
You're Rich

Tang Hebe fell back on the couch and was left staring at the white walls of the ward with her mind blank. Seeing her condition, Raelle said goodbye and left her hospital ward.

She had just stepped out of her ward when she ran into little Justin who came to see his mother with the nanny. As he noticed Raelle coming out of his mother's ward, he ran up to her with his short legs and looked up at her with his clear eyes.

"Hi, little one!" Raelle waved at him from above.

He also lifted his hand to wave back as he replied, "Hi, the big one!"

The nanny found their greeting very weird but she didn't say anything. After all, she knew how difficult it was for little Justin to be so actively wanting to interact with anyone. As for how they interacted, it didn't really matter to her.

"Are you here to see your mom?" asked Raelle and little Justin nodded his head. "But your mom needs some time alone to herself right now."

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