
Master of The Great Dao

Dao is the beginning and end of everything. The great Dao binds all living and non-living things in the universe. It is the absolute concept that underpins the universe, incorporating the Yin and Yang principles as well as the Five Elements. Follow our protagonist Liu Feng as he travels through the mysterious world of cultivation with his unique system and unveils the mysteries of the great Dao.

Sarcastic_Ape · Eastern
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57 Chs

Entering Qi Condensation Stage

//Last updated on June 20, 2024


[Ding. Do you wish to initiate the 'The Eight Trigram Dao Convergence Scripture' using 50DP?]

He was already accustomed to the method, he concentrated by closing his eyes and assuming a meditating position.

He soon found himself in a different place than he had been before. Nothingness surrounded him. The Chaos emerged soon after. This gave birth to Taiji, and as it spun, it divided into Yin and Yang. This was the beginning of Dao.

Soon, two opposing colors, black and white, representing the Yin and Yang, were visible. As the Yin and Yang sign expanded, it gave rise to four phenomena: Earth, Water, Fire, and Air. The Four Phenomena evolved into eight trigrams representing Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Fire, Water, Mountain, and Lake.

Soon, five spheres of different colors appeared on top of the eight diagrams, transitioning from a state of constant flux to one of balance and harmony.

The red orb was furiously blazing, symbolizing the Fire element. Similarly, a yellow, grey, blue, and green orb formed, representing the elements Earth, Metal, Water, and Wood respectively.

It felt like the objects represented more than just the elements. It had a certain profundity to it. The scene morphed into sixty-four hexagrams and the sixty-four hexagrams soon expanded to infinity to fill the void.

Liu Feng paid close attention to this mystical phenomenon.


As soon as he heard a buzzing sound that stimulated his consciousness, he felt a strong connection to the world. Something warm began circulating through his meridians as he breathed in and out.

Unbeknownst to him, an illusory image of an eight trigram formed on the ground, keeping Liu Feng at the center. It vanished as soon as He opened his eyes.

His pupils had a strange shine to them. He noticed the difference in his body as he felt somewhat stronger.

"Wow…what a strange experience!", Liu Feng exclaimed.

[Ding. Congratulations to the Host for drawing in his first strand of Qi.]

[Ding. The Host has now officially entered the world of cultivation.]

Liu Feng was overjoyed.

[Ding. Congratulations to the host for reaching Qi Condensation Stage 1]

[Ding. Conditions met. The system is now exiting from tutorial mode. Smart Assistance Feature is now disabled.]

[Ding. The host has now taken another step forward in becoming the Master of Dao. Wishing the Host, a very Good Luck on your journey.]

"???," Liu Feng tilted his head with multiple question marks on his face.

"Hello? System? you there?" He asked.

He paused for a few seconds before asking again, "Hello System?"


The system went silent.

"That was weird. It's not replying anymore. Is the system gone?", Liu Feng exclaimed in terror.

He believed that without the system, he would not survive very long in this world. His survival was directly proportional to the system's existence.

"System, show me my status," he said to the system.

Soon, the familiar blue transparent screen appeared in front of his eyes.

He felt relieved.

"It appears that the system is still operating, but the replying feature has been disabled. Was it the 'Smart Assistance Feature', it mentioned before?"

He chose to experiment with his system and strengthen his martial techniques after reviewing those notifications.

"Use 5 fragments of {Unnamed Wind Dao} and infuse it into the Beast God's Movement Art."

[Ding. Consuming 50 Dao Points to incorporate into the martial technique 'Beast God's Movement Art']

[Ding. Task Completed Successfully.]

Soon he checked the technique as he clicked on the modified illusory scroll.

A lot of information regarding this modified martial technique flashed into his mind.

[Martial Technique Modified]

[Beast God's Movement Art]

[Category: Martial Technique]

[Sub Category: Movement Technique]

[Technique Grade: Grade 1]

[Limit: Qi Condensation Stage 12]

[Element: Wind]

[Active Ability: Enhanced Agility]

[Passive Ability: Predatory Aura]

[Description: This is a martial technique based on the Tempest Wolf and Wind element Dao Fragments. Using Wind Element Qi, practitioners of this Martial Art can move as quickly as a Tempest Wolf.]

He was pleased to see the modified description of the technique.

"Use 5 fragments of {Unnamed Water Dao} and infuse it to the Beast God's Claw Art."

He combined the Wind Element Dao Fragments into the movement art, as indicated by the system, and was left with Water and Fire Dao Fragments.

He chose to include Water Element Dao Fragments in the claw technique.

[Ding. Consuming 50 Dao Points to incorporate {Unnamed Water Dao} into the martial technique 'Beast God's Claw Art']

[Ding. Task Completed Successfully.]

