
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Eastern
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57 Chs

The Golden Invitations (2)

The guards parted, creating a path into the city. Liu Feng, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and anticipation, climbed back into the carriage.

The journey through the capital was a sensory overload. The streets throbbed with life, a vibrant tapestry of sights, sounds, and smells. Artisans displayed their wares on brightly colored stalls – intricate jade carvings, weapons with deadly gleams, and silken fabrics in colors that rivaled any natural beauty. Exotic spices and the aroma of freshly cooked noodles filled the air.

Everywhere Liu Feng looked, prosperity reigned. Even the humblest dwellings, constructed from sturdy wood and adorned with colorful tiles, were well-maintained. Plump and healthy children chased each other through the streets, their laughter bouncing off the buildings, a testament to the city's well-being.

As they progressed, the carriage entered a more affluent district. Grand mansions with landscaped gardens lined the streets, their ornately carved gates guarded by imposing statues. Guards in crisp uniforms moved with practiced routine, a testament to the district's wealth.

Finally, the carriage arrived at the entrance to the Royal Palace. A vast plaza unfolded before Liu Feng, teeming with guards in excellent armor. Exquisite carriages, each a symbol of its owner's wealth and status, lined the perimeter.

Liu Feng stepped out, feeling quite small by the palace's sheer magnificence. He straightened his robes, took a deep breath, and steeled himself for the unknown that awaited him within the walls of the Golden Cloud Kingdom's seat of power.


Disciplined Guards in scarlet and gold livery stood at attention, greeting Liu Feng. A tall, silver-haired man, his face etched with years of wisdom, came forward.

"Greetings, esteemed guest," the man greeted, respect resonating in his voice.

"I am Minister Yu, advisor to His Majesty, King Cheng. We have all been eagerly anticipating your arrival."

Liu Feng bowed in return with a heavy sense of responsibility settling upon his shoulders.

Minister Yu, his keen eyes detecting Liu Feng's tiredness, gestured towards a lavishly decorated chamber. Liu Feng accompanied by Minister Yu, continued to walk through the lush gardens bursting with exotic flora and majestic cranes with scarlet wings roaming across the beautiful lawn. 

"We have prepared chambers for you to rest and refresh yourselves after your arduous journey. His Majesty extends his warmest welcome for saving the city from the clutches of the evil Chen family."


A steaming bath, infused with the fragrant aroma of medicinal herbs, banished away the lingering exhaustion from Liu Feng's body. The potent medicinal properties even stirred his body cultivation technique, leading to a slight improvement in his physique.

Following his bath, a set of pristine white robes adorned with silver embroidery awaited him. Palace maids then took him towards a royal feast. A familiar voice startled him as he approached.

"Junior Liu Feng! You look particularly noble in that dress," boomed a voice. "A fitting attire for a young hero."

Liu Feng turned to see Elder Shen and Elder Yang, their faces beaming with a mix of relief and amusement. A wave of familiarity washed over him, dissolving the last embers of tension.

Stepping into the grand dining hall, a spectacle of luxury unfolded before Liu Feng. A massive well-decorated table stretched before him, adorned with a crimson tablecloth embroidered with intricate gold thread. Crystal goblets gleamed like diamonds, while polished silver plates reflected the flickering candlelight. An intoxicating aroma of roasted meats, exotic spices, and freshly cooked meals filled the air, increasing his appetite.

"Elder Shen, Elder Yang," he bowed respectfully. "I wasn't expecting to see you here."

A knowing smile played across Elder Shen's lips, "We arrived two days ago," he began, a hint of jest in his voice, "and finished our business with the King. We were just waiting for you to come.", he chuckled.

"City Lord Li departed earlier this morning," he added.

"So, I meet the King next," Liu Feng said while enjoying the most delicious meal he had ever eaten. "Any advice before I meet the king?"

Elder Yang chuckled. "You might be surprised, young Feng. His Majesty has a...unique personality."

Liu Feng raised an eyebrow. "Unique?"

Elder Shen chuckled again. "Let's just say, his majesty appreciates a good laugh and…honesty."

Liu Feng raced his mind. He wasn't particularly nervous, but the idea of meeting an impulsive ruler triggered a strange sensation within him.


As the afternoon sun cast a warm golden glow on the Royal Court, Liu Feng received the summons for his audience.

