
Max: A New Beginning

Crazyandra · Fantasy
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9 Chs


They ran past the old abandoned cathedral. The sound of the rain was mixed with their breath;

their breath was as heavy as the rain itself. "Dorothy, run! We are almost there". Mike called out

from behind him. He took Dorothy's hand so they could both run faster. The rain pour was

painful on her skin, she ran more to get to the house Mike was taking her to. "I'm out of breath

Mike, I need water". Mike raised his voice as the Rain water soaked them, the rain was getting

heavier and the Magoons were still searching for them. The smell of animal wastes mixed with

the greenish forest's smell made her want to throw up but she couldn't, she couldn't afford to be

weak at the moment. "We don't have so much time, the covering spell will soon wear off and the

Magoons will find us". Mike took the backpack from Dorothy to make her run faster. He raised

his voice at the sight of the cabin. "We're there honey, we're safe for now".

Mike struggled with the lock, he wasn't an expert in picking locks but he had tried it few times

when he couldn't use magic. "Use your magic honey" Dorothy suggested. He opened the door

with his mind; Mike was free to use his powers where there were no strangers. The room was

dark but he found his way anyways. Dorothy followed him, few steps behind him. Somehow, he

still knew every corner of the house like the palm of his hand. He'd grew up in the cabin until his

father decided to replace his grandparents in the Magoon magical group, the group had led the

dark force in the magical world for years and when he fell in love with Dorothy, he knew it was

time for him to leave the devilish group for good. He told Dorothy about how the cabin was

covered with an ancient magical covering that prevented his parents from being traced by his

family's rival force. "They will never be able to track us down, no matter how powerful the

magic is". He only spent seventeen years of his life in the cabin and it felt like he had just left

yesterday. He allowed his mind to wander off, off to when he first used his magic in the cabin.

His father had told him he was one of the few special ones left on earth. Then he had to go

through rigorous practice before he was able to control the rush of his powers. The loud sound of

some rats' squeak brought him back to the moment.

Dorothy somehow found her way into the toilet. She had decided to see a doctor before the

ravaging started. The vomit and dizziness wouldn't stop even after so many home remedies she

had used. Now, she'd have to pray for a nearby hospital or clinic. Dorothy cleaned up; he met

Mike in the kitchen. "This place is like no one ever left".

"My parents must have done some never aging magical spell on the house". Mike smiled. "They

are perfectionists". He'd known his parents to be perfectionists, one of the frontiers of the

magical world. For years, they had lived peacefully in the cabin until it was their turn to take

over the lead of the Magic Kingdom. Mike had done the most dangerous thing anyone could ever

do to get a death sentence from his parents, he had rebelled against the Magoon's sacred law, he

had fallen in love with the daughter of his parent's rival group leader and he had decided to start

a family with her no matter the consequences. He knew he'd have to go into hiding for the rest of

his life, but he didn't care, he was with Dorothy and that was all that mattered.

Dorothy felt a heavy dizziness hit her. She staggered to find a place to sit. "The dizziness again"

Mike asked. She nodded. Mike told her it might be her abilities acting up again and that she

would feel better now that there was enough time to rest. He pulled her closer. He needed to, for

her and for himself too. The warmth they shared was promising, he would give the whole world

in exchange for eternity with her and he was sure he would do the same. The rain was starting to

reduce; now he had to plan on how to spend forever with Dorothy. The past few weeks had been

crazy. He'd betrayed his family and now he was dearly paying for it. He had always wanted a

normal life, a life away from killing for his father and living in guilt of the innocent lives he had

taken. The last time he was here, he was with his parents but now, he was in the cold cabin with

the love of his life. Mike felt his heart skip a bit, one of his magical powers was thorough

sensitivity, he saw, heard, smelt from farther distance. He held on to Dorothy a little while longer

to be sure of what he heard or what he felt. A third heartbeat. "It's a Boy Dorothy".

"What?" she asked. It took Dorothy a while to understand what mike had said, she had got lost in

the sound of his heart. "I can hear his heartbeat". Mike placed his ear on her tummy. "This

explains the dizziness, we're having a baby". He pulled her closer and took her lips with his. He

whispered in between. This time in a more reassuring way "We are safe".