
Mated To The Demon King

Ilyas a blood thirsty monster whose terror was known in the kingdom. He calls himself god because he possess the ability to read people’s thoughts and see the secrets hidden in their mind. However, his world turned around when he met Marissa the only person whose thoughts and mind he couldn’t read yet she could read his. Marissa loathes the demon king and never ceased to hide this fact. Her lifelong dream is to kill him but little did she know that there’s a thin line between love and hate. Especially when the goddess has some other plan. Will Marissa fulfill her lifelong dream and kill Ilyas?

Donald_Chuks · Fantasy
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46 Chs

Chapter Four


"The King is coming back. But why?"

Instead of responding, Maria shoved me and I fell into the shallow pit behind us. There was a small plank sitting above the pit. 

"Stay here, okay? Do not come out until I call you," Maria said and left me. I sighed deeply and hid properly to avoid getting caught by the King.

Maria stood still and maintained a calm countenance as if nothing happened. Suddenly, he stopped the horse, right next to her. 

Maria's face turned pale as the king stopped beside her. Shivers went through her body and sweat formed on her face.

"You…" He suddenly called with his deep yet compelling voice.

  Maria swallowed hard and bowed her head lower than usual. "Do you beseech me, your majesty?" She inquired, her voice noticeably vibrating in fear and anxiety.

"Was it you?" The king looked around again. He wasn't convinced. "The voice certainly came from around here. I heard it well," He said, with a serious gaze on her.

"I don't quite understand…" She said shakily.

"I heard you say about rotten. What is it?" 

Oh goodness. 

He heard it. 

I can't believe that he heard that. He wasn't even here when I said it. So how? How did he hear it?

I tried to figure out how the king knew what I had said before his arrival. 

  "I heard someone say something about rotten and it definitely came from here," The King said, pointing at the pile of roses on the floor which his horse stood on.

I was inside the pit a few feet away from where his horse stood.

Maria let out a loud gasp and quickly fell to her knees, right on the ground. "I swear. I wasn't talking about you," She cried.

"Explain what you mean!" He growled in rage.

"I was talking about the flowers. I thought they were going to get rotten if I didn't water them," She answered, pointing at the watering can. "So, I quickly watered them," She explained. Her knees which were on the ground were vividly shaking.

The king sniffed and scoffed loudly. "That's strange…" He said.

"What is that, your majesty?" His royal advisor, who was next to him, also on a horse, asked.

The King looked around before giving a reply. "I thought I smelled hate hovering around here, but now it's gone."

"Hate?" The advisor asked.

The king is such a creep. 

He even smells hate. I guess Maria was right about him. The king is indeed a demon.

"Forget about that. Let's leave." 

I was snapped back to reality by the king's words. 

"The ceremony will start soon. Vera must be waiting," He stated before making his horse swerve.

And with that, he left alongside his advisor, warriors and other escorts. 

When he was out of sight, I jumped out of the pit and went to Maria, who was still on her knees with her head down. She was still trembling in fear.

"Maria!" I screamed as I crouched low. I tried to take her up, but she adamantly stayed where she was. Soon, she started crying and I felt guilty.

"I'm sorry…" I whispered as I threw my arms around her. "It's my fault," I added, hugging her even tighter.

Maria hugged me back and sniffled. "It is fine. I had to protect you somehow."

I never would have imagined that in this cruel world, I could still find someone like Maria who is selfless. Even though she's been in the palace for a long time, she is nothing like the others.

"Thank you," I whispered.

I guess my lonely life has finally found some light. 

"I have always wanted a sister, but I never got one," She sniffed as she wiped my now-flooded cheek. "But with you, I can fulfil that dream."

I hugged Maria and cried in her arms. 

I noticed that we were now the centre of everyone's concentration as they all watched us bond. 

"Let's go now," I helped her get to her feet.

Since the king and his entourage were gone, our job here was done. 

"Alright," She nodded.

  We met Madam Yolanda and the tall girl discussing at the side.

"What was all that?" She demanded in an angry tone. 

"Oh… Uh, it's nothing," I shrug and shake my head at the same time.

"You call that nothing?" A blonde girl asked beside the madam. "You made the King turn and you think it's nothing?" She scoffed.

What is wrong with everyone around here?

Why do they make it seem this tyrant king is so great? Is it that they are blind? Or why can't they see the cruelty in his deeds?

"You shall be punished for your foolishness!" Madam Yolanda yelled. She turned to the blonde girl and signalled. 

"Bella, I want you to teach her a lesson she won't forget!" She ordered before storming off. 

Bella grabbed my hand and dragged me to a secluded place. 

"Let go of her, Bella," Maria's voice was full of authority. 

"Why?" Bella snarled. "Why should I listen to you? Who are you to tell me what to do?"

Maria didn't speak any further, she just watched and waited for Bella to do as she asked. 

  "And who is she?" Madam Yolanda's voice was filled with irritation. 

"She's Maria, one of the Princess' maids," Bella's introduction made Madam Yolanda's face turn pale. 

What's so special about the Princess' maids that have rendered Madam Yolanda so stunned? She turned to me and gave me a look that I couldn't quite fathom.

"Are we going to keep on staying here?" Madam Yolanda immediately switched the topic. "We should go to the venue before the gates close right, Bella? You should go in before the gates are closed." Maria concurred. 

Madam Yolanda left immediately and the girls trotted after her. Bella shot me a glare before matching off too. 

"Who is that?" I asked.

"Who? Bella?" Maria waved off in dismissal. "She is a maid who thinks she has it all just because the king feeds on her."