
Master Of Death (HP FanFic)

Dying and becoming the master of death are two different things but somehow a man was able to accomplish both.

BloodySea · Movies
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4 Chs

<Chapter 4

(Changed his last name that is why he doesn't say Marsh anymore)

[New Apartment]

After Dumbledore got his things ready we both went out my new apartment and down the stairs, coming out to the hall he led me to the closest room nearby so I could make it his office. After changing it up to make it look more like a regular principal office I made him a new room next door so he wouldn't have to travel far.

It was weird seeing a old man pout but I wasn't going to change anything when my Teachers gave me full control of the place, we then went back to my apartment to talk more. Going into the dining room we left the founders and Merlin alone since they were caught up in their shows, no need to come between them and end up hexed.

"So Dumbledore ask whatever you want though I might not answer all of you questions but feel free to ask. Also you should know that anything thing I tell you is already magically bounded as a secret so no one can figure out." I said with a smile while taking out my dinner for the night.

"How are the founders here?" he asked right away.

"Sorry won't answer." not for any reason other than I didn't want people to abuse this power of mine, sure he couldn't tell anyone but he could still bug me about it.

"Alright well you said you are here to watch how the year plays out why is that?" He said looking me over.

"Oh that is easy I am just fascinated at how every year since Harry Potter as started something interesting has happened here so I would like to be close to the action." I said with a smile while taking a bite of the steak that was in front of me.

"Hmm... Well what are your plans other than that?"

"Nothing it is just purely for my fun. Sometimes being able to do a lot makes life boring so sometimes you just have to enjoy the world while you can. Ahh also I will be going to take the train for here tomorrow so don't worry about accidents happening while I am there."

"Sure seeing even the littlest thing you can do I am not worried about them on the train." We both knew we were talking about the attack that happened at the finals this year.

"Great so do we want to tell every teacher but Snape... and before you speak I know he is a double agent for both that is why I don't trust him enough. Plus I am sure the founders would like to meet the people running their respective houses." His eyes sparkled as he heard my words before he rushed out of the room to go get them, without even asking what the password was to get back in. Shrugging I went back to eating my food.

Ten Minutes Later....

Dumbledore's Patronus the Phoenix entered when I was just finishing my food him telling me that they were outside, strongest Wizard doesn't mean you are the smartest apparently. After letting them in McGonagall, Sprout, and Flitwick were all stunned meeting the founders of their houses, Me and Merlin ignored them as we played each other in FIFA.

Weird right? Well that is just the man Merlin is he was the one who was always challenging me at different games after we were able to recreate them from memories. This is what me and him did while the others enjoyed Tv or studied and learned something new that they got from watching TV, though Godric was always watching Tv.

Dumbledore introduced me but I mainly showed my face and waved over my shoulder since they weren't people I cared about, not like I was ever their students. It was just nice meeting the real life version of themselves they mostly looked like the movie version with slight differences.

After hours of talking they finally took off and I got some sleep before I rode the train tomorrow, when asked to wear a Wizarding robe I flat out decline they were just bath robes. It was a long day for me but very enjoyable, hopefully Bellatrix would be willing to talk tomorrow rather than ignoring me.

[Next Day]

I was standing at the platform for the train where it was already waiting in advanced, I had gotten up earlier since I got another call from my account manager. Apple was taking off and it yielded me some profit already, I just told them to put half back into it though buying others stocks who were willing to sell.

Now the place was becoming a little crowded with families showing up to drop off first years or later years returning, looking around I caught sight of some main characters who I liked. None more than Miss. Luna Lovegood who was saying goodbye to her father then she skipped into the train while dragging her stuff with her.

Hopefully no one was bullying the girl while they were at school and if they were I would take care of it, moving into the train I decided to find an empty compartment. It wasn't that hard since not many were here yet so I got in one and took a seat while enjoying the view with the side that didn't have families saying goodbye to each other.

An hour later the train was taking off and I was still alone though I didn't mind at all, I was in the upper cars for fourth year and above so it wasn't weird that I was alone. That was until the door slid open and three people were seen standing there, it was the golden trio of course, only they would have the luck to be able to join the same one as me.

"Well we meet again Harry Potter and Hermione Granger, sorry didn't catch your name last time kid so I don't know you." I spoke the last bit to Ron, didn't like him anyway so wasn't going to boost his ego about being best friends with Harry Potter and growing fame.

