
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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50 Chs

Yamashita was fucked Nao inside the taxi

One fine day back at the Hinata Mansion there was a little twist that had someone here dressed as a male character Kosaka took some pictures for herself collecting her memories photo of the 4th gen member who had dressed in a male outfit to impress another member.

Yoko: wait...Haruka why are you dressed like some kind of good-looking anime male character

Kosaka: because I chose for her to wear that and take me to the anime event instead of

Haruyo here had something to do with her brother

Haruyo: sorry my bad but maybe next time I will dress up as a male character but my height is not like Haruka's height

Meanwhile, Yamashita had to look in the mirror that her face was suited to wear some of the male outfits but there was a thing that had happened below her anime character's pants that she didn't know or even notice that she had something she wanted to go with her alone at somewhere else with her to get ready start with her since Kosaka was chosen Yamashita for her male character dressed as a male outfit for today as her event.

Yamashita: woah...I didn't think it could work like wearing something that I suit

Kosaka: so Haruka-kun shall we get going we are going to be late for the anime event

Yamashita: it's all your plan just calling me Haruka-kun right, Nao

Suddenly, Kosaka blushed red when Yamashita called her last name she dragged Haruka shoulder while both of them had to leave the Hinata Mansion they could see that both of them had booked some private self-driving taxi and they went in to go for the anime event together as a Hinatazaka member.

Yamashita: wait...where are we going again, Nao?

Kosaka: uh...we can stop near the anime event car parking as I want to ask you something right before we go inside to take a look at what is inside the anime event

Yamashita: uh...sure of course but why all of a sudden do you want to wear something like this and you just booked us a private self-driving taxi, Nao

Once the self-driving taxi had to stop just near the anime event and suddenly Kosaka had some sweet member kiss Yamashita's lips she was shocked that she felt that someone here had some kind of crush on her Yamashita wanted to say something to Kosaka for being doing this to her inside the private self-driving taxi.

Yamashita: Nao...wait I'm confused here but why did you kiss me and didn't you say that we are going to the anime event why are we not going to go outside the taxi

Kosaka: Haruka-kun are so surprised that you find out that I am here not to go to the anime event but I want to do something even better idea

Yamashita: what it is then, Nao

Kosaka: that obvious thing to ask me why are we not going to the anime event is to have fun right inside the private self-driving taxi as I know your secret Haruka-Kun

Without any sound coming from Kosaka mouth out of the blue, her right hand reached below Yamashita's pants that Kosaka asked her to wear just because something was going to happen with the both of them inside the taxi from outside of the anime event had other people are walking by the taxi as they didn't want to get involved what is inside the taxi just they were happy going inside to take a look at the anime event.

Yamashita: wait...Nao did you know that I am a futanari are you

Kosaka: since the beginning of the year you kept avoiding someone who was me it that right, Haruka

Yamashita: yes...but how did you notice that before I was avoiding you this whole time just because I was a futanari

Out of the blue, Kosaka had to open Yamashita's pants as her right hand was rubbing them super fast until Yamashita had to cum her sticky sperm out of her cock that much as Kosaka was sucking the remain of her cum at her mouth while Yamashita can't handle any longer and she has had another cum right inside of Kosaka mouth while she was full cover with Yamashita sperm and the next is Yamashita we're putting her futa cock inside into Kosaka pussy and they were having some member sex with her inside at the taxi.

Yamashita: Nao...Nao I can't handle it any longer and I am about to cum right inside of your wet fucking pussy

Kosaka: it's okay Haruka just come inside of me and you can feel how great I am to be with you

Yamashita: Nao...I love you so fucking much and here I go Nao!! *cumming*

Before Yamashita had to cum much of her sticky sperm was inside Kosaka's pussy and they finished their sex right inside the taxi that Kosaka was booked went the taxi can clean the car itself as they were returning to the Hinata Mansion as everyone can see that they were had much fun with the both of them.

Haruyo: so how is goes for the both of you

Yamashita: I think we can make it happen with each other right, Nao

Kosaka: Haruka you are such a beautiful person to be around and you forget about this one as my reward to you

After Kosaka kissed Yamashita on her lips other of the Hinatazaka46 member idols could see that they were together as one and Kosaka with Yamashita continued to have some member sex right back inside her room along with some of the soundproof room that they couldn't hear anything inside the room what they were doing with each other Yamashita's secret identity body of hers.

Haruyo: nii-chan since when they are getting too close to each other and seems you know about Yamashita's secret has just hidden herself

Haruki: Haruyo you can't just get someone to force herself to come here and tell us could they

Haruyo: I guess you are right nii-chan but can we get something to drink or maybe something to eat I am hungry

Right before Haruyo drags her brother along with his girlfriend Kanemura Miku to have the best time ever with both Yamaguchi families well as Kosaka has her second sex with Yamashita back inside her room with soundproof around her walls that they can't hear the sound or their voice talking to Kosaka Nao.