
Chapter 19 Summoning, the Population Killer!

Just as the city of Black Onyx was bustling with preparations, Jane was not idle either. The dark elf thought Jane was just on a suicide mission, but Jane didn't see it that way. Indeed, attacking the caravan would attract the attention of powerful forces, which would be troublesome for the dungeon. However, everything has two sides, and for Jane, the most important thing was that the materials needed for summoning were finally ready, weren't they?

"What a hassle..."

Looking at the amount of resources displayed by the system, Jane couldn't help but shake his head and sigh. The reason he chose to attack the caravan was to accumulate enough materials for summoning races other than the undead. In the battle with the mind flayers, Jane had already discovered that banshees were good for support attacks, but ghosts and the like were not very useful in direct combat.

This meant that other races needed to be summoned to help defend the dungeon!

"So, what to summon..."

Standing in front of the summoning crystal, looking at the weak glow emitted from the crystal prism, Jane squinted his eyes, muttering to himself while looking at the resources in front of him.

As an experienced player, Jane was very clear about the relationship between dungeon resources and summoned creatures. Each type of resource had unique attributes. Depending on the amount invested, the summoned creature would differ.

For example, ore represented physical attack and defense attributes, so if a large amount of ore was invested, the summoned creature would be good at "direct confrontation."

Mercury represented magical attack and defense attributes, so if a large amount of mercury was invested, the summoned creature would definitely be good at magic.

Gems represented special physical attributes of the summoned creature, but it didn't mean whether the summoned creature was strong, but rather whether its physique was unique. The more gems invested, the more likely it was to produce a creature of a special kind. For example, when Jane previously summoned banshees, he had invested (15) gems, which allowed him to summon ghostly creatures.

As for crystals, they represented the "appetite" of the summoned creature, as well as its rarity. Generally, if players were unsure of the pattern, they tended to invest more crystals because it was commonly believed that the rarer the creature, the larger its appetite. Of course, if it was a player with bad luck, they might end up summoning a dungeon idol, which wasn't impossible. Besides, appetite also had a lot to do with the physical quality of the summoned creature. If it ate too little, it would also make the summoned beast very fragile, so this aspect also needed attention.

Of course, players could also invest [Wood] and [Sulfur] to adjust the attributes of the summoned creature. If more [Wood] was invested, there was a high chance of summoning surface and elf creatures. And if more [Sulfur] was invested, then the likelihood of summoning abyssal demons naturally became higher.

Choosing to summon banshees was a reluctant choice for Jane to stabilize his footing. Goblins, the default monsters of the dungeon system, were only good for digging and mining, with practically no combat ability. Therefore, banshees, as a type of undead with lethal power, became Jane's inevitable choice. But now... after robbing five caravans, Jane was well-fed and clothed, entering a well-off society, so naturally, his demands were much higher.

[Dungeon Resource Amount: Ore (5600), Mercury (3800), Gems (2000), Crystals (6000)]

[Special Resources: Sulfur (300), Wood (5)]

"Should I go for a big... no, a grand summoning?"

Squinting at the amount of resources displayed in front of him, Jane pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, murmuring to himself.

This is a common problem among players; once they have enough resources, they can't wait to prove their lineage, even Jane, who had modified the rare summoning rate to one hundred percent, was no exception... Even though they're all rare, there's a difference between non-magic and magic creatures!

"Forget it, let's stick to the normal route."

In the end, Jane managed to restrain himself—although it wouldn't have mattered if he couldn't, because only when the dungeon was upgraded to level three and the summoning crystal to the Dark Temple could he perform a grand summoning. Now, even if Jane wanted to perform a grand summoning, it was impossible!

Thinking this, Jane shook his head, then raised his hand. Soon, with his movement, the light from the summoning crystal became bright and dazzling again. Then, the system interface quickly appeared in front of Jane.

[Summoning Crystal Activated, Please Input Summoning Materials]

Hmm... having already got the supportive banshees, the next should be a "direct confrontation" creature, so ore should be the primary input.

[Input Ore (500)]

As for magic... creatures in the dark realm generally have high magic resistance, so low-level magic is basically ineffective. Let's just be casual about this.

[Input Mercury (100)]

As for physique, the higher, the better. Regardless of what kind of summoning beast it is, the more mutated it is, the stronger it is, which is also recognized by players.

[Input Gems (350)]

The appetite can't be too low or too high. If the appetite is too low, no good physique will come out, and if it's too high, I can't afford to feed it.

[Input Crystals (150)]

As for [Sulfur] and [Wood]... wait until the grand summoning to use them.

[Summoning Resource Input Confirmed, Proceed with Summoning?]


