
Mated to the Beast

In a tradition spanning a century, a quaint human town has been surrendering its young to become brides of the ruling beasts. This year, destiny calls for a new sacrifice. Meet Aurora and Lucielle, two sisters entangled in a dark family legacy. Aurora, the chosen one, is the eldest daughter, while Lucielle is bound to a man she loves. But when Aurora vanishes on the eve of her collection, the family faces a harrowing choice. Will Lucielle heed the call of fate and step into the perilous role of the Beast's Bride? Secrets, romance, and a treacherous path await in this riveting tale of love and sacrifice.

ferocearcadia · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 1: The Selection

I slipped off my shoon at the threshold and hied in the dwelling.

"Mama! Pa!" I cried out, but there was no answer.

The house felt an uncanny stillness, and I could not but ponder where my kin might have gone. With a lively household such as ours, it was a seldom occurrence to find it both vacant and hushed.

I ventured deeper into the house and beheld that all the lights were extinguished. My heart quickened within my breast. I was of a tender disposition and a feeling of disquiet did creep o'er me.

As my hands did gently seek the wall to locate the light's lever, another digit met my own.

"Oh, my gods!" I shrieked and recoiled. At that very moment, the lights were kindled.

"Happy birthday, Lucielle!"

Cheers and jubilations burst forth from all quarters of the chamber. I gazed about and saw the complete family I had been in pursuit of, bearing a confection, blossoms, and dainties.

"Thou didst give me a mighty fright!" I chastised them, though now the room did resound with uncontrollable mirth. Everyone did laugh at my affrighted visage, and I did partake in the merriment.

"Happy birthday, my own love," my mother declared, planting a kiss upon my cheek.

"Thank you, Mother."

The rest of my family came forward, offering kisses and well-wishes, while I kept an eye out for my sister.

"Where's Aurora?" I asked, furrowing my brow. Right on cue, my twin sister emerged from the kitchen, carrying a large cake and singing the happy birthday song for me.

Aurora dropped the cake and we rushed into each other's arms.

"It's your birthday too," I said, and Aurora chuckled. "I had to make the cake."

Aurora was the chef of the house. She loved cooking and baking, and everything related to the kitchen. I, on the other hand, despised it but adored everything my twin sister made, and she was always delighted to make it for me.

Since we were seven, she had been the one making all our birthday cakes, promising never to stop, even when we were much older.

"Happy birthday, Aurora," I hugged her tightly. She was my best friend in the world.

"Happy birthday, Lucielle," she said as she returned the embrace.

"Alright, my beautiful girls, let's move to the table for our dinner, prepared by Chef Aurora, and we can exchange gifts at the table," my mother suggested, gently guiding us to the table.

We took our seats, with Papa at the head, Mama on his right, Vans on Papa's left, and Aurora sitting by his side. Traditionally, my place was supposed to be by Mama's side, but I preferred to be seated beside my twin.

Aurora and I had been inseparable since birth. I loved her as much as she loved me, and we always had each other's backs. Growing up, it was incredibly challenging for outsiders to tell us apart. We were identical in every way.

Some of our relatives insisted that as we grew older, we'd become easier to differentiate, but it was quite the opposite. From our ginger hair to our eyes, weight, height, and the way we talked, everything was the same.

Mama, Papa, and Vans sometimes had a tough time telling us apart, but they were the closest to achieving it.

I was always the mischievous one, getting into trouble and breaking things. In contrast, Aurora was the complete opposite—calm, obedient, and intelligent. She was the responsible one, and Mama said it was because she was the older twin.

Aurora placed a small bag on the table, and I eagerly grabbed it.

"Your gift, Luci," she said with a soft smile. I couldn't help but shower her face with kisses.

She pushed me away, but I knew she secretly loved it. I opened the bag, and the first thing I spotted was a box of earrings. I squealed in delight.

The last time we were at the jewelry store, I had picked out this set, but I didn't have enough money to purchase it. When I went back to get it, I was disappointed to hear that someone else had bought it.

I sulked for the remainder of the day, but the knowledge that Aurora had purchased the earrings for me and kept them as a surprise made me the happiest. I hugged her tightly.

"Thank you so much," I told her.

"Anything for you," she replied, and it was precisely why I loved her so much.

I reached into the bag and felt two more papers. "There's more?"

"Take a look," she urged.

I examined the papers and realized they were flight tickets. I was awestruck.

"An expense-paid trip to the capital. She even bought two tickets."

"For you and Xavi," she added.

"Oh! Thank you so much, Au. This is the best gift ever!" I felt my eyes getting teary.

"Oh, don't cry," Mama consoled, and I chuckled. "I don't think my gift will be this amazing."

I took a deep breath, reached into my bag, and handed her the papers. I watched as her expression changed from confusion to pure joy.

"Don't tell me..." I nodded, and she enveloped me in a tight hug. I hugged her back.

"I can't believe this!"

"Tell us what's there."

"She made Amalia sell."

"Unbelievable!" Mama exclaimed.

"How did you even do that?" Vans asked in disbelief.

"I'm good at convincing people," I replied, offering a wink.

Amalia owned a flower shop next to Aurora's pastry shop. Aurora had always wanted to expand, but Amalia had refused to sell. It had been a source of worry for Aurora, and I decided to intervene. A little bit of persuasion, along with a touch of blackmail and threats, and Amalia quickly agreed to sell. I wasn't about to tell my family that my method had been somewhat unethical.

At one point, I had felt a tinge of regret, but seeing the joy on Aurora's face, I knew it was all worth it.

"You're the best, Luci!"

"I know. No one comes close," I quipped with a wink, and Aurora chuckled.

"There's a lot to do. I have to go early tomorrow. Get more equipment. Oh, tomorrow is going to be very busy," Aurora expressed her concerns.

"Relax. We will all be there to help you. Anything you need," I assured her.

"Aren't you supposed to spend the day with Xavi?"

"He'll understand. I'm going to be with you tomorrow. And right. There will be deliveries for new equipment."

"Oh. You should not have bothered, Lucielle. With the wedding coming up, I know you have a lot to do. Don't spend your money on me."

"I'll get really upset if you talk like that. You mean the world to me," I replied. She squeezed my arms, and we shared a moment of understanding.

"Enough of that. You guys act like a married couple," Vans chimed in.

"You're only jealous. I know you wish you had a twin," I teased, making faces at him, which earned a scowl in response.

"Enough of that, all of you," my father interjected with a light smile, bringing an end to the playful banter.

I couldn't help but notice the look my mother gave my father, and I began to sense that something was amiss.

"There won't be any work tomorrow."

"Why?" I inquired. We had already made plans for equipment deliveries and needed to be at the shop.

"The selection is tomorrow," my father revealed. I froze, exchanging a glance with Aurora, who also appeared uneasy. I squeezed her hand and gave her a feeble smile.

"As usual, we all have to go."

The unspoken question hung heavily in the air. What if our family was chosen? It was a matter no one dared to voice aloud.