
Master of Amber

People are unrighteous, yet they claim to be heroes and saviors of the world when it benefits them, only a selected few claim and uphold the path of a demon, true to their desire, but none could survive it. The path to Immortality is a cruel path to tread, not knowing whether it's attainable or not. In a world where Martial Arts reign supreme and one's soul and body are everything. Follow Yone's path as he walks the path of Immortality yet again. Only, this time it is slightly different. Armend! With the Armend Extraction System in his possession, he forges a path for himself almost identical to his prior life, slaughtering all enemies who stand between him and his goal.

Choka · Fantasy
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24 Chs

First Kill Chest Rewards!

At the same time, a bunch of system prompts sounded in his mind.

[Ding! You have killed your first target and extracted an amber from him...]

[Ding! you have triggered extra Rewards by killing someone in the foundation establishment realm 3rd layer as a mortal! Reward calculations are in progress…]

[Ding! Congratulations, Host! You have received a Martial Arts Reward Chest for completing your first mission!]

[Ding! As this was your first kill and amber extraction, you have also received the First Kill Reward Chest!]

 Yone's interest soared as he heard all the Prompts. In addition to the Martial Arts Reward Chest, he also got a First Kill Reward Chest.

He could tell from the systems phrasing that he isn't supposed to acquire two rewards on normal days, he estimated that it should only be one which is related to the amber he extracted.

"Open the first kill reward chest!"

Yone commanded.

He wanted to see what he could receive from this system. After all, this was nothing different than killing people to loot their belongings in his past life. He couldn't wait to open the mysterious treasure chest and see if its worth it or not.

With a flash of red light, a red chest appeared in front of his eyes and then exploded with a bang!

[Ding! Congratulations Host for having great fortune! You have received: Body Alteration Cultivation Technique, Shadow Escape movement technique!]

The system's cold mechanical voice sounded in his ears.

"Body Alteration Cultivation Technique?"

A strange expression appeared on Yone's face as he read through the Body Alteration Cultivation Technique description. The cultivation technique could be used to alter his own body and change it as he pleases, depending on the mastery of the technique and someone's cultivation, but if it succeded and met the requirements, it could even replace one's limbs with ferocious beasts, etc...

If it failed, then, well, he gained nothing and lost one minor cultivation realm.

It was a high-risk high-reward kind of technique, which also resembled the body modification technique he was taught by that assassin organization back in his days.

If he could point out a difference between the two, then it would be the quality of the techniques. The technique Yone mastered couldn't compare to the system's, but it still had some similarities, which eased his heart a bit since learning it would be faster.

'As for this Shadow Escape Movement Technique... As its name implied, it was a movement technique that enabled its user to become one with the shadows, becoming twice as fast and harder to detect.'

Yone obviously guessed that it had way more uses than this and could be upgraded, similar to the prior cultivation technique, it's just that it wasn't mentioned.

Maybe the system doesn't want him to become lazy and be given everything on a silver plate, at least that's what he guessed.

Yone however didn't dwell much on those details and chose to dig deep into them later.

He chose to keep everything for later when he ensured his safety, the Martial Arts Reward Chest and amber will open later.

He couldn't risk staying here any longer!

What if someone was tailing after this guard to ensure the safety of the mission?

Yone was a cautious person and wouldn't give any chances to that possibility.

Risking his life after just saving it is a no-no situation for him, no matter how heavenly the rewards are, he shouldn't be greedy.

As the saying goes: Patience is Life!

Yone looked around,' There are no pine trees and only leaf trees. Seems like the environment of the world isn't that different from mine. Now that I think about it, the sun is high in the sky, but it's a bit chilly. I can still deal with this temperature, but it will probably drop significantly in the evening and night.'

He was curious why the temperature was chilly even though it was summer and also a sunny day, alas, a lot of matters should be kept for another time.

Yone stopped thinking as his head was suddenly droning. It felt like he had gotten a migraine.

He didn't want to bother with all of this.

Without much thought, he swiftly used his own body technique and made a grave for the man under a tree a few meters away from his current position.

'This will at least make them search for a while,' he thought.

After that, Yone went to the tree and slung his arms and legs around it.

'Sure enough, I can easily support my own weight. This body is quite powerful and still pretty light. I don't want to admit it, but this body is probably even better suited for survival and combat than my old one.'

Obviously, that was only as a mortal. If he compared this body of his to his old when he used to be an amber master, that would be like comparing an ant with a supreme being, simply on a different scale.

Alas, since his past life's family weren't known experts, his body and talent turned out to be rather weak.

This body however was really on a different level than it, Yone couldn't help but feel good about it.

The first couple of meters were a bit difficult, but when Yone reached the height of the branches, it became far easier. The needles of the leaf tree were a bit annoying, but they didn't injure him.

Around three minutes later, Yone was relatively high up and could see around him.

'Fuck!' Yone thought with gritted teeth. 'Forest everywhere!'

Yone was on top of a sea of green.

'Well, at least I can somewhat make out the terrain.'

Yone noticed several mountains on the horizon, probably 20 kilometers away or so. According to his estimations, the mountains were probably about a kilometer tall on average.

Yone turned his head and noticed that the mountains were encircling him from every direction, but he could faintly spot a narrow road leading out of this encirclement.

'Is this a basin?' Yone thought this location piqued his interest even further. 'I can't see anything higher behind the mountains, which probably means I'm not below sea level. I'm probably just surrounded by mountains. Quite an interesting starting location for someone who had just reincarnated a few years ago.'

Yone got an idea, and a skeptical expression appeared on his face.

'Is this supposed to be some kind of secret location for the Black Rose organization?' Yone thought.

A chill ran down his spine when that idea crossed his mind, thought began colliding in his brain thinking about this dire situation he was facing.