He quickly clicked on the scroll and a rush of information flooded his thoughts.

[Martial Technique Modified]

[Beast God's Claw Art]

[Category: Martial Technique]

[Sub Category: Claw Technique]

[Technique Grade: Grade 1]

[Limit: Qi Condensation Stage 12]

[Element: Water]

[Active Ability: Claw Projection]

[Passive Ability: Enhanced Strength]

[Description: This is a martial method based on Volcanic Lions' Dao Fragments and Water element Dao Fragments. Water Qi allows practitioners of this Martial Art to unleash sharp claw-like attacks.]

Liu Feng was pleased with the overall outcome. He decided to recheck his status to double-check a few things.


[Name: Liu Feng]

[Age: 18]

[Cultivation: Qi Condensation Stage 1(1%)]

[Cultivation Technique(s): The Eight Trigram Dao Convergence Scripture (Initiated)]

[Martial Technique(s):

> Beast God's Movement Art (Beginner)

> Beast God's Claw Art (Beginner)]

[Dao Points: 754]


> {Unnamed Beast Dao} (Origin: Tempest Wolves) (Lesser Grade) x13,

> {Unnamed Beast Dao} (Origin: Volcanic Lions) (Lesser Grade) x6,

> {Unnamed Fire Dao} (Origin: Dao of the Five Elements) (Lesser Grade) x8,

> {Unnamed Eight Trigram Dao} (Origin: Dao of the Eight Trigram) (Lesser Grade) x8]

The first thing he saw was a new row of information on the new cultivation technique. The technique was still Initiated.

The second thing he observed was a difference in the Martial Techniques section. The proficiency level was reduced to Beginner.

He began practicing his martial techniques for the next few hours.

He began with his movement art. He was already familiar with the steps of this technique, but when he practiced it this time, he sensed something different, as if these actions were suddenly more profound.

As he soon became comfortable with the actions, he felt something stir around his legs as he was pushed to the ground a few meters distant from his initial location. He was astonished, but he also felt quite weak, like something had left his body.

He was stunned, but then he felt extremely weak as if something had left his body.

"Was it because of Qi? This time, my speed was obviously much faster than before. I was definitely fine before but now I am feeling tired."

This burst of power was caused by the Qi in his body, as Liu Feng suspected.

Currently, he was short of fuel because he had only taken in a single strand of Qi previously.

To validate his hypothesis, he assumed a meditative posture and began cultivating. Despite the fact that the cultivation technique had already been initiated, he encountered challenges. After around twenty to thirty minutes of meditation, he experienced the same sensation as before. Soon He entered into a state of meditation.

Inhaling, Liu Feng began to circulate Qi via his meridians, expelling some turbid air.

Soon after, he recovered. The sense of exhaustion had vanished. He repeated the method several times. He soon observed his cultivation in his position.

[Cultivation: Qi Condensation Stage 1 (2%).]

It has been raised by one percent.

He repeated the process for the following couple of hours. He eventually came to a halt and checked his cultivation again.

[Cultivation: Qi Condensation Stage 1 (5%).]

"It appears that it takes around 30 minutes for my cultivation to advance by one percent." Liu Feng reached a conclusion.

He soon took a nice bath. He kept practicing both of his martial techniques methods after having a meal.

He didn't stop practicing and experimenting with the techniques until it was practically dusk.

"With my present ability, it appears like I will be able to launch either a full-powered claw attack or a strong movement technique at a single moment. If I utilize Qi carefully, I might be able to use each of the strikes once."

Liu Feng performed various experiments with his whole Qi reserve. In the end, he was tired. His cultivation improved by a few percentage points, and his proficiency with the cultivation technique improved slightly.

He double-checked his status and concentrated on his cultivation and martial techniques.

[Cultivation: Qi Condensation Stage 1(10%)]

[Cultivation Technique(s): The Eight Trigram Dao Convergence Scripture (Beginner)]

[Martial Technique(s):

> Beast God's Movement Art (Beginner)

> Beast God's Claw Art (Beginner)]

His proficiency in Cultivation Techniques has progressed from initiated to beginner.

Liu Feng had discovered this earlier when he reached 10% of his cultivation, that his cultivation cycles were taking less time. From taking 30 minutes to complete a single cycle, it now took roughly 20 minutes, and the flow of Qi in his meridians was much smoother.

"This is exciting news, but my proficiency in martial techniques is not improving."

He felt that was reasonable as he didn't have many chances to use Qi for martial techniques.

After analyzing all of the information he had gathered, he took some time to understand it and began cultivation.

He felt stronger with each circulation of Qi in his meridians.

Hey Guys,

Sorry for the delay in updates. I am a bit busy with my day job so the updates in the future might be irregular.

Thank you for reading my story,

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