the best of pals. "So I want to come to terms over these two things. First, you will leave the town directly to the south of here alone. It is known as Redgate and believe it or not all the gates are red!"

Mikax had a huge feeling of pride as he said the last part. In the near future he planned to upgrade the town significantly in ways they couldn't even imagine.

Continuing with a devious grin on his face, "also you will agree to personally train this man one day a week. No permanent harm will come to him while training him, of course."

This last request had stunned everyone present including Eura this time. Humans and demons had been mortal enemies for centuries. Them working together to the extent they were right now was already unheard of let alone training together.

"Lastly, and listen closely because this one has inconvenienced me greatly." Mikax began to emit his killing intent on everyone in the room, this included Rotnam and Arlyne. "No demons will kidnap another woman from any cities or towns. If you need breeders you will come to me and we will buy slaves for you. Are we in agreement?"

No one in the room could move. Eura could at least respond with a slight head nod as he squeezed out a 'yes'. The moment he had the pressure was released as if it had never happened.

"Perfect! In return for such great cooperation I will give you a gift." Mikax reached into his pouch and removed a longsword that looked as sinister as blades could get. It was curved like a snake with jagged barbs protruding. It was a red so deep it almost looked black. Mikax stabbed it into the floor gently and backed away so Eura's retainer could retrieve it for him.

Contrary to his expectations, Eura himself descended from his throne to retrieve the sword. Once he had grasped it a burst of energy seemed to pulse thru the room. Everyone could see the sword blade slowly igniting into flames and the hilt of the sword extending and wrapping around his wrist. This sword had come from a much more powerful demon lord in E2 that Mikax had befriended and fought beside. He was happy to see the demon blade reacting so positively to Eura.

Once the flames had died down and the hilt returned to normal Eura approached Mikax and extended his hand. With smiles on both of their faces they shook hands. After releasing their grasps Eura approached his retainer and whispered into his ear. Immediately the man left the room.

"I will be giving each of you my crest. As long as you have it you are welcome in my lands and no demon will harm you." Eura bowed deeply to Mikax, after he was done he approached Rotnam, "Every Sunday I expect you here by 7am."

Rotnam had never agreed to this. How did he get roped into something so absolutely crazy. Didn't Mikax just ignore him saying he wouldn't betray the human race? Didn't Mikax just betray the human race by giving the Demon Lord a strong weapon? He didn't even understand what was happening. What he did understand was that although none of them were humans, they still showed respect the same way and were even more willing to talk with intruders than King Jearr would have been.

What came next actually surprised Rotnam and Arlyne even more. They were all invited to have a feast with the demons that night. To their surprise the food was delicious. The demons were rowdy but in a fun type of way not overbearing. They exchanged stories of battle and glory against humans, beasts, and other demons. They even had drinking songs that Rotnam was beginning to enjoy.

Thru all of this no one had noticed Mikax slip out of the room to have a separate conversation with the demon lord.

When Eura had seen Mikax walk off and out of the room he had followed out of curiosity. This man had carried a demonic sword of such power and willingly handed it over without asking for much in return.

"So what is your end goal Mikax?" Eura knew there was something else the man had going on he just couldn't figure out what.

Putting his hands up as if he was caught Mikax laughed to himself, "I want to unite all types of beings in search of a home in one place. Why not start with the humans biggest rival." Mikax knew this would be difficult but he could make it happen. By starting with the demons he was overcoming the biggest hurdle in his plan.

Eura would like to have said he was surprised but tonight had already been full of surprises that he believed anything could happen now. The man in front of him seemed confident in achieving his goal as well.

"What would you call this place if you succeed?" Eura wanted to know more, he wasn't against the humans just because they were humans, he wanted to grow his country and prosper like any King.

With his trademark devious grin Mikax responded, "The Misfit Toys."

The two had spent another hour talking of things from why he requested the things he did to the fact he was a summoned 'hero'. Once they were finished Mikax went to retrieve his two shadows who had gotten completely smashed and were playing a game similar to darts with a small group of demon kind.

After dragging them away like children who didn't want to obey, he activated his teleportation magic again and returned to his room in the Valedge Inn. Once he had gotten the two to bed, he himself returned to his room for some well deserved sleep.

~~~~Demon Castle~~~~

Murmurs could be heard around the room after Mikax had left. All of them were trying to figure out what tier magic the spell he just used was. They were all sure that it was higher than anything they had ever seen before.

Eura cleared his throat to quiet the room, "Once everything is cleaned up recall all of our forces to the castle. We will be changing plans as of the morning."