
Matched With The School Weirdo

"The whole school trapped me with another crazy outcast by voting for us in the 'Couple of the Year' contest!" [The grey mouse, Melanie Sunley, believes she is forever doomed to be a socially awkward alien and will have nothing interesting to do this year than just keep battling anxiety in the dark corners of the school, observing the world in its crazy colours from the safe distance as she always used to do. But all her expectations crash downhill the moment she by some magical reason matches in a pair with the mysterious boy she knows absolutely nothing about and gets elected to participate in the couple contest they host every year on Valentine's day. An evil plan of some public humiliation... Now when Melanie will have to prepare herself to fight against the drama vortex they are pulling her in and dismiss the prank challenge to step up on the same stage with the most confident, popular and influential teens, she wishes Shaden's devilish smirk is the last thing to sweep her off the feet. Will she be able to resist his charm?] "Oh no... Are you sad?" He puckers his lips."So am I but everyone voted for us behind our backs. How not nice of them. Now you are my girlfriend. Tell me, sweet cake. Am I your first boyfriend?" "What?" I jolt up my head, shocked by such a declare and then stammer. "But it is not how it works." Peeved at his repetitive mantra, I manage to raise my tone at him, despite my principle to always treat people with respect. "I don't need a psychopathic self-proclaimed boyfriend." I insist directly. I don't even understand whom I crossed the road or did something bad for this bitchy karma to tumble on my shoulders when I least expected it. I can't utter a single word when he leans in crossing the dangerous zone of our distance. His soft whisper brushes across my neck, instantly sending the tingles to dance on my skin. "Maybe it's fate. And you can't run away from fate, can you?"

KayJeeEss · Teen
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13 Chs


This is a light romance/teen fiction story for those who need healing. Take a cup of tea and enjoy reading on a rainy day. Hope it helps you to cope with your feelings and regain some hope in life and love.

If you are still waiting for your soulmate as I do, drop an emoji here and join our squad ✔


This book might be weird but there won't be any inappropriate stuff going on. Only slight cursing.

Enjoy ^_^

©All rights reserved. KayJeeEss.

The story is the art of fiction. Any resemblance to actual names, events, locations, characters, businesses is coincidental. No fragment of the book can be used, reproduced, or translated without permission.