
Mastermind of the Akatsuki

Traveling back to the Yahiko period within the Akatsuki organization, Byakuya initially sought to escape swiftly to avoid becoming a victim of the rise of Pain. However, he unintentionally acquired a system bound to the Akatsuki organization. This system offered rewards as long as the Akatsuki organization grew and developed. To prevent the Akatsuki organization from being obliterated, Byakuya had to take charge of guiding its development, steering it onto a completely different trajectory. When Hanzo and Danzo joined forces to crush the Akatsuki organization, they were astonished to discover its newfound strength, capable of challenging even the Hidden Rain Village. Many years later, the five major ninja nations were taken aback to find that the Akatsuki organization had quietly subverted the entire ninja world, emerging as the uncrowned king of the shinobi realm. All of this was thanks to the man concealed deep within the Akatsuki organization. === I don’t own anything in the novel and English isn’t my primary language. I could rely on feedback to improve myself. Don't ask about Harem since even I don't know yet. Romance would be decided for later. Read advance chapters here: https://www.patreon.com/OberonLA

OberonLA · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 10: Let him taste the bitterness of betrayal

A few days later, within the hidden base of the Akatsuki organization.

Yahiko, the leader of the Akatsuki, finished his assigned tasks and turned his attention to the two letters resting on the table. Recognizing the handwriting, he identified one as Konan's and the other from Byakuya.

Konan's letter provided a detailed account of her and Byakuya's experiences over the past few days. She recounted encountering Leaf Shinobi attempting to eradicate an Iwagakure hideout, as well as Rock Shinobi disguised as Grass Shinobi, who were attempting to incite war through border skirmishes. Reassuringly, Konan concluded the letter by stating there was no need to worry about supply shortages. While the war had driven up the cost of materials the Akatsuki needed, she had discovered a new source of income, ensuring the organization's financial stability for the foreseeable future.

Byakuya's letter, however, struck a far more critical tone. Not only did it contain scathing sarcasm towards the Akatsuki's current ideology, but it also indirectly accused Yahiko of being an inadequate leader. He also mentioned Nagato, suggesting Yahiko send for him as backup if urgent matters arose.

Yahiko finished reading the letters, a frown creasing his brow as he gazed out the window at the gloomy sky.

Byakuya might have a tendency to exaggerate, but Konan wouldn't fabricate such details. This meant that other ninja villages were indeed intent on dragging the Land of Rain into the brutal conflict engulfing the Ninja World.

With Lord Hanzo at the helm, the Land of Rain was unlikely to suffer a complete defeat. However, the skirmishes at the border posed a significant threat to the nation's civilians.

Unfortunately, with the Akatsuki's current capabilities, there was simply no way to effectively counter these attacks. Unlike those they had previously faced within the Land of Rain, these foreign shinobi wouldn't be swayed by mere persuasion.

As the Akatsuki organization expands its reach, it will inevitably encounter these foreign shinobi more frequently, potentially escalating into the very conflict Byakuya warned about.

In such a scenario, retaliation would be necessary, but at what cost? The path of vengeance would undoubtedly erode the ideals of mutual understanding that formed the Akatsuki's foundation, sowing the seeds for a future steeped in hatred and perpetual strife.

Despite these looming anxieties, Yahiko remained resolute in his convictions. He wouldn't be swayed.

The cold rain lashed against Yahiko's face, momentarily pulling him from his contemplative state. He refocused on Byakuya's letter, particularly the request for assistance. With a wave of his hand, he summoned someone from afar.

Moments later, Nagato materialized before him. This young man with fiery red hair and an innocent expression was, in Yahiko's eyes, the most crucial member of their trio.

"Yahiko, did you call for me?" Nagato inquired, his head bowed respectfully.

Yahiko responded with a nod. "There's a situation with Konan and Byakuya. They require your support."

