
Life beginning

Hi my name is Malice and I was born as a smart little girl you want to know why because when I first opened my eyes I said "Momma and Papa" and my parents were in shock but they still loved me either way and they cared for me and all my problems.

And on the day that I turned 18 My life turned upside down I got the word of my life we were going to move to New York I was a country girl not a big city kind of person so it was kind of hard to understand at first but I calmed down and ran up stairs and started packing my things for the trip

The day we left was April 26 2016 and when we got there we had a fancy house we got moved into it and we were rich and right then and there I knew I would have a good life living there but I was wrong because I had to go to school but I liked it because there was a boy that I liked Richard he was the nerd of the school but I have a crush on him for a long time.

And the day before prom he asked me to go with him to prom and of course I said yes and my world flipped upside down for the second time on prom night Richard told me he was the king of Siberia and he asked me to be his Queen I was screaming in my head but calmed down outside my head and said yes but also asked why did he ask me he said because I was very good at mathematics.

So a week after I became Queen Malice of Siberia and my husband King Richard