
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 24: Nagato’s and Karen's Speculation

Shock rippled through the Akatsuki members as they entered the training ground. Their eyes widened at the scene before them.

The once smooth expanse of the training area was now a wasteland. Craters of various sizes dotted the ground like grotesque wounds.

Uprooted trees lay scattered like fallen soldiers, and broken branches littered the area. But the most prominent feature was the large, unmistakable oval-shaped pit dominating the center.

The sheer scale of the destruction spoke volumes. This wasn't your average jutsu – it was the work of an incredibly powerful technique.

Even a combined effort from several Earth Release users wouldn't have caused such widespread devastation. Additionally, the nature of the damage hinted at a jutsu unlike any they'd seen before.

Karen, though slightly better at concealing her surprise compared to her companions, couldn't entirely mask the astonishment on her face.

Shaking off the initial shock, Karen approached Byakuya and pointed towards the Akatsuki members behind her.

"Lord Byakuya, these seniors seem to have something they wish to discuss with you."

Byakuya acknowledged her with a curt nod and walked towards the group. He had anticipated this moment. Using explosive tags to bombard Nagato wasn't exactly a stealthy tactic, especially considering the confined space of the Akatsuki base.

However, completing the intense sparring session with Nagato was vital, even if it meant revealing some of his power. There were two key reasons behind his actions.

Firstly, he wanted to instill a sense of urgency in Nagato. The near-death experience would hopefully push him to delve deeper into the secrets of the Rinnegan and develop techniques like the Six Paths of Pain. This, in turn, would accelerate Byakuya's own reward system.

Among the Akatsuki's leadership, Konan's combat prowess heavily relied on the number of explosive tags at her disposal.

Significant growth in her strength seemed unlikely in the short term. Nagato, on the other hand, possessed immense potential, like an unopened treasure chest waiting to be explored.

Yahiko, the leader, served his purpose well enough, but Byakuya held little hope for exceptional growth from him.

Secondly, Byakuya aimed to leverage this display of power to elevate his standing within the organization.

While he held a squad leader position, his status paled in comparison to the founders, particularly Yahiko.

 Even securing vital supplies for the Akatsuki did little to significantly improve his standing. The missions he undertook alongside Konan and Nagato inevitably raised suspicions amongst the others.

Byakuya approached the Akatsuki members, a confident smile gracing his lips. "We were just having a sparring session, Nagato-senpai and I," he announced. "Anything wrong? Perhaps you'd like to join in the training?"

The Akatsuki ninjas exchanged uneasy glances, their eyes darting towards the vacant training field nearby before quickly snapping back to Byakuya. Their slender frames wouldn't last a second in a battle of this scale.

However, Byakuya's casual admission sent a tremor through them. The enormous pit was a consequence of his sparring with Nagato? This implied Byakuya possessed power on par with Nagato, potentially even rivaling a jonin from the Five Great Shinobi Villages!

"Lord Byakuya, we're aware you were at the training ground. Yahiko-sama requested your presence at the office. As for the sparring… well, we have duties to attend to and wouldn't want to disrupt your training."

With that, the Akatsuki members mumbled hurried excuses and scurried away.

The respectful address, "Lord Byakuya," brought a surge of satisfaction to Byakuya. This recognition was a step in the right direction; his standing within the Akatsuki was undeniably on the rise.

But what did Yahiko want? Was there a critical mission on the horizon? No point in dwelling on it – he'd get his answers straight from Yahiko himself.

However, before heading to the office, Byakuya had one more task at hand.

He returned to Nagato, a light smile playing on his lips.

"Nagato-senpai, have you made any progress in unlocking the Rinnegan's potential? Remember, if you can't even best me, how can you hope to protect the others?"

Byakuya's intention was clear: to use combat as a motivator, to spark a desire for greater strength within Nagato.

Nagato, however, furrowed his brow in confusion.

"Byakuya, why this constant pursuit of power? Isn't our current life satisfactory? Do we truly need to become stronger?"

Byakuya was momentarily struck silent. Before the Akatsuki faced near-annihilation, Nagato's approach to mastering the Rinnegan was undeniably relaxed. But continuing down this path could prove disastrous for the organization's future.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Byakuya's expression hardened.

"Nagato-senpai, have you forgotten who we are? We were all orphaned once. You, better than anyone, understand the consequences of powerlessness."

Nagato seemed lost, struggling to decipher Byakuya's underlying message.

"Yahiko-senpai needs me," Byakuya continued, not wanting to waste any more time. "I'll take my leave for now."

He gave Nagato a long, hard look before turning to depart from the training ground. As he did, Byakuya deliberately flexed his arm, revealing a glimpse of blood staining the sleeve.

Karen's sharp eyes caught Byakuya's injured arm. She hurried over, her voice laced with worry. "Lord Byakuya, that looks painful. Would you like me to use my healing blood on it?"

As she spoke, Karen retrieved a small vial filled with her crimson liquid, a potent substitute for medical ninjutsu.

Byakuya, however, shook his head. "Don't worry, Karen. It's just a Shinra Tensei injury. The repulsion is forceful, but it's nothing serious. It will heal in a few hours."

While Byakuya's words held truth – he could handle the wound – there was more to his refusal. He, too, possessed the Uzumaki clan's remarkable regenerative abilities. Unlike ordinary ninja, even severe punctures mended within days.

But most importantly, Byakuya saw an opportunity. He wanted to showcase this extraordinary power.

To his satisfaction, both Karen and Nagato had noticed his injury. They watched, a hint of awe in their eyes, as the wound visibly knitted itself back together, returning to its flawless state.

Karen, understanding his unspoken message, made no further attempts to intervene. She remained with Nagato, her gaze lingering on Byakuya's retreating figure.

Memories flickered in their minds: Byakuya's daring attack on Kusagakure to rescue Karen, his frustration with Nagato's reluctance to train with the Rinnegan, and his resolute departure after their discussion. Now, these fragments clicked into place.

Suddenly, the pieces fit. If Byakuya, like them, was an orphan of the Uzumaki clan, everything made sense. His warmth towards them, his eagerness to hone their skills – it all stemmed from a shared lineage. He was determined to prevent another tragedy like Uzushiogakure's destruction.

A thoughtful silence descended upon them. Finally, Karen spoke.

"Nagato-senpai, Lord Byakuya's wound healed so quickly. That's the Uzumaki clan's trait, isn't it? Do you know of any other clans with similar abilities?"

Nagato shook his head, then paused, a flicker of recollection crossing his features.

"But wait, Byakuya's sensory perception rivals mine, yet he lacks our red hair..."

"Maybe he just didn't inherit that specific trait."

Karen, her brow furrowed, ventured,

Nagato offered a curt nod, seemingly accepting her explanation.

Still, a question lingered. Why would Byakuya conceal his Uzumaki heritage? Was there some unknown reason behind it?

Perhaps Byakuya himself wasn't aware of his Uzumaki lineage. Maybe his inexplicable connection to them stemmed from an unconscious kinship, a primal pull towards his shared bloodline.



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