

Love is -

A kiss on forehead,

A blanket over your body,

Long hugs,

Understanding each other,

Giving spaces,

Short sentences like -

"Let's fix it together",

"You're in my prayers",

"Did you Put your seatbelt on",

"You always makes me smile ",

"Your eyes are pretty ",

"I love spending time with you",

"Did you eat",

Other than this

Sharing ins and outs,

Making each other smile,

Giving warmth,

Being vulnerable with them,

Being sad with them,

Expressing yourself to them,

Knowing secrets,

To stay,

To accept it as it is,

Loving them with

What you have,

In the end

To make them feel safe enough

To fall in love,

Love is pure,

Love is kind,

Love is generous,


A butterfly in,

