
Mavis Vermilion's Adventures: Magi Kingdom of Magic

Hi I'm Mavis Vermilion who is known as the first master of fairy tail and owns the three grand spells of fairy tail which is Fairy Glitter, Fairy Sphere, and Fairy Law and more which I don't technically use since some of them is black magic. Fairy law is my signature move between the three spells. Anyways, back to the main topic which is that I am going to visit an old friend of mine or should I say my past reincarnation. I was never born to be a "Magi" since she's like my past life except she may look different. Now, she seeks my help so I can stop a war at the same time stop a certain organization. Well that's pretty much the information I know, but knowing that they have to come to me for help; this war must be serious. ___________________________ ___________ What will Mavis do once she arrives? Do you think she has what it takes? Will she meet new friends? What kind of enemy will she be facing? Will she get back after this? (A/N) This story is a crossover between Fairy Tail/Mavis Vermilion and Magi: Kingdom of magic. The story will start after Aladdin is done with his entrance exam. Warning: I do not own Magi and Fairy Tail just the plot itself. And Mavis is not an OC she's a real character from Fairy Tail if you some of you guys didn't know. NOTE: This story can also be found on https://my.w.tt/XuiOqV52ccb. But may I remind you that it is not fully edited yet so I advised you to not read the unedited chapters whatsoever. ~HarutoWatanabe7

Haruto_Watanabe7 · Anime & Comics
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4 Chs

Chapter 2

Narrator (POV)

"Hmm I think this is the place, let's go!" she said confidently as Mavis skipped towards her destination.


*time skip to the entrance exam*

"now show me what you can do" the instructor said roughly with a bored look in his face.

For starters, Mavis didn't prepared anything to present so she thought that she can just use a portion of her illusion magic.

Mavis raised her hand, her palm facing the instructor; she closed her eyes and directed her illusion magic towards the instructor.

On the other hand, the instructor wasn't that amazed. As he was inside the illusion made by Mavis, there he stand in the middle of a tropical forest; though if you focused you can see right through the illusion, knowing that this only a portion of Mavis's illusion magic.

"your illusion is quite useful but it is very weak, therefore you are in the 6th kodor. Next!"

"Thank you" Mavis thanked the instructor as as she bowed at the man and walked away.

While Mavis was walking around, she kept seeing people with staffs and wands. And she thought that having a staff might help her fit in even more.

Mavis closed her eyes and tried to picture the staff she wants. Her right hand began to glow bright yellow, there it formed a staff. It had a blue gem on the top, with a gold wing rapped around it.

"this is perfect"


*time skip to the dorms*

"this must be my room and knowing that it only has one bed, I guess I don't have roommate" Mavis said

"but wait what am I going to wear" she said to her self. Then she remembered seeing other people wearing black robes and a hat.

So Mavis conjured up her own uniform and started to wear. While she was at it, she also started to fix her hair.


*time skip to training* (still narrator's POV)

"Listen up, my name is Myers and I will be your teacher for the 6th kodor are we clear!" Myers said or more like shouted at her students.

"yes ma'am" they responded including Mavis. Mavis was now wearing a white dress underneath a black coat that had white frills on each hem, a pastel blue ribbon that was tied between her waist to keep the black coat tightly intact closely to her body. Her hair was tied up in two separate pairs, pigtails in other words.

"I can't hear you, now are we clear!" Myers shouted. This caused Mavis and the others to tense up because of her roughness and her loud voice.

"Yes ma'am!" responded by a certain blue haired boy.

"hmmm blue haired, small, looks like a chibi. Hmmm that must be Aladdin" Mavis exclaimed in her thoughts as she looked at the blue haired boy.

"hmmm, not loud enough!" she shouted back at Aladdin who took a step back.

"now all of you, put your staffs on table!" she ordered while pointing at the table on her left side.

They all obliged and started walked towards to the table and put their staffs there. And to be honest, every- one, except Mavis and Aladdin, was complaining until they were disrupted by Myers who was holding a whip.

"hurry up and assemble!" Myers said making the students jumped and started. "Now for our first activity will be physical training. Now all of you get started and if I see anyone slacking of you that person will have to do 50 push-ups!"

"yes ma'am!"

