
Mature +18

They life is turning upside down as they as been fucked with their own member idol on their sexy body toward them.

Haziqah1997 · LGBT+
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96 Chs

Ichinose was fucking Nagi after school in her basketball uniform

Right after class, some basketball team players confessed to someone who had become their girlfriend, and who was the most popular tomboy look at her attitude as if someone was here looking forward to talking to her as more than a friend.

Sugawara: Nagi what wrong did you want to tell her about that you liked her as soon as someone who wanted to become her girlfriend

Nagi: what if she doesn't like me or she likes another girl more than me Sugawara

Kaki: she likes you Nagi and besides she repeated your name about third times every second

Once Ichinose was doing her best to show how good she was doing with the basketball team ace player as much as other classmates who were cheering her to beat the other team school and suddenly, she was helping or even saving her team player by hitting the basketball on her head and she had to fell pretty badly of the court while Nagi and both of the classmates had saw who didn't the throw the basketball toward her which is those from other basketball school team.

Shiba: hey...Ichinose are you okay? Can you still played

Ichinose: I think so but I won't force myself to go and pass you

Shiba: sure of course we will go and win this round while you go there and sit down and wait for us to end this match

When Ichinose was going and sit at the bench her classmates had to run toward her and she looked at her head which had some blue black on her forehead and some swollen pretty badly.

Sugawara: hey...Ichinose are you okay or do you want to go to the infirmary with someone else over here

Ichinose: I will be fine Satsuki and I have Nagi beside me right

Nagi: uh...sure of course but is there something to want to talk to me about right after school isn't that right, senpai

Out of the blue, the Nogizaka Academy basketball team won this round while another school was more disappointed with another school that had thrown the basketball straight at another team player who had saved her team while she was suffering from them.

Shiba: hey...Ichinose you can go back now and take some rest and maybe while you recover from your head injury

Ichinose: thanks captain but I am sure I will recover as soon as possible please make them apologize to me right before I go back to the infirmary

Shiba: sure of course I will get them behalf apology to you the next morning at the school

Later Ichinose was walking pretty damn slowly just because her head had some hitting the hard basketball on her head while Nagi and Sugawara were helping her to walk slowly and came back to the infirmary room where both of them can rest with each other right after Sugawara had to go back to the dormitory to have to recall what just happened to ace player basketball team Ichinose.

Sugawara: well...I'd better get going back to the dormitory and have some talk with another student about there happening at the basketball court

Ichinose: please stop using some LINE message saying that they were jealous of us

Sugawara: sure of course I won't do that but enjoy both of you inside the infirmary room alone the two of you

After Sugawara had left the infirmary room there have the two of them who are here facing the window both of their hand were touching each other out of the blue, Nagi's right hand accidentally touched Ichinose basketball pants while she was starting to rub her pants feel so huge and hard at the same time.

Nagi: Ichinose...since when you had some huge and hard on your below of your fucking basketball pant

Ichinose: that is my futa cock Nagi and you can rub it against your hand while I cum that much sperm inside my basketball pant

Nagi: wait...are you saying that you are a futanari Ichinose senpai

In the meantime, Ichinose was lying down on the bed inside the infirmary room along with Nagi who was looking at her while she was about to move her hips Nagi can feel something growing harder every Ichinose was about to cum something inside her pant.

Ichinose: Nagi...please pull down my basketball pants while you can have some sweet couple sex together with me here inside the infirmary room

Nagi: Ichinose senpai...please wait if you do that my mind will go crazy with your fucking futa cock

Ichinose: don't worry we can stop any minute now or we can continue to have more sex with you Nagi

Before Ichinose, we're feeling so enjoy with Nagi's pussy and later both of them are cumming with each other Ichinose were grab Nagi's chin and later she had some sweet kissing on her lips while they continued the sex inside the infirmary bed and Ichinose had finished her sex while she was changed into school uniform so do Nagi.

Ichinose: Nagi...shall we continue the sex upstairs to the third floor where there just us have some sex

Nagi: yes please Ichinose Senpai

Ichinose: Nagi I will become your girlfriend as much as you want to have sweet sex with me along the way

Meanwhile, Ichinose had to bring Nagi back inside on the third floor where they have no students were allowed back here just some of the students who can have access to come here to have some fucking sex with another student as their punishment sex.

Nagi: Ichinose senpai this place is so quiet for just the two of us isn't that right

Ichinose: yes it does feel quiet but it is about to be more fun with you Nagi and shall you go and start to have sex on my futa cock

Nagi: it will be my honor to do it for you Ichinose senpai and here I come

Inside the third floor where both of them are having sex and later outside the school grounds they can hear that the ace player basketball team had some great fun with her girlfriend today after after-school sex inside the third floor with Inoue Nagi.