Minister Yu led Liu Feng through a labyrinth of opulent hallways, each adorned with tapestries depicting scenes of past victories and mythical creatures. Finally, they reached a vast chamber. Sunlight streamed through high windows, illuminating intricate murals depicting celestial beasts battling across the vaulted ceiling.

On a throne of polished obsidian, radiating an aura of power, sat a man who appeared younger than his years. Laughter lines crinkled the corners of his eyes, which sparkled with a mischievous glint as they scanned Liu Feng. This was King Cheng.

As Liu Feng knelt respectfully, the King declared, "Rise, young hero! Your bravery has not only saved Gale City but brought honor to the entire kingdom. Your deeds will be etched in the royal archives for generations to admire!"

Liu Feng rose to his feet, his head still bowed in deference. "I merely fulfilled my duty, Your Majesty."

The King nodded admiringly. "You displayed courage, resourcefulness, and a touch of recklessness, which I must admit, is quite refreshing in these times. All the qualities of a true hero, I must say!"

As the King gestured, an array of servants entered, each carrying various objects shrouded in silk cloths.

"A token of my appreciation," the King announced with a hint of amusement lingering in his voice.

As each item was unveiled, Minister Yu's voice resonated through the chamber. The first chest revealed a magnificent sword. Its hilt, carved from glistening jade, depicted a coiling dragon fiercely guarding a fiery pearl that seemed to hum with an inner power.

"The Dragon Pearl Sword," Minister Yu declared, his voice filled with pride, "personally forged by esteemed Master Huo, a treasure worthy of a hero."

Liu Feng's breath fastened, and even his untrained eye noticed the breathtaking craftsmanship, and the undeniable power emanating from the sword.

Yet, a flicker of doubt crossed his mind. Was accepting such a magnificent item the right choice? And why did it seem that they were making the whole issue bigger than it was? 

Minister Yu continued, gesturing towards a shimmering pile of coins stacked on a velvet cushion. "Ten thousand gold coins," he announced, "and one hundred spirit stones to aid your cultivation."

The wealth offered was staggering, enough to change his current fortune but the responsibility that came with such riches weighed heavily on him.

The cynical part of him couldn't help but feel unease. The King's generosity seemed excessive, almost as if they were trying to inflate the significance of his actions. After all, Liu Feng was well aware that nothing in this world came for free.

Finally, Minister Yu presented a gleaming royal seal. "And this," he said, "a royal seal, grants you the privilege of being a guest of honor in his majesty's court. This makes you, Liu Feng, an esteemed guest of the Golden Cloud Kingdom."

The weight of the King's generosity overwhelmed Liu Feng. He expressed his thanks, his mind swirling with the implications of these gifts and the future they laid before him.

The King, his amusement morphing into a playful smirk, leaned back on his throne and interrupted the minister, "Is there anything else you desire, young hero? Perhaps a…princess?"

A collective gasp ripped through the silence of the royal court. Even the seasoned elders, Elder Shen, and Elder Yang, exchanged bewildered glances. A wave of embarrassment flooded Liu Feng's cheeks.

"Y-Your Majesty," he stammered. Trying to regain his composure, he replied, "I am… deeply humbled by your generosity. These rewards are more than enough."

The King's laughter echoed through the chamber, a hearty sound that echoed off the intricately carved walls.

"Relax, Liu Feng!" a hint of amusement lingering in his voice. "Just a jest, a little test of your character. Remember, a hero deserves his due. Speak your mind, and if within reason, of course, it shall be granted."

Liu Feng pondered the King's offer. Wealth, power, fame – all were tempting, yet a nagging feeling persisted. He didn't came here just for riches.

He was confident in his ability to earn money, but, right now, what he craved the most was knowledge, especially knowledge about his current world and cultivation.

However, a certain uncertainty remained. Would requesting something more offend the King? What were the norms in this strange world? He weighed his options carefully.

"Your Majesty," he began with a firm determination, "what I truly seek is knowledge. Knowledge to become stronger."

A flicker of glint appeared in the King's eyes. "An excellent choice," he declared. "Knowledge is indeed a weapon of immense power. Perhaps the Royal Archives hold something that piques your interest. Consider this a royal decree: you have a week of unrestricted access to the first two floors of the royal library!"

I don't know what's been happening with webnovel's new editor. I have to edit every chapter before the release now!!

Please help me with some power stones, so that I know people are reading the story.

Although I am a long way from doing the regular releases, I would appreciate some comments and your thoughts!!

Sarcastic_Apecreators' thoughts