Hermione blushed a little as she pointed to the empty seats, "Do you mind everywhere else is full."

"Not at all you three can sit in here." I said with a smile while bringing out my lunch, it was almost time for me to go meet Bellatrix but I decided to put it off until we made it to the feast.

"So you were a student?" Harry asked looking me over

"My name is Ron Weasley." Ron quickly threw in not wanting to be ignored again but his more known friends.

"Mhmm... and no I am not a student Harry." I said while starting to eat my fresh pizza, it was a medium but since my stomach was a bottomless pit it was technically enough. I felt their stares as I bit into it but didn't offer any to them, it was made by Helga this morning and her cooking was way to good to share so why would I do that.

Ron was gulping from where he was sitting, "Mind sharing some of that mate?" he said his eyes shinning some.

"Are we friends?" I countered digging into my next slice while taking a drink of Lemonade, he frowned and looked away talking to Harry about quidditch this year talking strategy. "Yes Hermione?" I asked looking at her since she was staring ever since I said I wasn't a student.

"How are you riding on the train if you aren't a student exactly? I thought only Teachers and Students could ride the train, and there is no way you are a student you are to young." She said with a small frown.

"Ahh you really are the cutest thing aren't you?" I said to her smiling at her lightly causing her to blush, the boys looked over hearing that but didn't say anything..... scratch that Ron opened his big mouth.

"Hermione cute? Please she is to much of a bookworm and that bushy hair." He laugh, while Harry did somewhat awkwardly.

I saw Hermione frown some which also made me mad, you would think Harry would say something but he always went along with Ron and left Hermione to be the smartest one. Then in times like this he should stay neutral rather than laughing along, "Well that shows how blind you are, to me she is beautiful as fuck! And if I had the chance I would date her in a heartbeat who wouldn't want to date the smartest witch of their time?"

The two idiots stopped laughing and looked at me wide eyed while Hermione smiled slightly and blushed putting her head down, "Want some Hermione?" I said offering her pizza, I could bash the two all day but I had a soft spot for her, didn't help that she looked like Emma Watson either.

"Thank you." she said smiling and taking the slice then taking a bite of it, I took out a cup and offered her a cup of Lemonade which she took happily. I could feel Ron's glare but I ignore him, who cares what he thought if he couldn't even figure out that this girl had a major crush on him.

Look at the two this was a beauty and the beast situation just that the beast wasn't going to change, plus I am sure he is the weakest Wizard I have come across since coming here. Shaking my head I started to talk to Hermione about some of the different subjects which got the girl talking, it was cute to see her ramble on about different topics.

I knew the other two would watch us from time to time but they didn't speak up since I was showing obvious dislike for them, though I would still give Harry his surprise. After a long ride we finally made it to the station, "Shouldn't you change into your robes Teddy?" Hermione asked seeing that I was walking off in just some pants and a hoodie, with house slippers on.

"Nope I refuse to wear those bath robes, honestly don't see how they can even call that fashion here in the wizarding world." I said with a shake of my head, the train ride actually made me and her a lot closer. While walking to the carriages I saw that Luna was walking alone with a faraway look in her eyes, smiling slightly I walked over to her leaving them.

"Thestrals are lovely creatures wouldn't you agree?" I said walking in step next to her, she looked so adorable with that far away look that I was close to pulling her into a hug.

"They really are. Nothing like Moon Frogs but just as fascinating." she said with a silly smile her eyes a little glazed over as she look at me.

"Oh you have seen some Moon Frogs?" I asked looking at her interested since she mainly talked about Nargles and Wrackspurts.

"No but I hope to see some soon, they are said to shine so beautifully." she said the same smile on her face as she looked at me.

"Well if you do find some let me know will you I am always getting a good read from this about creatures like that." I told her while holding up the Quibbler.

Her eyes brightened some seeing that I actually read her fathers work, "Luna Lovegood."

"Teddy, no last name yet. Would you like to be friends Luna?" I said with a smile.

"Yes!" She squealed a little with happiness.

"It is settled then." I pulled her into my side and hugged her tightly I loved and felt bad for this girl, she had to see her own mothers death that would change anyone. After a short ride where I hugged her the entire way while we talked about her theories on magical creatures we finally made it to Hogwarts, we ended up running into Hermione and the idiots on the way to the great hall.

"Where did you go?" Hermione asked when she saw me again, she had a stern expression on her face.