Mavis (POV)

-First task: sit ups

"I hahh can't hah hah do hah hah it hah anymore hah" I said panting

"c'mon Mavis just five more" the person said, encouraging me to go on.

-Second task: run up to a 10 feet building.

"come on guys, we're hah hah almost there" he said with pants between his sentence.

"he's pretty encouraging I might say" I thought as I looked at the others, who were also encouraged by Aladdin. I didn't pay attention to where I was stepping and accidently....tripped.

"ahhh, it hurts" I said as I continuously rubbed my back.

As I stood up and brushed of the dirt I caught a glimpse of a certain white haired guy who was looking out the window of the hallway that was next to the tower. I looked closely and if I stand correctly; he scoffed and smiled but not in a nice way, more like a arrogant kind-of-smile.

I shrugged it of and focused on catching up with the others.

-Third task: Frog squat hop

"hah hah hah finally hah hah I reached hah the top" I panted as I held my knees with tons of sweat beads dripping down my face.


Narrator (POV)

After their physical training, everyone went to their dorms tiredly. Mostly you can here panting and lots of complains.

"that was the worst thing I've ever done"

"you tell me ugh"

"ugh my back hurts so~ much"

"I am never doing that again"

"uwahh my body feels so numb" complained Mavis as she rubbed her back. As she looked to her right, she saw Aladdin and decided to talk to him knowing that he was an ally to her.

Mavis (POV)

"We did good today, Aladdin"

"thanks, you to uhh"

"It's Mavis, Mavis Vermilion."

"pfft, I don't really think any of you did a good job because all you did was physical training meaning you guys aren't good enough" I turned around to where the voice was coming and saw the white haired guy which I saw earlier.

"excuse me but, you can't really rely on magic since there a multiple possibilities to where you are most vulnerable if you rely to much on magic. Like running out of ethe- I mean Magoi or you some how encountered an enemy that is the total opposite of you skill" I started.

"in conclusion, it is very important to have physical training" I continued while smiling sweetly.

The white haired guy turned to me, his expression was mixed with annoyance, and anger. He started to walk towards me until he was now in front of me.

"who do you think you are speaking like you know everything, you're just a little measly 6th kodor student" he scoffed at me.

"Calm down Sphintus" Aladdin said trying to avoid me and and the shuts haired guy known as Sphintus from fighting as he walked between me and Sphintus while waving his arms nervously.

"well my name is Mavis Vermilion and I'm not just a little measly 6th kodor student" I said smiling but this time it wasn't as sweetly as before more like a mocking smile which both Sphintus and Aladdin notice.

"well you should mind your own business Mavis" he said emphasizing my name, I mean my name.

"don't think so highly of your self Sphintus" I snapped back not caring if I didn't use any honorifics on his name. Sphintus then gave up and went inside his room with annoyance written on his face.

"I'm sorry about that he is always like that since the first time we've met because he doesn't really like the people on the 6th kodor hehehe but we will be friends I'm sure of it" Aladdin said apologizing for Sphintus.

"well good luck with that anyways, let's get some rest" I said while smiling warmly.

"you're right, see you later Mavis-san" Aladdin waved goodbye to me as I walked towards my dorm. When I turned around, I saw Aladdin go to the same room as Sphintus meaning they must've been roommates.


Aladdin (POV)

With Aladdin and Sphintus

"oi Aladdin, do you think this Mavis is" Sphintus said with anger in his voice and by the look of his face, he was very pissed. While I just sweat dropped.

He kept on complaining and keep bad mouthing Mavis, it kept going on and on. Lie down on my bed as Sphintus kept on complaining. But as usual I always slept on him making him angry.


Narrator (POV)

They all did the same thing for 3 days and only 10 out of a hundred people was left. After all that they started learned magic Aladdin's magic was a type 1 or heat magic so he was a red magician.

For Mavis, her magic was a type 3 or light magic since she can bend the light to make illusions and mirages, this makes her an orange magician.

Now after all that, it was the day of the first examination and everyone was excited and nervous at the same time. Mavis, on the other hand, was pretty excited knowing that she learned a type 2 (water) and a type 6 (sound) magic. She was planning on using this two types of magic to impress the examiner.


