
Master's Untamed Wife

Love is like a battle... A bloodless battle. And every battle has casualties. But this battle leaves even more torturous wounds. Because the wounds of love are left on one's soul. He might be covered in scars that this battle of feeling left behind, she was the cure he never even knew he was looking for. He hid his emotions in the maze of his heart, but what to do, the wife he brought home, fancies puzzles. ~~~~ Raelle Xiang likes to have everything under her control. Being a CEO, she has always been very calculative. All her life revolved around profits. She'd avoid anything and everything that she couldn't control or calculate; for instance, feelings! Something intangible like feelings were too bothersome for her. Shui Xian has turned cold and aloof after the divorce that left him devastated. With enormous wealth, exceptional family back, he was still considered the ideal man but even after years, he was still single. He chose to bury himself in work to forget the heartbreak and bitterness that someone left behind. But what happens when this cold President gets into an arranged marriage with the feisty CEO? One is broken by love and yet cherishes the pain it brought. The other has always considered love to be a manipulative emotion. One has a cold personality, the other is simply cold. One is all about facts and logic, the other still believe in emotions. With their similar personalities yet contradicting beliefs, what chaos this marriage is gone bring? Will love manage to ignite? **** ~~~~ Contact: Join Discord: https://discord.gg/gwfrsYyc Instagram: amaya_meehee ~~~~ Other Books: "Mr. CEO Loves The Devilish Beauty" "The Inconceivable Flame: A Fallen Angel's Disguise" "Imperfect Desires" "The Moon Mistress"

XiaoMeeHee · Urban
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1387 Chs

Not An Impulse

"Wife, you do know what comes after this right?" he asked after a moment of extended silence which he spent trying to make sure he understood her meaning right and wasn't reading too much into it.

Raelle nodded, "To complete a marriage, you have to consummate it." When she put it like this, Shui Xian was yet again left with nothing to say. He was definitely right about her meaning.

"Wife, did you read the wrong book today?" he couldn't help asking curiously. "The way your eyes shimmers with innocence is making it difficult for me to really believe that you're telling me to continue."

Raelle gave him a look, "Hubby, I might come off as innocent but I'm not foolish." She took a pause to add, "The innocence you see is the reflection of my inexperience. Can you see that innocence in my eyes right now?"

Shui Xian had been looking into her eyes. He hadn't looked away for a while now and he could say it with certainty, "No."

"What do you see?" she inquired.

"Curiosity," he replied.

Raelle gave him a lopsided grin as she stood up, "That's because I am genuinely curious to know what happens next." Shui Xian's lips parted as he was about to say something but she continued, "And don't even think for a second that I don't know how this goes. I'm a science student, you can't possibly expect me to be that clueless regarding this. I'm just curious to experience it for myself." Shui Xian was left staring at her with his slightly parted lips. "You told me yourself that I can't find everything in books. Then show me what I can't find in those books."

Shui Xian would have never thought that his own words would come back to bite him and that too at this moment and in this way. This was so unexpected for him! For a moment, he even thought he might still be asleep and this was all just a dream. But of course, another part of him wanted it to be as real as it felt right now.

His hands snaked around her waist and pulled her closer. The front of their bodies touched with just the layer of fabric between them. Perhaps it was because of the fireplace but Shui Xian felt like the atmosphere around him was scorching hot right now.

"Or maybe you're just talking on impulse," his voice came out breathy.

"I. Don't. Do. Anything. On. Impulse." She enunciated each word to get her message across. Did she look that impulsive to people?

He closed his eyes briefly before he claimed her lips. His hand tugged in her hair gently. It was a slow-burning kiss; long, slow, softly tongue teasing kind of kiss that leaves one breathless. Then it turned into a passionate kiss as their tongues danced together on the rhythm of desire.

Raelle had been just following him all this while and didn't know how a soft groan escaped from her throat at the sudden uncontrollable sensation she felt in the pit of her stomach. She couldn't describe this sensation just like she has yet to learn to describe any of the sensations she felt. However, she knew this sudden burst of sensation was strong and compelling.

Shui Xian's hands rubbed the space under her breasts over the fabric of her shirt. Finding it a bother, his hands slid inside her shirt and he was left frozen for a moment.

Raelle blinked at him as she asked, "What's wrong?"

Shui Xian bit his bottom lip before saying, "You aren't wearing anything underneath this shirt."

Raelle nodded her head frankly, "I told you, I don't do things on impulse. I have it all planned out."

"Fuck!" he cursed his breath before he lifted his own shirt off and tossed it on the floor.

Then he lifted her shirt off of her and threw it somewhere as well. He didn't even feel surprised at the fact that she didn't even blush or felt embarrassed. For someone as inexperienced as she was, she seemed pretty confident right now. And bold as well from the way she was looking at his bare chest.

However, his attention was solely on her face. His eyes didn't even move towards her bare chest. He found her steady expressions even more fascinating.

Her eyes seemed to be sparkling with interest as her hand lifted to touch him but before she could do it, he held her back in his arms and reclaimed her lips. Raelle could feel the warmth of his body in this position; skin to skin. Her breasts were crushed against his hard chest but even that didn't faze her resolve. In fact, it made her crave for something more.

His lips played their way down her neck. It was different from the way he kissed her neck last time. At that time, he was teasing her with a soft kiss. This time, even Raelle could tell he was being serious as he bit on her neck, sucked deeply and even his tongue darted out to play.

All this while Raelle's expressions didn't change but her mind was solely focused on trying to understand these strange sensations she felt. But even with all her attention, she couldn't possibly word any of it. An involuntary soft moan did escape from her mouth when he sucked on her ear and bit it gently.

With her stuck in his arms, he laid her down on the thick, fluffy rug before the fireplace. He continued to suck on her ear and Raelle ended up leaning into the feeling that evoked.

He pulled away and looked at her face before smiling at her softly, "I'm gonna ask again, are you sure about this?"

Raelle tried to decipher the look in his eyes but wasn't able to do so yet again. "I'm always sure," she replied.

Shui Xian nodded his head and made his way to her breasts all the while holding her gaze as if telling her to continue looking at him carefully. And that's exactly what she did.

I have something to clear...

Don't forget that Raelle is only inexperienced! That doesn't mean she doesn't know anything. She only comes off as innocent because of her way of interpreting what she learned.

Also, everyone's love starts at a different stage. Not everyone's relationship has the same starting point; love. In their case, they are both distant from love. But they are both open to intimacy.

Let's not forget, intimacy is also a form of a bond. The love it can create can burn your soul.

I'll end my rant now.

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