"Oh it is wonderfully Hermione, I got a new friend who I am considering making my little sister. Hermione meet Luna Lovegood, Luna meet my friend Hermione." I said with a wide smile while holding Luna's hand and showing her off to Hermione who looks her over.

"Nice to meet you Hermione you have a lot of Nargles flying around your head at the moment." Luna said with her dreamy look and smile.

"Umm sure, Nice to meet you too." Hermione said no doubt already hearing stories about Loony Luna but she wasn't going to say anything with the girl around she was to nice for that.

"Well let us get a move on then." I said pulling Luna along who smiled at me, when Hermione didn't move I grabbed her hand and brought her along too. Her idiot friends didn't stick around to actually wait for her to enter together instead rushing ahead.

When we walked in everyone was already getting into their seats, I walked with the girls to Ravenclaw where I glared at everyone while finding a seat for Luna. After scaring them I kissed her on the top of her head and walked away my threat clear, anyone who messed with her was going down.

After that I walked Hermione to her seat and kissed her on the cheek before walking off to the Professor table, "Well Dumbledore I have something else to do so I won't be sticking around for the feast." I could feel many eyes on me as I stood there talking to him about it, "My place is also sealed off so you can't go there and bug my guest tonight. Ahh and before I leave you and Flitwick," I said looking towards the man who looked back, "You should know that Luna Lovegood is my new little sister, if anything happens to her this year such as the bullying you have allowed then you will find less Ravenclaw students around or anyone else who messes with her."

With that threat I popped out of the great hall.


[Dumbledore POV]

I sighed while rubbing my forehead thinking about the words he just left behind, "Filius maybe we should keep a better eye on that this year, we wouldn't want him to make good on his promise." said to the man, we all knew, well minus Snape, that he would make good on his promises he was a man of his word.

"I will keep an eye out Headmaster." The short man said looking at his table like a hawk ready to swoop down the moment that someone messed with the dreamy eyed girl.

I could feel Snape's look at me so I turned to him, "Sorry Severus but he refuses to meet you and we can't tell you who he is but I would make sure that you keep you kids away from the girl. We don't need a bunch of dead Slytherins cause what I gather he really doesn't like you or you house."

The man gave me a curt nod but I knew he wanted to ask so many questions, looking back to the main doors McGonagall was bringing in this years first years. Let's hope nothing actually goes wrong this year.


[Teddy POV]

When I appeared again I was standing in front of Bellatrix's cell she looked up when she heard the pop, "Sorry for being late Love, some things happened, actually it was more like I was delayed by something but I did bring a great bigger dinner since I missed lunch." I told her while setting everything up but all I got in return was silence as she sat there watching me, I saw the curiosity in her eyes though.

Smiling I started to take out the buffet style dinner of Chinese food it was basically just Hot Pot though, "So want to talk about the Fake Pure-Blood today or---"


I paused in my movements and started to take out just enough for one, "Well you just screamed your way out of dinner Love. You truly are a woman I covet and admire but I will not have a racists eating my food, so next time you might want to not say those words around me." It wasn't as bad as real Racism but it was just as close so I decided not to give her any food.

I could feel her eyes on me as I put away her side of the food, I took it up and also got rid of the chair she was sitting in making her hit the floor. Yes she was the woman of my dreams but at this moment she was just a woman with tunnel vision and until she saw the light I wouldn't even try to really court her.

I took some rolls placed that in a bowl and handed it to her, they were no bigger than chicken eggs so while it wasn't filling it was something to tide her over. "I will say this once," I said while handing her the bowl, "I am hoping one of these days you will listen or let me show you all I know, and hopefully it will change you some. But if you can't even listen and see reason then I will just leave and you will go back to the life you were living."

"I don't mind you being Bellatrix the crazy witch who has murdered countless people since that was someone who you were under the rule of a Half-Blood trying to be pure. So at least try and see reason one of these days cause one of them I might just stop showing up if you can't." Sighing I handed her the bowl and put on a movie but instead of Captain Marvel I put on 'Us' I was in the mood for a thriller tonight.

Making my own chair again I started to enjoy my Hot Pot while watching it, for the rest of the night I ignored her, the whole place was silent with just the movie going on. After it was over I put on Bob's Burgers and decided to binge it for the night, ten episodes in I fell asleep in the chair after putting everything away, luckily I couldn't get cold.