
Mate of the Alpha

Skai Knight just moved in with her aunt after loosing her parents a few months ago and having to stay in a foster home. Moving isn't bad, right? She gets to live in a huge ass mansion. And she has a breathtaking room, looks like it came right out of one of those Disney princesses' room, all to herself. She also has an amazing aunt who makes her feel right at home. She doesn't even bother to help her carry her luggages up the flight of stairs. Family, you know. She even has a friend. Even if her friend is always complaining about her. She just loves her. And of course, she gets her own Adonis-like mate. Moving isn't bad. ...wait, what's a mate? . . . . . . . . . Rhyce? "Ow, we were just dancing." Rhyce looked so mad that his eyes looked red. He stalked towards the guy he three of me and yanked him by his collar and wrapped his hand around his neck and raised him up. Like someone displaying his victory trophy. Ok, definitely not the time for that. "I don't care for your definition of dancing. Don't ever fucking touch her, matter of fact, don't even fucking look at her again you piece of shit. Got that?" He literally growled out. The poor boy looked like he was about to pass out, looking all blue trying to get Rhyce's hand off him. And I could do nothing about it. I just looked on with the others. Suddenly, Rhyce dropped him and turned to look at everyone. "That goes to you all! No one is allowed to fucking talk to her or even look at her! She is mine!" What? Who the fuck does he think he is. But I didn't miss the animalistic snarl and his eyes changing to red when he proclaimed me to be his.

d_dzii · Teen
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10 Chs








Stepping out off the house, I saw mom running towards me with her beautiful smile plastered on her face.

"Mom!" I screamed as I also started running towards her.

Suddenly, she stopped and looked up to the sky. I also stopped and looked up. It suddenly started raining. I turned to look at my mom and saw that she was not there.

"Mom!" I screamed as I looked around trying to look for her.

"Skai", I heard my Mon call out. I looked around but I still couldn't see her.

"Skai!" She screamed.

"Mom! "

"Skai! Skai"

Opening my eyes, I was met with a familiar face staring down at me with a bucket over my head.

'Mom? '

I felt soggy. I looked up again and realised it was not my mom, but my aunt and the bucket she was holding was empty. I think I and the couch absorbed most of its former contents.

"Aunt!" I screamed as I got up and headed to the bathroom.

"What? You weren't waking up when I was calling you", she said as she followed me.

"So you decided to pour a bucket of water on me?" I asked as I turned to her. She just shrugged.

"It was half a bucket of water",she stated. I rolled my eyes at her and went towards the tub. I turned the water on and went for a bottle of soap.

"I just came to tell you that dinner is ready and you will be going to school tomorrow so sleep early." With that she started walking towards the bedroom door an d then she suddenly stopped.

"And don't forget I'm always here for you if you need me",and that is when she finally left.

Sighing I started walking towards the closet with the towels and slippers.

'Why is the floor wet?' I asked myself confused as I looked on the floor and then it suddenly clicked, the tub.


Well today started out great. I woke up to the sound of Aunt Olivia singing, and I must warn you,the screeching of tires is much melodious than her singing.

As soon as she saw that I was awake she dragged me into the bathroom and shoved me into the shower. Yes with my clothes on.

After my amazing shower, she then proceeded to drag me to the closet and fussed over my outfit. With my prayers finally answered, she decided on a black halter top and black jeans. And for my footwear, she picked out black 720 Nike sneakers.

After forcing me to wear what she chose, she sat me in front of the vanity and started combing my hair. After years of pulling and twisting, she left my hair in a high ponytail with a black scrunchie. Like Ariana Grande's infamous hair style.

Dragging me out of the house and to the garage,we sat in her white convertible and drove off.

After a few minutes,we pulled up in front of a school. It was really huge. The compound was really big too. There were statues sitting in front of the school doors and security men at different posts. Some students walked about the compound whilst others walked in.

Aunt Olivia had again, dragged me, I'm really surprised that my arms are intact.

"Hey sweetie, can you please direct me to the administration?" I snapped out off my thoughts as I heard Aunt's voice.

I looked up to see a blonde about 5'6" tall. She had blue eyes and she wore a strapped sundress. She was holding onto her clutch with a smile on her pink lips.

"Sure Miss", she replied as she started walking. Aunt and I followed her. Sorry, Aunt rushed to her side and left me behind them.

"You are such an angel. What year are you in dear? " Aunt started.

"I'm in my senior year, miss",the unknown blonde replied with a smile.

"So is Skai, my niece, and stop with the 'miss'. Call me Olivia."

"Oh, were are my manners? I forgot to ask of your name." She added with a light friends on her face.

"I'm Trisha,"the blonde replied.

"Trisha. Trisha can you please look after my niece after I leave and show her around?" Aunt pleaded.

"Sure-" Trisha said as she stopped in front of a mahogany door.

"-And this is the administration,"she added.

Grabbing the door knob Aunt Olivia turned to both of us.

"You two stay here and wait for me." And with that she was gone.

The atmosphere turned awkward without my aunt blabbering.

"Eerrmm, so what do you have first?" I asked trying to start a conversation.

"Mathematics,"she replied as she grinned at me.

"So were are you from?" She asked me. And with that I felt a wave of sadness come over me.

"California." I said with a forced smile.

"Well, welcome to our town. How do you like it so far?" Trisha said trying to enlighten the mood.

"Thanks. So far it's cool"

"You are welcome." She gave me a wide smile. Aunt stepped out of the doors holding a file. She handed the file to Trisha.

"Dear, please direct her to all her classes." Aunt said. Without waiting for a reply, Aunt started walking away.

"Skai honey, please remember to smile and be polite on your first day here. Baby, have fun." She waved and rushed off.

"OK, so what should I do now?" I asked Trisha as I turned to her.

She started walking and turned to me.

"You just need to follow me."