
Maurice 2

Maurice 2

The lady, Maurice, was tagged a daughter of a whore since her twelve years

of age, she had grown to this name of stigma and had already thought of it as

cliche,every woman without a husband and which bore a child was tagged

loose in her community, and if such woman was no more, the tag goes to the

female child in their anticipation to take on the steps of her biology although

she had faint memory of her parents, especially of her father, she

remembers she once asked her mother of her father and was told her father

wanted nothing to do with a village girl as he was a noble of another

commune, he considered it his youthful mistake atleast that she knew

growing up in her societyHowever while her mother was a villager and a very beautiful brown

woman with a striking brown eyes as if it could lit up at any moment, many

suitors had lined up for her hands and on knowing she had a child would

vanish in an instance, it indeed took on her mother no matter how her

mother branded the men as incompetent the little Maurice could still feel her

mother's sadness and sometimes blames her own existence.

Maurice's mother Annie had no job, she wasn't literate to be a governess nor

had resource enough to start up some kind of trade even she knew trading

was useless for her type in her village,an obvious castigation",the villager

refused her some sort of works and when she finally gets it she receives little

to nothing and she eventually became what they called her a "tramp".

It came a day while Maurice sat by herself as usual, she waited patiently for

her mother by the chimney warming herself by the moldy logs of wood, she

enjoyed the crackling sounds but while she waited on her mother, she never

returned, the morning came but she didn't return either and it went on from

days to a week and Annika had no patience to keep waiting for her for it was

the longest she had stayed, at ten years of age she knew it was odd and

became uneasy wanting to search for her mother.

It was winter and the thick of the covers swallowed her small booths, she

made her way to the village administrator's office but as she walked she

noticed the high murmurs and whispers grow as she walked her way up,

kids around her age pointed their hands and mothers of this children never

cautioned them but scorned at her, she was used to their spiteful gaze but it

seems that it was in great disgust today was it because she never stepped out

for a week.

Finally reaching her destination, lucky enough she recognized a young man

which whom she had seen a few times with her mother and her small feet

carried her to him.

I am looking for my mother Master, she has not returned home for days, her

face brimmed with tears.

The young master with a lady at hand lowered a fit over as he sneered at

her," your mother was a spoil of business and had brought great problems to my

business since this few days I have had no rest, my investment gone, she

wasted my work by getting caught, that damned mother of yours owes me a

tone and she steals from me by dying, he stood up and clicked his tongue

how would you her daughter make up for it.

Maurice was confused about what he said, was her mother a thief and got

caught stealing and what did he mean by "dying ".

I don't understand Mister, Maurice sniffled, the lady by his side let out a

small chuckle,

Oh little thing, poor child, what the young master Ski is saying is, your

mother wassss.. a spoil of business and she's dead because she got caught in

the balls of the king and was taken to death by the queen and now, the

queen's fangs are everywhere in his business, she requests a ton from the

master in return, if I where you darling I will pick my tiny brown feet

running for my life cause the queen would wipe out the generation of your

whoring mother that means, she's coming for you.

Her feet knew one thing, to run and run as fast as she could back home but

at getting home a great crowd and fogginess of the street was chaos, she

didn't know what was happening, her home was on fire as the flames danced

with winds and crowds cheered to their success, she was all alone no safe

heaven to cry, all she knew was the home and mother and the villagers but

she has lost everything in a day because she left home, her mom tells her

never to leave home but today, just today she left and the house was burnt

and she couldn't find her mother, her mother would definitely be very angry

at her, she snaked her small self from the crowd running in with intentions

to safe some of her mother's dresses atleast but 9n her steps she got dragged

away by the same master Ski.

Are you mad you have the same death wish as your mother, come with me

he dragged her bit she resisted,

If you don't come, I won't show you where your mother is, so now tap your

feet faster

The carriage rode for few minutes to a little mansion uncovering above the

valley, they arrived at their destination and she was dragged out to a room.