
Master of the Living Dead

Chris Lynn, once the revered leader of the Survivor Champ, as he faces betrayal at the hands of his closest companions during the zombie apocalypse. However, fate takes a dramatic turn when Chris is inexplicably reborn on the very day the world succumbed to the undead scourge. Emerging from the clutches of death, Chris discovers an extraordinary gift—the ability to recruit and strengthen the relentless zombie horde. As Chris navigates this newfound power, he sets out on a quest for redemption and revenge against those who once betrayed him. In a world overrun by the living dead, Chris rises as an unparalleled force, shaping the fate of both survivors and zombies alike. The line between savior and monster blurs as he grapples with the moral implications of wielding such dominion over the undead. This is a tale of second chances, survival, and the untold consequences of rebirth in a world where the dead walk and a once-betrayed leader emerges as an unexpected and formidable force. Will Chris Lynn's journey lead to salvation or plunge the world deeper into the shadows of the apocalypse?"

Rqmk · Fantasy
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39 Chs

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"I promise you! I am willing to be recruited by you!" Brad declared, his voice resonating with a newfound resolve. It was Chris's poignant reminder of the precariousness of their situation, especially with a child on the way, that cemented his decision.

In this post-apocalyptic world, Brad was acutely aware of his limitations. His recent forays for supplies had revealed a grim reality, resources were rapidly dwindling. Scavenging for food had become an increasingly desperate and dangerous task, not just for him but for all survivors in the building.

The reality was stark. In less than half a month, their building would be bereft of supplies. The choices then would be stark: brave the zombie-infested ground floor to escape or vie against other survivors for dwindling resources. Both options spelled a perilous uncertainty.

Brad, despite his bravery, knew his physical limitations. Joining the one who controlled the zombies seemed the most prudent choice. As for the potential risk of this new ally harboring malicious intent towards his pregnant wife, Brad dismissed the thought. The sheer power at Chris's disposal meant there was no need for such convoluted schemes.

"Okay, then come with me," Chris, through Michael, wrote the final note, then stood up, signaling for the couple to follow him.

"We haven't packed yet..." Bead said hastily.

Michael, still under Chris's control, nodded in understanding. The couple had little to gather half a box of biscuits, some clothing. Brad hurried to prepare, but a disturbing noise outside halted his actions.

Three ordinary secondary zombies had appeared at the door. They seemed to zero in on Jenifer in the living room, rushing towards her with an alarming ferocity.

The tension escalated rapidly. The couple, already on edge, now faced an immediate and terrifying threat. The presence of these zombies, mindless and relentless, contrasted starkly with the controlled demeanor of Michael, controlled by Chris. This moment underscored the fragility of their situation and the potential value of the alliance they were about to forge.

Startled by the sudden threat, Jenifer instinctively retreated, rushing towards the bedroom. Chad, hearing the commotion, quickly followed, embracing his wife protectively and eyeing Michael and the other three zombies with a mix of fear and confusion.

"Weren't you able to control zombies? Why aren't these three under your command?" Brad asked, his voice tinged with bewilderment and concern.

In response, Michael gestured, and three streams of water emerged from his hand. Initially thin, the streams thickened impressively as they approached the zombies, eventually wrapping around them like constricting serpents.

The zombies were immobilized, unable to advance. With a tightening motion, the water streams constricted further, and the sound of crushing bones filled the air as the zombies were rendered into disjointed pieces. Their heads, however, remained intact, leaving them in a strange state of undead limbo.

Michael then picked up a pen and wrote a stark warning: "Don't ask about things beyond your concern. From now on, you must fully obey my orders without question." As if to punctuate his point, he raised his hand again, sending out three water daggers that pierced the zombies' foreheads, ending their undead existence in a gruesome display.

Brad, absorbing the scene and its underlying message, quietly acknowledged the terms and returned to the bedroom to finish packing.

Moments later, Brad and Jenifer emerged, carrying a simple brown schoolbag, ready to leave their home behind. Michael, controlled by Chris, summoned a few nearby zombies to escort them through the thinning horde, safely back to the central villa.

Upon their arrival, Chris inquired about their backgrounds. Brad revealed he was a mid-level manager in a private company before the apocalypse, while Jenifer was a nurse. This information pleased Chris. He had initially chosen to recruit Brad for his bravery, but now he realized the practical value of their skills. Bradd's managerial experience would be invaluable in organizing survivors, and Jenifer's medical knowledge, though not that of a doctor, was certainly a boon compared to Chris's own limited understanding.

Chris arranged for the couple to stay next to Lucy and called her down to assist them in getting settled, including fetching some food for lunch from the second underground floor.

The new arrangement signified not just a new alliance but also the formation of a community that could potentially thrive even amidst the chaos of the apocalyptic world.

Brad and his wife, having endured a long period without a proper meal, were grateful for the four cans of eight-treasure porridge that Lucy brought them, courtesy of Chris. The meal, simple yet nourishing, represented a significant shift in their dire circumstances.

After the meal, Brad felt a deep sense of resignation mixed with gratitude. In this harsh, apocalyptic world, having enough food and ensuring his wife's safety were more than he could have asked for. He was determined to repay Chris's kindness in whatever way he could.

Recognizing the limitations of Chris's zombie forces, particularly in tasks beyond combat, Brad volunteered to take up the cleaning duties. While the zombies were effective fighters, they were certainly not equipped for maintaining cleanliness, often creating more mess than they could clean.

Chris agreed to Brad's offer. Post-lunch, Brad diligently cleaned every room on the first floor, paying attention to areas Chris had overlooked. His efforts did not go unnoticed.

"Well done, I'll give you some sausage tonight," Chris said, expressing his satisfaction with Brad's work.

"Thank you, boss!" Brad responded, his smile reflecting his relief and contentment in finding a role in this new arrangement.

Later, Chris, focusing on expanding his control and influence, retreated to the master bedroom with Clarke and Michael guarding the door. Seated on the bed, he tapped into the vision of his zombie minions, exploring the possibility of recruiting more zombies and identifying potential awakeners.

A thought struck him suddenly. His extraordinary abilities had been transmitted through the mysterious bond he shared with his zombie underlings. Could this transmission be scaled up from individual to group level? If possible, this would enable him to communicate en masse, a significant tactical advantage.

Acting on this idea, Chris began experimenting with the powers of Rick in his body, related to exploration. Soon, a transparent single lens materialized before his left eye. He then channeled the Rick power through the bond with his subordinates.

Instantly, a similar lens appeared before the left eyes of all the zombies he observed, mirroring the effect he experienced. This breakthrough hinted at new, unexplored potentials of his abilities, opening up strategic avenues in managing and commanding his growing army of the undead.