
Master of none

Everyone has a system they just need to meet hidden conditions to unlock it. A blacksmith system may unlock after a human walks by a forge. A master mage may unlock a system after attempting to control the mana in their body. Even something as simple as kicking a rock at a bucket can unlock the marksman system a unique system allowing for perfect accuracy. But what happens when someone reaches the age of fifteen and hasn’t unlocked their system? Walker is about to find out, time is ticking and he doesn’t want to live out his life as an ordinary human; he has dreams you know! ****** My first ever story please leave plenty of comments so I can adapt and learn as I write The first chapters may be shorter but the length is improving as I write. Editing is in progress To see recent updates remember to clear que regularly

1King_Rep1 · Fantasy
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2237 Chs

313. Reading Material

Walker looked At the pair who seemed exhausted from their work. When he glanced at the cauldrons two of them swerve sealed meaning that they were both full of the antidote potion. If the two had taken so much out of them then Walker was sure that they wouldn't be able to make a third, or at least Remey would be unable to while the old master alchemist would need to do it alone. 

"Bahh I'm not really interested in some magical arrows. I will just stay here and try to experiment on the oozing vine more. I want that other bush to bloom and grow berries but Hilda said it would be another two weeks." The old man seemed unhappy to have to wait for another herb to experiment with. 

"Hey Remey, have you shown him the notes from the family that previously lived here?" Walker had realized that in all the time the master alchemist had been around they had not bothered to show him the shelves of journals in the basement.