
Chapter 247: The kitten's revenge (Edited)

In addition to getting hungry very quickly, the effect of the Multijuice Potion also quickly lost its effect after Fish's stomach growled.

Fish, who had just taken out snacks to replenish his energy, watched in amazement as the hair on his hands quickly faded and returned to its soft white state in a jiffy, and his little face quickly collapsed.

He didn't want to drink the unpleasant and unpleasant Multijuice Potion again, not only was he starving fast, but the momentum of his transformation was also getting weaker and weaker, and no matter how much Fish jumped, he saw no increase in his "Blackfeet Cat Power"....

Otherwise, he wouldn't have thought of getting into trouble with the Acromantulas.


Seeing Fish in a bad mood, Fawkes climbed down from the tree and stroked his face with his beak to comfort him.

The magical creatures that had been watching Fish's antics nearby also came out of their hiding places and flocked to Fish's side.

"I'm fine nya."


Fish's bad mood came and went quickly as he stroked Fawkes' head and replied, "Fish was able to turn into a big cat without the Multijuice Potion before, so if I try a few more times, I'll be able to turn into a small cat too nya!"

The kitten's confidence was high, unlike before when he had no idea, now he had awakened his "Black-legged Cat Power" and just had to find a way to keep it growing.

Anyway, he had fought Professor McGonagall a short time ago, so there was no rush....

He definitely wasn't going to drink the Multijuice Potion again, it was very unhelpful, didn't last long and the experience was so bad that it didn't seem like a good deal to Fish.

After saying goodbye to his friends in the Forbidden Forest, Fish took Fawkes back to the castle.

By then, news of his attempts to become a new cat had spread throughout the school from Ron and Harry.

They were less interested in Fish's whimsy and more interested in Hermione Granger, who had also become a cat-person.

Because of Fish, Hermione didn't stay long in the infirmary and appeared in front of everyone with a shaggy head.

As expected, instead of laughing at her, the others chased after her and asked her how she had managed it.

Hermione, who had already met with Professor McGonagall and had not been deducted points, told them about the Multijuice Potion, saying that she had given the rest of the potion to Fish and had no ingredients or time to make another one.

While the others were still hesitating, the twins turned directly to Fish.

"Fish, can we have a cup of that interesting Multijuice Potion?"

Fred asked with a twinkle in his eye as he tugged on Fish's arm.

"We want to look like cats like you and Hermione!"

An equally bright George tugged on Fish's other arm.

"You can take it..." Fish shrugged indifferently, since he wasn't going to drink any more anyway, and then gently cautioned, "But it's so uncomfortable afterwards, it's like your whole body burns!"

"It doesn't matter!" George said with a pat on the back, "It's so much fun, it doesn't matter if it's a little painful!".

"It's okay nya." said Fish, before pulling two little glass bottles of black liquid out of his pocket and handing them to the twins.

"If I were you, I'd return the Multijuice Potion."

Just as the twins were taking the two glass bottles, Professor McGonagall's voice suddenly came from behind them.

"Minerva~" ●ω●

Patting Fish's little head, Professor McGonagall looked at George and Fred.

"You don't want to be Animagus anymore? If you use this wrong method of animal shapeshifting, you won't be able to transform into Animagus for a long time, even if your appearance returns to the same, and it will take at least a year of adaptation before you can try again."

The reasons were complex and Professor McGonagall didn't bother to explain them, but merely reminded the two of them.

George and Fred looked at each other and regretfully handed the bottle back to Fish.

Transforming into Animagus, which took so long to prepare for, was more important than becoming a cat person.

After warning the twins, Professor McGonagall pinched Fish's cheek in disgust.

"Really, you're going to make a mess if I don't pay attention to you, you rascal."

"It's not like Fish would have made the Multijuice Potion!"


Fish retorted defiantly, "I only helped Hermione find a convenient place to make the Multijuice Potion, and she paid me for it!"

Professor McGonagall, who had already visited Hermione, knew this, otherwise she would not have been so kind. "Anyway," she grabbed Fish's magic bag and searched through it for all the glass vials containing the Multijuice Potion, "I confiscate them all."

"How can you do that nya?"


Fish wasn't going to drink anymore, but they couldn't take his stuff, not even Minerva!

"Give it back to Fish nya, you scoundrel Minerva!"


The little cat raised his hands high, jumping in front of Professor McGonagall, trying to snatch the glass bottles in her hands.

"No! If you want more, you can ask me, but the potion can't be left by your side, it's too dangerous!"

Professor McGonagall was as worried as Dumbledore, if Fish had put in some magical creature material and then some kind of unknown change occurred, it would be bad.

Not to mention the possibility of giving the Multijuice Potion to another student, as had just happened, and if Professor McGonagall hadn't stopped him in time, goodness knows what the Weasley twins, and the restless Gryffindors would have done with him.

The danger had to be nipped in the bud.

With her mind made up, Professor McGonagall pushed aside all the glass bottles in her hands.

"Fish isn't convinced nya!"


Of course, the kitten wasn't convinced, he hadn't caused the trouble, he hadn't done anything wrong, so why should they confiscate his things?

"Give it back to me! Give it back nya! Minerva, you great villain!"

Fish tugged at Professor McGonagall's robe and refused to let go....

And then Professor McGonagall pinched both cheeks and half-twisted them.

"Nya woo woo woo woo, Minerva, I was wrong nya!"


The little cat that was mercilessly restrained rushed to beg for mercy.

Professor McGonagall released his cheeks, then patted Fish's head again and reassured his, "The Multijuice Potion is still too dangerous for you, so I'll have to keep it, anyway you can come and get it whenever you need it, it's the same thing."



Fish covered his red cheeks and pouted, turning his head away from Professor McGonagall.

Although he had no intention of using the Multijuice Potion or retrieving it, Professor McGonagall's irrational behavior made him so angry that he decided to ignore Professor McGonagall until tomorrow.

Professor McGonagall knew Fish was throwing a tantrum, so she smiled helplessly, shot a warning glance at the twins, and left.

Even with the vacations, she had work to do as vice-principal and didn't have much time to waste here.

"Ugh... what a shame..."

Fred looked at Professor McGonagall who was leaving and muttered, "I was thinking that if we couldn't drink it, we could sneak Percy a bottle of Multijuice Potion mixed with some animal Hair, which would have been fun."

"Not just like you," George said, shaking his head in disbelief, "I think old hen feathers would suit Percy better, he's usually as grumpy as an old hen."

After the two finished talking, they laughed viciously and high-fived each other.

As for Fish, who was listening to their conversation, his eyes lit up....

The hairy body and so on was not a punishment for Fish, but the burning sensation after drinking the Multijuice Potion was not pleasant, like accidentally eating a super spicy chili....

Fish was reminded of the time he secretly put chili sauce on Professor McGonagall's slices of bread.

And compared to chilies, the Multijuice Potion lasts less than ten seconds, it doesn't last as long as chilies, the Multijuice Potion itself isn't harmful, and it produces a nice coating of hair.


I must find a way for Minerva to drink the Multijuice Potion too!


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