
Chapter 47 : Craig’s Mark


We sat in the car, my hand in his over the console. His thumb absently rubbed the back of my hand gently. I felt whole and complete being with him like this.

I watched the trees move past us as we went up the winding road on the side of the mountain. He hadn’t told me what we were going to do, but I had an inkling of how our night was going to transpire. I was nervous but I was also excited. I was ready for this. I was ready for us.

Wherever we were going was hidden away from society, or at least it seemed that way. The large pine trees acted like walls on either side of the road. The sun peaked just beyond the horizon as it gave way to a new day.

So much had transpired within the last 24 hours, it was crazy. I had almost died, Jason was lamost killed, I had come to accept Craig as my mate, and Serena was redoing Craig’s pack against any retaliation. The mark was also gone from skin and now, I was free to be claimed by another.