Looking at the system prompt in front of him, Jane nodded vigorously.


With the input of resources, the glow of the summoning crystal began to brighten again. The air started to vibrate, and the spatial fluctuations gradually unfolded. Soon, between the three crystal prisms, a spatial rift opened again, and Jane stared at the emerging space, waiting for the new summoned creature to appear. At that moment, a deep voice emerged from it.


Oh my!

Hearing this familiar voice, the corner of Jane's eye twitched... Could it be...!

"Thud... Thud..."

But before Jane could think further, accompanied by heavy footsteps, a dark, huge figure stepped out from the spatial rift.

Their height ranged from two to three meters, completely black, and their appearance was somewhat similar to humans, except their forelimbs were very strong and powerful, and their bones were much longer than humans'.

The exoskeleton covering their bodies, resembling armor, covered strong and developed muscles, with tube-like structures resembling blood vessels wrapped around them. Their long tails, with sharp barbs, moved silently like soft whips in the air, similar to fish tails swimming in the sea.

But what was most eye-catching were the creatures' heads. They had no eyes, and their large, elongated heads extended to the back of their spines, looking more like the canopy of a fighter jet. When they opened their mouths, thick saliva could be seen dripping down the edges of their teeth, making a drip-drip sound.

"This is..."

Seeing this creature, even Enoa, standing by the side, was surprised and widened her eyes. She could feel the intense killing intent emanating from these dark creatures; they were simply the most terrifying killing machines. Even in the demon world, Enoa had never seen such a horrifying demon.

However, unlike the surprised Enoa, Jane, who was now looking at the monster's data, had a very interesting expression.

[Alien (Silver Elite SR-1)]

[Number: Three]

[Level: 1]

[Attack: ★★]

[Defense: ★☆]

[Special Ability: Alien Parasitism (Give them a few days, and they can destroy an entire planet—production ability +30)]

[Special Ability: Autonomous Evolution (Blood is the currency of the soul, the body is the container of residence—autonomous evolution)]

Aliens! It's actually aliens?!

Although Jane knew he could summon rare creatures with a one hundred percent chance, summoning aliens was beyond his expectations. He wasn't surprised that this creature appeared in the dungeon system, as the dungeon game itself had collaborated with many manufacturers, and during the anniversary of this great work, the dungeon indeed had launched a limited-time summoning of gold and silver aliens as a way to attract players to spend money.

But Jane didn't expect to actually summon this thing!

To be fair, aliens were indeed very suitable for the dungeon. Those who have seen the movies know that aliens excel at attacking prey in dark, narrow passages. And in the dark realm, such places are everywhere, which is perfect for aliens. Even with only three aliens, they could be equivalent to a well-equipped army!

Unfortunately, there's a fatal flaw to this summon—its nickname, "Population Killer".

The population quota of the dungeon is limited. For example, now that Jane's dungeon has been upgraded to level two, each type of creature can only summon up to twenty, and exceeding that could lead to a dungeon collapse crisis. This was why Jane had decided not to summon banshees anymore and instead summon other creatures.

The number of summoned creatures is generally fixed. For example, a banshee squad is ten people, so they would occupy 10/20 of the undead population space. Although the banshee squad can convert undead creatures, they wouldn't do so without Jane's order.

But aliens are different. As everyone knows, aside from killing, aliens' favorite activity is face-hugging, and their breeding number increases exponentially. Put an alien on a spaceship, and in a few days, it can turn into a group...

Jane had seen similar incidents on the forum. During the event period, a player who was lucky enough to summon a golden alien even boasted about it on the forum. However, two days later, he came back to complain with a long face. It turned out that although the alien was powerful in killing, its ability to reproduce was also top-notch. In just a few days, it had produced a bunch of little aliens, completely occupying the 30 abnormal creature population slots. The player was so frustrated that he couldn't summon any other abnormal creatures and nearly died of anger.

Luckily, the official eventually fixed this bug by setting a limit on the growth of alien numbers when an alien evolves into an alien queen. This way, players only need to select an alien to evolve into a queen, and then they wouldn't have to worry about their population slots being completely occupied.

For this reason, players gave aliens the nickname "Population Killer". Don't look at just three aliens standing in front of Jane now; maybe after one sleep, there will be twenty little aliens running around!

"Are they really that powerful?"

After listening to Jane's explanation, Enoa frowned and carefully observed the aliens in front of her. At the moment, they were sitting on the ground like obedient dogs, looking up at the two people. Obviously, the "little blacks" were very docile towards their summoner.

"Of course."

Facing Enoa's question, Jane nodded, his lips curling into a smile.

"But as they say, seeing is believing, let's show you just how powerful they are..."