A flicker of anxiety crossed Nagato's face as he raised his head, revealing his unique pale lavender eyes. "Yahiko, is everything alright with Konan and the others?"

"Rest assured," Yahiko reassured him. "They're unharmed and have secured vital supplies for the organization. While they could return on their own, Byakuya specifically requested your assistance."

Nagato acknowledged this with a curt nod. "I understand. I'll depart immediately. Where is their current location?"

Yahiko retrieved a map from his desk, marked the location for Nagato, and cautioned him, "They're currently stationed in the Hidden Grass Village. However, exercise extreme caution while traveling alone. Many covet your extraordinary eyes."

Nagato, who rarely displayed emotions, offered a faint smile. "Yahiko, you underestimate my strength. No one within the Akatsuki surpasses me. There's no need to fret."

"Indeed," Yahiko concurred. "Jiraiaya-sensei spoke of you as the 'Child of Prophecy.' With the power of the Rinnegan at your disposal, you possess the potential to one day reshape the world."

He then shifted the conversation, finally voicing his underlying thoughts, "But Nagato, have you ever considered assuming the leadership of the Akatsuki? You possess qualities that make you far more suited for this role than I am."

After establishing the Akatsuki organization, Yahiko had persistently urged Nagato to assume leadership. Despite Nagato's consistent refusals, Yahiko remained steadfast in his belief that Nagato, with his Rinnegan, held the key to realizing the Akatsuki's ideals.

Nagato's solemn gaze met Yahiko's as he spoke, "I'm not suited to lead the Akatsuki. In my heart, you will always be the true leader, Yahiko."

Yahiko's heart weighed heavily with the burden of leadership he felt incapable of bearing. He responded with a light sigh, "If you're unwilling, Nagato, then so be it. However, Byakuya has his sights set on leadership. The position I've reserved for you may fall into his hands someday."

He continued, his voice laced with a subtle threat, "Go assist Byakuya and Konan in the Hidden Grass Village. Rejecting my offer will inevitably lead to regret."

Nagato felt a wave of relief wash over him. The prospect of leading the Akatsuki filled him with dread. As for the leadership falling into someone else's hands, that depended solely on Yahiko's own choices. Nagato's sole desire was to follow Yahiko, to work side-by-side in their pursuit of world peace.

Truth be told, the success of their dream held little weight for him. As long as this life, this companionship, persisted, it was enough.

After the loss of his parents and Jiraiya's departure, the Akatsuki was the only family he had left.


Nagato departed the Akatsuki base, his form receding as he crossed the border of the Land of Rain. From the concealing shadows, White Zetsu materialized from the earth, his gaze fixed on Nagato's figure shrinking into a distant black dot. With a hurried movement, White Zetsu burrowed back underground, weaving through the soil towards the Land of Grass.

He soon arrived within a hidden cavern deep beneath the grassy plains. A colossal statue dominated the cavern's interior, while in the foreground, a wizened figure with flowing white hair sat upon a chair, his eyes peacefully closed. White Zetsu approached cautiously and spoke in a hushed tone, "Lord Madara, Nagato has crossed the border and is currently within the Land of Grass, near your location."

Madara Uchiha's eyes snapped open at the news. "What prompted Nagato's departure from the Land of Rain?"

"It appears he's on a mission," White Zetsu explained. "During your slumber, Nagato has become affiliated with a group called the Akatsuki. They actively recruit within the Land of Rain, promoting peace through mutual understanding amongst the ninja nations."

A flicker of a memory danced in Madara's eyes, his expression turning distant. A cold chuckle escaped his lips. "Peace through understanding, hm? There once was a naive fool with similar ideals, but ultimately, he was betrayed by his own comrades..."

"Let Nagato experience the full weight of betrayal firsthand," Madara declared, his voice hardening. "The sting of such a wound will surely push him towards our cause. Compared to the absolute power of the Rinnegan, any belief system, no matter how cherished, proves fragile and ultimately meaningless."

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