
Mate at the First Sight

A future is something unknown to everyone, be it a good news or a bad one. Who would have thought that a peasant girl from a poor family will have a power someday? From a peasant to the highest rank in a kingdom. Not only that, she even hold a few more important position there. All these happen to a peasant girl, Camellia, who unexpectedly be a mate and wife of a werewolf king, a queen of a kingdom, a luna to a powerful pack of a werewolf clan. In order to stop a massacre, she herself choose to leave her family home and be the bride of the werewolf king as demand by him. With the thought of being a hostage to stop a war that caused a huge causalities to the local. All these happen after a small gesture of a peasant in saving a wolf life. Treated the deep wound by using all her knowledge about medical herbs and remedies found in the forest up a mountain. Without any prejudice in life a peasant girl save a king of a magical creatures and at the end turnout she being the mate that the king have been searching for. What is the end for the powerful king and the peasant girl? Will they lives a happy ending just like other fairy tale or otherwise? Yesterday is a History, Tomorrow is a Mystery, But Today is a Gift. That is the reason they call it The Present.

Nicky_ns · Fantasy
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106 Chs

Chapter 46

Once reach they all reach the camp, the first guard that led the way suddenly stop moving and make a way for Camellia to walk in front of them. From the first sight, Camellia can't believe herself on what she see everything right in front of her eyes. The camp really does not looked like a temporary camp during war. It was like a perfect one like a nomad style housing arrangement.

The arrangement was so organize and in a perfect order. A big tent in the middle surround with almost twenty small other tent except the door of the big tent facing the main gate of the camp. The door of the big tent can be seen from afar as the other tent did not obstruct the way. It was like a huge 'C' if someone take a look from upper place.

Outside of the enclosure, there is a lot of warriors guarding the camp as if it is their fix post to stay guard. They were guarding the place as if they would not let a single fly to go pass their sight and have a way into the camp.