
Mated to Him

Sierra, mated to the Alpha King had the best marriage with him, the love of her life but what then happens when the sins of his past comes haunting their marriage, threatening to break the love they both shared.

DaoistyNmycW · Urban
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13 Chs

Chapter 5


I drove through the rain-soaked streets, my heart pounding with a mixture of anticipation and trepidation. Something was off between Sierra and me, and I couldn't bear the uncertainty any longer. The wind whipped through the cracked window, a fitting soundtrack to my racing thoughts.

Sierra's house appeared before me, a dimly lit structure standing alone on the quiet street. I parked the car and took a deep breath, steeling myself for whatever lay ahead. As I stepped out, raindrops pelted my face, but my determination remained unshaken.

The front door creaked open, and Sierra's face, usually warm and welcoming, now held a veil of confusion and unease. I didn't waste any time with small talk; I had to know the truth.

"Sierra, we need to talk," I said, my voice firm but tinged with vulnerability. "What happened between us? Why are you acting so differently?"

She hesitated, her eyes darting nervously. "I...I don't know what you're talking about," she stammered, avoiding my gaze. "Everything is fine."

I clenched my fists, frustration simmering beneath the surface. "No, Sierra, it's not fine. We used to be so close, but now there's a dent in our relationship. You've been distant, avoiding my calls and canceling plans without explanation. I can't just let it go."

A flicker of guilt crossed her face, quickly replaced by a mask of indifference. "You're overreacting, Alex. It's nothing. Just give me some space."

I took a step closer, my voice laced with urgency. "Space? That's all you're going to give me? After everything we've been through?"

Sierra's resolve faltered, and for a moment, her eyes betrayed a hint of vulnerability. "There are things...things I can't tell you. It's for your own good," she whispered, her voice barely audible above the rain.

My heart pounded, a mix of fear and determination fueling my next words. "Sierra, we promised each other that we'd always be honest, no matter what. I deserve to know the truth. If something's happened, we can face it together."

Tears welled in her eyes as she shook her head, her voice barely a whisper. "I can't. It's too dangerous. You have to trust me."

Trust shattered like glass in that moment, replaced by an overwhelming sense of betrayal. "How can I trust you if you won't even let me in?" I demanded, my voice rising with frustration.

Sierra's face crumpled, tears streaming down her cheeks. "I'm sorry, Alex. I never wanted it to come to this. But you have to stay away from me. It's the only way to keep you safe."

My heart sank, the weight of her words crushing me. I reached out, my hand trembling, but she recoiled, stepping back into the safety of her home.

"Please, just go," she pleaded, her voice breaking. "Forget about me. Forget about us."

Rain poured down around us, mingling with the tears streaming down my face. The connection we once shared seemed irreparably broken. I turned away, my steps heavy and filled with a hollow ache. As I walked back to my car, the sound of the slamming door echoed in my ears, sealing the chasm that had grown between us.

With a heavy heart, I drove away, leaving behind unanswered questions and a shattered relationship. The rain beat relentlessly against the windshield, mirroring the storm raging inside me. The truth eluded me, but one thing was certain – nothing would ever be the same again.


That night, i knew that i needed to drown myself in sorrow, needed to feel this pain that was threatening to consume me whole and the best thing to do was to immerse myself in drinks, it was my only remedy, my only friend in this heartbreak i was currently experiencing.

I got to the club soon, happy yet sad that i was in the one place i could forget all of my worries. The music pounded in my ears as I downed yet another shot of whiskey, the fiery liquid searing its way down my throat. The bar was dimly lit, its walls adorned with faded rock 'n' roll memorabilia but in that moment, none of it mattered. All that existed was the numbing embrace of alcohol, my only solace from the pain that consumed me.

Sierra ignoring me was something i didn't know if i could live with. She was everything i needed and more and her absence was killing me more than i ever imagined. Her once-bright eyes seemed distant, avoiding any contact with mine when i was with her earlier. It felt like a cold dagger slicing through my chest, leaving me gasping for air. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, and yet, her silent treatment cut deeper than any words ever could.

I signaled the bartender for another round, his weary eyes betraying a hint of concern but I waved him off with a dismissive gesture. I needed the oblivion that only alcohol could provide, if only for a fleeting moment.

The sound of laughter echoed from a nearby table, a group of friends reveling in each other's company. How I longed to be part of that camaraderie, to be held in Sierra's warm embrace once again but instead, I drowned myself in the sea of alcohol, hoping to numb the ache that consumed my heart.

Each shot became a desperate attempt to escape the reality that unfolded before me. The room spun as I struggled to steady myself on the barstool. I glanced at my reflection in the cracked mirror behind the bar, a hollow shell of the person I once was.

As the night wore on, my senses dulled, and the pain became a dull throb. The music thumped with a frenetic energy, mirroring the chaos within me. It was a race against time, a frantic attempt to outrun the agony that threatened to consume me whole.

Suddenly, the bar door swung open, letting in a gust of cool night air. Sierra stood there, her eyes filled with concern and regret. For a moment, time stood still, and hope flickered within me but then I remembered the hurt, the days of silence and the unanswered messages.

Anger surged through my veins, fueling my resolve. I pushed away from the bar, staggering towards her. The alcohol had given me a newfound confidence, a reckless determination to confront her.

"Where have you been?" I slurred, my words a mix of desperation and frustration. "Why did you ignore me?"

Sierra's face contorted with guilt, her voice trembling. "Alex, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I needed some space to sort things out."

Her words fell on deaf ears as the alcohol clouded my judgment. The pain I had numbed resurfaced, intensifying with each passing second. The room spun around me, the lights blurring into a kaleidoscope of colors.

In a fit of rage, I grabbed a nearby glass, hurling it towards the wall. Shards exploded in every direction, a reflection of the brokenness within me. Sierra recoiled, fear etched across her face but before I could utter another word, the world tilted beneath me. The room spun in a dizzying whirl, and the darkness claimed me, swallowing me whole.

And as I sank deeper into the depths, a small voice whispered through the haze, a plea for someone to save me from the drowning sea of drinks and despair.