Mavis (POV)

"Everyone, let's do well!" I said trying to encourage the others seeing that they were very nervous

"I don't think I can do it"

"I'm nervous"

"yeah me to"

Everyone was very nervous even though I tried to encourage them more, they were still to nervous.

"first up is Aladdin from Sindiria!" announced the examiner.

"wish me luck" Aladdin said with a smile, and I would be lying if I said Aladdin wasn't cute.

"Good luck Aladdin, show them what you got" I said wishing him luck, as he walked towards the center of the stadium.

As Aladdin closed his eyes and raised his wooden staff ready to cast his spell(?), I made sure to observe on what he was about to do.

"HarlHarl Infingare" There, a big ball of fire appeared in front of him. There was some "ooohs" and "ahhhs" around the stadium but the examiner just raised his right eyebrow.

But when I looked closer, I could see Aladdin's face and by the looks of it, he wasn't finish yet.

"Asfal Rih!" I felt a gust of wind which made me close my eyes for a bit. When I opened them, the big ball of fire was turned into a giant fire tornado or maybe a vortex I don't know, but it was an incredible sight.

"my my! Who knew you could combine heat and wind magic. Aladdin, your presentation is amazing and unique, therefore you are in the first kodor!" The examiner announced and cheers and shock faces were seen all around the stadium.

"All the way from the 6th kodor!?" Sphintus thought while I was stunned. A large smile was shown in my face as I clapped my hands. Some of us even ran towards Aladdin and I was one of them

"That was amazing Ala–" before I finished my sentence, not only me but everyone who tried to run towards Aladdin fell because of Myers who was now hugging Aladdin while crying.

"Everyone, thank you" Aladdin said with a big smile on his face.

"next is Mavis Vermilion from Leam Empire!" while we were busy congratulating Aladdin the examiner announced that it was finally my turn.


Narrator (POV)

On the other hand, a certain blond haired 1st kodor student who was not paying attention to the exam and was looking down; his perked up when the examiner announced the next student.

There, the blond hair boy examined a certain emerald green eyed girl who's name was Mavis Vermilion and was from Leam empire.

The blonde haired boy rested his back and crossed his arms then narrowed his eyes as he examined the emerald green eyed girl who was also blonde


Back to Mavis...

Mavis (POV)

"well I guess it's my turn" I said as I conjured my golden staff and walked towards the center of stadium. There, I faced the examiner who was sitting about 10 feet(?) above me.

" 'Amwaj!" I casted as 10 water spheres surrounded me.

"Mawajat sawtia!", Sound waves came out of my staff and eventually, the sound wave reached the water spheres making different kinds of music.

To be honest, it was a lot better than I expected it to be; this idea came to me when I learned about water and sound magic. I figured that if I didn't used light magic, which is the magic that I am classified into, and used the magic that I have learned there might be a chance that I'll be put into the 1st kodor.

After about 3 minutes, I made the 10 water sphere go up higher and made the m explode, creating a rainbow while I made sure to stop releasing wave of sounds.

"I never seen anything like this. What made you think of this idea" said the examiner with amazement and awe.

"Well mister examiner I happened to be reading a book about water and sound" I said with a smile.

"well then this presentation of yours is qualified. You are in the 1st kodor!"

"her to!?" thought Sphintus as I jumped up and down while clapping.

"That was amazing Mavis-san" said Aladdin with a smile and amazement as I walked towards him.

"Thanks Aladdin-kun, yours was also amazing" I thanked Aladdin. However, I remembered something that would totally anger Sphintus-kun.

"excuse me for a moment mister examiner" I said as I looked at him and to my surprise he nodded. There I ran and jumped to where Sphintus-kun was.

"See you soon Sphintus-kun. I know you can reach the top in no time!" I said mockingly. After I said that, I immediately went to Aladdin and the others.

"why you!?"

"ehehe..." Aladdin laughed nervously while sweat dropping.

To be continued....

NOTE: the spell " 'Amwaj (أمواج)" is deprived from Arabic language which means "Waves". And the spell "Mawajat sawtia (موجات صوتية)" is a corruption of an Arabic phrase which means "Sound Waves". These two spells are not from the manga or the anime, I simply made this up as I could not find a suitable spell that can be used.

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