
Master of the Living Dead

Chris Lynn, once the revered leader of the Survivor Champ, as he faces betrayal at the hands of his closest companions during the zombie apocalypse. However, fate takes a dramatic turn when Chris is inexplicably reborn on the very day the world succumbed to the undead scourge. Emerging from the clutches of death, Chris discovers an extraordinary gift—the ability to recruit and strengthen the relentless zombie horde. As Chris navigates this newfound power, he sets out on a quest for redemption and revenge against those who once betrayed him. In a world overrun by the living dead, Chris rises as an unparalleled force, shaping the fate of both survivors and zombies alike. The line between savior and monster blurs as he grapples with the moral implications of wielding such dominion over the undead. This is a tale of second chances, survival, and the untold consequences of rebirth in a world where the dead walk and a once-betrayed leader emerges as an unexpected and formidable force. Will Chris Lynn's journey lead to salvation or plunge the world deeper into the shadows of the apocalypse?"

Rqmk · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Mysterious White Light

Chris, with a steely resolve, was set on overtaking Ben's team. The allure wasn't just about revenge for Clarke's previous affront but also the lucrative prospect of claiming Ben's territory and resources as his own.

The potential to sustain a group of fifty to sixty people with substantial material reserves was too tempting to pass up.

Leaving behind the confines of the bank, Chris eyed the Downdown Garden Community, envisioning it as his new stronghold. With a decisive command, he directed Clarke, the zombie he could control directly, to lead the assault, orchestrating the other zombies through strategic commands.

The community loomed close, its entrance guarded by survivors whose fear of zombies was overshadowed by the dread of their own leaders. Desperately, they confronted Clarke and the incoming horde, armed with whatever weapons they could muster.

From a distance, Chris observed the scene through Clarke's eyes, opting for a tactical approach. He ordered the venom zombies to launch their toxic assault, watching as the first line of defenders collapsed into grotesque, green pools.

"Advance! Keep moving!" shouted the overseers, brandishing steel knives and iron forks, driving the terrified survivors forward. Faced with the horror of the zombies and the tyranny of their leaders, the survivors had no choice but to charge forward, their cries a mix of fear and desperation.

"Push in. Show no mercy," Chris commanded, his tone merciless.

The zombies surged into the community, led by Clarke. Screams and chaos ensued as they overran the defenses. Within moments, the ground was littered with the remnants of the fallen, a testament to the zombies' ruthless efficiency.

Meanwhile, in the heart of the Downtown Garden Community, Michael stood anxiously in the core villa area. His confidants gathered around him, their faces etched with concern.

"Matt, what did you see? Any clues?" Ben asked, unable to hide his nervousness.

A man known as Matt, with sharp, observant eyes, reported eagerly, "Brother Ben, I've spotted something crucial. There's one zombie who's been at the forefront since the beginning. While the others attacked, he just watched, a clear sign of leadership."

Ben's face lit up with a mix of excitement and cunning. "Did you hear that?" he addressed his team. "Capturing that unique zombie could be the key to unlocking this zombie control mystery."

His confidants erupted in praise, bolstering Ben's confidence.

"Alright, here's the plan," Ben began, laying out his strategy. "We'll use some as a diversion for the zombie horde, while our bravest confront this leader. It's our chance to turn the tables."

As the battle outside raged on, a tense air of determination and fear mingled within the walls of the villa, each survivor aware of the high stakes at play.

Chris watched in astonishment as a swarm of desperate survivors, resembling a colony of ants, poured out from every corner, surrounding Lucy and Chad with a ferocious intensity. A group of evidently skilled survivors burst forth from the villa area, charging towards Michael with a determined resolve.

The scene unfolding before him left Chris both surprised and impressed by the fearless spirit of Ben's team. Despite their lack of heavy weaponry, they fought with a tenacity that Chris hadn't anticipated.

Just as he was contemplating their futile resistance, a zombie's roar pierced the air, startling him. Through his connection with the zombies, he suddenly noticed that the vision from one of his hammerfist zombies had vanished, like a screen turning black in a surveillance room.

Upon closer inspection, Chris's surprise turned to rage when he realized that Ben's team had managed to overpower and kill one of his hammerfist zombies.

These zombies were known for their robust defense but were slow and cumbersome, a weakness that the survivors had exploited.

But his anger quickly morphed into fascination. Where the hammerfist zombie had fallen, a faint white light hovered, visible only to Chris. It was an enigma, something he had never encountered before.

"What is that? The soul of the dead Hammerfist zombie? Do zombies have souls?" Chris pondered, his curiosity momentarily overshadowing his anger.

He decided that his ordinary zombies were expendable and could be replaced. This mysterious phenomenon warranted his full attention.

Without hesitation, he directed his blade, venom, and swift zombies to eliminate all the surrounding survivors, clearing the area around the intriguing light.

Taking control of Michael's body, Chris utilized the wind-chasing zombie's incredible speed. Michael's form blurred into a shadow and reappeared beside the light in an instant, as if edited into a frame of a video.

Chris, now accustomed to the extraordinary speed of the mid-level wind-chasing zombie, reached out Ben team's hand towards the white light. To his astonishment, upon contact, the light, no larger than a child's fist, vanished from Michael's view.

"Unbelievable!" Chris exclaimed from his vantage point in the bank's VIP room.

Before him, the mysterious white light reappeared, floating like a particle of dust in the elegantly decorated room. The light seemed ethereal, its presence both baffling and mesmerizing, hinting at unknown secrets and powers within this post-apocalyptic world.